
Love letters to the dead by Ava Dellaira

rebeccavw's review against another edition

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this book took me forever to read but I needed to finish it to give it the rating tbh

postitsandpens's review against another edition

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Okay, this one definitely tugged at the heart. Need a bit of time to process, but overall I liked pretty much every single thing about this book.

Full review to come soon.

enygirl's review against another edition

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I wasn't expecting much given the few reviews I read before I started on this book. However, I found it moving. Maybe because I have teen-age children, I could understand how writing letters to the dead would be easier than talking to a person. Also - the guilt a young teen takes on for everything is so real in thier heads.

Seeing Laural's growth throughout the book while still managing normal teenage things was so good.

angparc's review against another edition

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Love Letters to the Death de Ava Dellaira.

Sólo les tengo que decir una cosa, si les gustó The Perks of Being a Wallflower suelten lo que sea que estén leyendo y lean este libro, ya.

rovie_reads's review against another edition

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After seeing this book on Emma Watson's top favorite books, I immediately rushed into the nearest bookstore and grabbed a copy of this one.

Now I understand why Emma could just simply say "Ava, I loved your book" because after reading it, I honestly don't know how to start writing a review about it. It's beautiful despite the heart-wrenching truth behind all of it. How Laurel carried the burden and heart aches from the past and how she was able to translate it through writing is another testimonial for me that people can carry hard battles within themselves and still manage to survive from it.

Inner struggles can happen every single day, and I salute all those brave souls who always choose to empower it than let it eat them alive. The plot twists were tear-inducing and I. Just.Can't.Help.It.

Seriously, I think I made myself a masochist after wanting to read it over again. Just go ahead and read it.

STRAIGHT FIVE FREAKIN STARS AVA. And just like what Emma said, "I loved your book, too."

ashleyelmreads's review against another edition

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This book took me 2 weeks to finish which tells you how much I wanted to read this book. (In case it doesn’t, this book didn’t motivate me to read in my free time at all. I was tempted to pick up another book but I knew if I did that, I’d abandon this one.) I often found myself bored while reading this book. There were some interesting parts. A couple devastatingly difficult to read parts. A quote I liked: “Maybe when we can tell the stories, however bad they are, we don’t belong to them anymore. They become ours. And maybe what growing up really means is knowing that you don’t have to just be a character, going whichever way the story says. It’s knowing that you could be the author instead.” It’s not as good a book as I hoped it would be and I’m disappointed by that because it’s been on my ‘to-read’ list for years.

kkdemarco's review against another edition

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I was having trouble rating this book because I did like it - enough to practically read it in one sitting! It was incredibly sad, but there were also moments of beauty and some thought-provoking scenes. On the other hand, there were A LOT of issues being dealt with here. I won't spoil anything, but I think the book could have been more powerful, had Ava Dellaira focused on one problem and more on Laurel (the main character) overcoming/getting help for it. There were also some moments where the writing felt very "high school-y" - I don't know how to describe it, but I was not particularly fond of those parts. Overall, an okay read. I'd say pick it up if it intrigues you. I need to talk about this with someone!

polydellamore's review against another edition

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Me tarde un montón en leer este libro, pero es porque no lo andaba trayendo a todos lados, ya que me fui de vacaciones y me llevé libros digitales, por lo que dejé esta lectura en stand-by y la terminé finalmente hace unos días. Disfrute cada carta y cada página comprendiendo tanto la forma de ser y de sentir de Laurel.

Reseña Completa:

milawila's review against another edition

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3.5 stars, actually.

this book reads a lot like the perks of being a wallflower and i love the diary-writing style, the way laurel narrates the story and her connections between her childhood and the people she's writing to, even when it comes to blaming her own grief on one of them.

the ending... god. did not expect that. at all. i've been through similar situations and to read my life put in a book was an insane experience

one of the problems i have with this book is how fast paced laurel and sky's relationship felt. he was introduced, she immediately fell in love, so did he, they got together, there was drama, it all felt very rushed and cliché.

besides that, and laurel's grief sometimes being forgotten to make space for the romance, i really liked this book. it's a once in a lifetime experience, definitely.

lilawood's review against another edition

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I expected Love Letters to the Dead to be a good book, but I didn't expect it to be such a GREAT book! Raw, real and lovable in every single sense. It is about the relationship between two troubled sisters: May and Laurel. May passes away too young and Laurel starts writing letters to dead people because of a school assignment. In this letters, she thinks and remembers what happened and tries to understand why May left and why she is the way she is.

One thing that I fell in love with was that the letters were tightly connected to the dead people that they are referred to. Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Judy Garland and Jim Morrison are a few of the selected. I specially loved the letters written to Judy Garland, another broken soul that grew up and suffered in front of the world.

I wish more people read this book!