
Die Welt von Gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäers by Stefan Zweig

pomme_verte's review against another edition

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dark informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


felixb's review against another edition

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dark emotional informative inspiring reflective relaxing slow-paced


olya_hakob's review against another edition

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Given the current upheaval in global politics, one often wonders whether more significant events might be looming on the horizon, another world war, perhaps. Then comes the inevitable question: did people in the past see big global events coming? How did the day-to-day life look like? Stefan Zweig's account is an interesting resource in this regard, as he describes his experiences pre- and post-WW1. We get to experience the vivid cultural atmosphere of Belle Époque Vienna, the feeling of European-ness, just before everything turns into shambles in WW1 and then WW2. While this account is understandably subjective, its value can be seen by the fact that many documentaries use quotes from Zweig's work when trying to depict the era.

Although this was an interesting read, I found it repetitive at times. In addition, while sympathizing with the anti-war views of the author, I think the complexity of war isn't very evident in the book. Zweig led a privileged life in Vienna before the outbreak of the war and was largely an apolitical figure, so it seems that he was rather detached from the realities in the empire and its socioethnic problems.

djengislan's review against another edition

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dark hopeful informative reflective medium-paced


wooorm's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional informative inspiring reflective relaxing sad tense medium-paced


carmen_fdez99's review against another edition

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emotional informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Much more interesting, need to reread, in another time...  

swmortecai's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional informative sad medium-paced


junyan's review against another edition

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Generally boring, occasionally quotable. I can see that Zweig is a proud and egotistical person who believed that he’s the special one while others are basic idiots. His so-called life crisis looks champagne problems to me.

從前看茨威格的虛構作品就不喜歡,字裏行間透露著自戀和自憐自艾。現在看了他的自傳更加深了這個看法,自以為世人皆醉我獨醒,實際像個傲慢幼稚脫離現實的emo kid。書結尾的采訪更逗了,誇贊茨威格作品的比魏寧格更具女性主義色彩,臭屎裏挑香屎嗎?笑得。

camikiki's review against another edition

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adventurous hopeful informative fast-paced


teacim's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging emotional funny informative inspiring sad medium-paced
