
Sjukhuskatten Oscar : en vanlig katt med en ovanlig gåva by David Dosa

willwrite4chocolate's review against another edition

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A sweet little story about an amazing cat with a gift for knowing when nursing home patients are going to die and the skeptical alzheimer's doctor who learned of Oscar's gifts. I listened to the book on CD so I fear that the reading tainted my rating. I found the reading stilted and mildly melodramatic. But I still loved the story and found it moving. At times it brought me to tears. I'd say it's a must read. Really. Whether you have a loved one with dementia or not, it is possible that all of us will one day be touched by dementia's ugly tentacles. While Dr. Dosa might have stressed the points he was trying to make a little hard and a little too often, they are well-taken. And I simply loved the idea that there are nursing homes where not just one, but many cats, several birds and a rabbit co-habitate with the elderly and infirm. When we were searching for a rehabilitaiton facility for my mother in central Ohio, I found Crowne Pointe on Bethel road that has two cats and a menagerie of birds. When she heard this, it reduced her fears. Ultimately she did not wind up there, but it was so comforting to think there would be pets she could have talked to. Who doesn't love a cat? Okay. Scratch that question. But I do.

masha_and_the_cat's review against another edition

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emotional informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


kari_reads's review against another edition

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This nonfiction account of Oscar's life in the nursing home is told in very open, honest terms by Dr. Dosa. He is honest with his skepticism, his retelling of the lives Oscar has touched, and his ultimate acceptance of Oscar's powers of comfort. I especially enjoyed Dr. Dosa's tactful handling of the struggle for family members of Alzheimer's patients. I also appreciated the reactions of the staff and the open way he portrayed the emotions related to the disease on all ends.

Well-written, witty, and a quality read.

marinazala's review against another edition

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*books 94 - 2014 *

saya akan memberikan kisah kucing oscar ini dengan rating 2,9 dari 5 bintang!
tadinya saya berekspektasi lebih pada ceritanya ttg seekor kucing yang nengetahui detik2 menjelang meninggal pasien demensia..

ceritanta lumayan, standar sih klo dibilang. saya lebih tergugah dengan kisah kucing cleo daripada ini.. lumayanlah dibaca untuk waktu senggang..