
Die Welt von Gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäers by Stefan Zweig

neiljung78's review against another edition

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Inevitably a poignant and sad depiction of changing world. This is possibly a men’s thing to say, given the circumstances it was written but it made me like Zweig a little less. There’s a sort of fussy self-serving quality (especially around his conduct in the First World War) and you’re not sure how honest he is about himself or his flaws. (Maybe not what the book is about but the impression was still there for me).

wilkerwyrm's review against another edition

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It’s not really fair to rate this book because the truth is I don’t remember much of it when I started it a year ago. What I do remember was it took me a very long time to finish the last few chapters because it was not really interesting. I also remember several chapters feeling like a name drop opportunity and I would suggest this to people who are trying to find the who’s who of European literature in the 1930s but would find little else of use in it.

reihad's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


angela_fi13's review against another edition

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Un libro que sinceramente debo releer en otro momento de mi vida. Descubrí hace muy poco a Zweig y el estilo de escritura de este hombre era impecable. En este caso es un libro autobiográfico ubicado entre la primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial. Lo que más disfruté fue el contexto de este periodo desde la perspectiva de un intelectual y de los artistas de la época, aquellos brillantes que conocemos y los que no quedaron registrados en la historia.

Siento que no lo pude disfrutar como debí por el momento en el que lo leí. Sin embargo, lo pondré en mi lista y espero encontrar el tiempo preciso para leerlo pronto.

patricio_tamayo's review against another edition

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Biografía de Stefan Zweig. Si bien es interesante porque describe el período previo a la primera guerra mundial, la guerra y el ambiente previo la segunda, la lectura es un poco difícil de mantener porque personalmente no me agradan tanto las biografías... pero interesante. No demasiado pero interesante.

martmann47's review against another edition

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emotional reflective sad slow-paced


sagan_92's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional inspiring mysterious slow-paced


alvatroc9's review against another edition

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dark informative reflective sad medium-paced


Zweig's autobiography. Description of the first half of the XX century from his eyes. Very enlightening.

cserras's review against another edition

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holly_golightly's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective sad slow-paced
