
We Never Learn, Vol. 6 by Taishi Tsutsui

rereader33's review

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*long, frustrated sigh* I didn't want to give this volume one star. I was seriously considering giving it two because I just really enjoy this series, but the more I thought about it the more I knew that a two star rating wasn't fair. This volume is easily the worst in the series so far and it is making me question whether I want to continue with it or not. I'll discuss my thoughts on that later, for now let's dive into what is going to be a long, ranty review. *sigh* Let's get this over with.

There are two main issues that I had with this volume: It wasn't funny and there was way too much fan service. Because I have more to talk about with the latter, let's talk about the ABSOLUTELY INSANE AND UNNECESSARY AMOUNT OF FAN SERVICE IN THIS VOLUME.

Guys, I knew this was going to be a fan service-y manga from the get-go. Once the introduced the harem element, I knew fan service was going to tag along whether I wanted it to or not. I have nothing against fan service. I have nothing against harems. I have EVERYTHING AGAINST fan service harems that waste my time and are a nuisance more than a bonus. I'll get the easy point out of the way-the fan service was overdone (There were only two chapters out of NINE that had none in it) and it wasn't appealing. If it's not appealing and it's way overdone, it's not going to hold my interest. And when ALMOST EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHAPTER has fan service in it, it gets old REALLY FUCKING FAST. With that basic overview out of the way, shall we discuss details? Of course we should!

Kirisu sensei. WHY. THE FUCK. WAS SHE IN THIS VOLUME SO DAMN MUCH?! It's summer break and they're at cram school, how the FUCK does she keep popping up?! And this is the THIRD VOLUME that had her prominently shown when they're on summer break! The main reason why I bring her up, though, is that JUST LIKE those previous two volumes, Kirisu sensei ends up in awkward, perverted situations with Yuiga AND IT NEEDS TO FUCKING STOP. For fuck's sake, she is his TEACHER! Why is Tsutsui so fucking hell-bent on making her a part of the harem?! SHE. IS. HIS. FUCKING. TEACHER! And no, I'm not going to drop this until Tsutsui drops this disgusting concept. And why, pray tell, is her ass on prominent display in most of her panels and WHY THE FUCK DID SHE HAVE TO GRAB YUIGA AFTER STEPPING ON A SEA CUCUMBER WITHOUT A BIKINI TOP ON?! Oh yeah, quick side note, there's a beach chapter AND a hot spring/outdoor bath chapter the latter right after the former. Two cliches for the price of one, I suppose.

And what exactly do these awkward scenes with Kirisu sensei actually accomplish? Kirisu seems to think more of Yuiga after the talk on the beach, but really nothing else besides that. Oh, and fuck Miharu. Seriously, she needs to fuck off wherever she came because she was super fucking annoying and I hate her. As an added bonus, take a shot EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. She says "big sis" or "big sister". You'll be wasted and the rest of the volume will seem tolerable, so that's a plus I guess.

The rest of the fan service sans Kirisu sensei was about as generic and uninteresting as you can get, especially when, again, you've been reading it for multiple chapters with only short interludes of calm to break up the obnoxious amount of fan service. That's all I want to say about that, let's move on.

The other big issue I had, as previously mentioned, was that this volume was just not funny. Most of the jokes or gags were coupled with the fan service so the jokes/gags were either super predictable or uninteresting. I will say, I enjoyed the chapter where everyone was confusing test scores with bra sizes, that was actually pretty funny. But that was the only funny thing/chapter in the entire volume because most of the volume was a). The girls trying to get closer to Yuiga (more on that in a bit), b). Fan service, c). Yuiga being dense/stupid, or d). All of the above. It just wasn't interesting and the jokes/gags got old REALLY FAST.

Going off of what I said about the girls, am I the only one who thinks that the series is getting less interesting the more they try to pursue him? Maybe it's just me, but this volume pretty much showed how boring this series is when the main conflict is awkward perverted moments with the girls or the girls simply wanting to get closer to Yuiga. What happened to Rizu having to use her old glasses and squinting so much people thought she was glaring? Or Rizu being scared of being alone because she saw a scary movie? Or hell, the time Uruka forgot her bra and had to play basketball bra-less? I loved all of these scenarios and while all of them had romantic undertones they were still funny ON THEIR OWN. Granted, the last two volumes had more fan service and romance in them, but there were chapters that dealt with simple topics that stood on their own. And that, my good people, is what leads me to my final thoughts and concerns regarding this series.

I am honestly considering dropping this series and I can't tell you how sad that thought makes me. I know this isn't the best series ever and that I probably won't lose anything by dropping it, but up until this volume I have LOVED this series. Despite what a lot of my reviews may make you think, I don't enjoy dropping series. I drop series only if I think that it isn't worth continuing and since I have to buy my manga since most libraries don't have the series I follow, I have to decide so that I'm not wasting money on something that ultimately wasn't worth it. And that's the thing: to me, this series is definitely worth continuing because there's so much that I enjoy, but if the series is going to continue like this volume, I am not going to waste my time and money on it. As of right now, I have pre-ordered volume 7, which will be released in early December. Since I already pre-ordered it, I will hold off on dropping this series until I have read volume 7. However, if I get the feeling that this series is going downhill (in my opinion) then I'm dropping it. I hope that I don't have to, but it's a possibility.

Thank you for coming to my ranty-ass talk, have a good day.

slaurie's review

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funny lighthearted medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
