kjcharles's review

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An anthology of spec fic by and about people of colour--the subtitle focuses on Afrofuturism but there's a lot more in here as well.

There are some really excellent stories in here. The Tade Thompson (god, he's good), Daniel Jose Older, Minister Faust, Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Victor LaValle were the standouts for me, but there's plenty of variety in here to suit most tastes in sf/f, from ancient mythology to hard sf and spaceships. A good place to start if you're looking to expand your SFF reading beyond the unbearable whiteness of being.

That said, the SP Somtow story about a Native American in Japan is shocking. The depiction of Japan is a mass of stereotypes and prejudices and if this was meant to be the opinions of the characters, unreliable narrator blah, it really didn't come across that way to me. A massive fail which also literally fridges women. I also skipped the Junot Diaz because I don't need to read abusive men, although this book was published in 2013 so you can't blame the eds for that one. But those two aside, there's much good in here, and plenty of authors to follow up.