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sony08's review against another edition
This is a second instalment in the Colour of Love series and again I enjoyed it very much. To me the story is somehow believable and like a modern day Pride and Prejudice (with lots of hot scenes in it).
First book ended on a cliff hanger and left us wondering whether Jonathan could really change his lifestyle for Grace. This book starts off at that point and takes us through the emotional struggle that this heated relationship is for both Grace and Jonathan. Grace is still unsure about Jonathan’s feelings for her and how far he will allow himself to give in to whatever he feels for her. There come various obstacles in their love story, coming from his mysterious business partner Yuoto and also from the Earl of Lockwood himself, Jonathan’s father.
Grace finally learns more about Jonathan’s history which explains his inability to accept his own feelings and the love Grace so obviously feels for him.
Again this book didn’t disappoint me and I managed to finish it within 48 hours. I find the author’s writing style easy to read, the language isn’t overly fluffed up and the characters are likable and believable. I find myself rooting for Grace and Jonathan and feel that all the difficulties that come up in their relationship are really just making them stronger.
Thank you very much to Netgalley and Bastei Entertainment for access to this book in exchange for an honest opinion.
First book ended on a cliff hanger and left us wondering whether Jonathan could really change his lifestyle for Grace. This book starts off at that point and takes us through the emotional struggle that this heated relationship is for both Grace and Jonathan. Grace is still unsure about Jonathan’s feelings for her and how far he will allow himself to give in to whatever he feels for her. There come various obstacles in their love story, coming from his mysterious business partner Yuoto and also from the Earl of Lockwood himself, Jonathan’s father.
Grace finally learns more about Jonathan’s history which explains his inability to accept his own feelings and the love Grace so obviously feels for him.
Again this book didn’t disappoint me and I managed to finish it within 48 hours. I find the author’s writing style easy to read, the language isn’t overly fluffed up and the characters are likable and believable. I find myself rooting for Grace and Jonathan and feel that all the difficulties that come up in their relationship are really just making them stronger.
Thank you very much to Netgalley and Bastei Entertainment for access to this book in exchange for an honest opinion.
jeslowe115's review against another edition
I was given a free copy of this by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is book 2 of the series and it picks up where book one left off. This one was better than book one, there was more to the story. It felt more developed.
I felt there were a couple times that the transitions where rough, like stuff was taking place at a later time but that time change wasn't brought up for a couple pages.
But overall it was a great story and we got a lot more into Jonathan and I really liked it and I cannot wait to read the next book. It's a great read!
This is book 2 of the series and it picks up where book one left off. This one was better than book one, there was more to the story. It felt more developed.
I felt there were a couple times that the transitions where rough, like stuff was taking place at a later time but that time change wasn't brought up for a couple pages.
But overall it was a great story and we got a lot more into Jonathan and I really liked it and I cannot wait to read the next book. It's a great read!
__livesbtweenpgs__'s review against another edition
Review to also be posted on Book Loving Fairy Blog
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Just yes...well mostly.
Okay we pick back up outside the club with Grace and Jonathan and that nasty Japanese man..grr!
Anywho...this one takes on a kind of different angle to the story and sheds some light on Jonathans issues that are deep rooted within him and Grace trying to help him finally see the light, so to speak. Can she do it or will it break her in the process?
I had too many emotions in this that surprised me and for a minute there I hated Jonathan like full on was like no, just no, why? Why would you do this? But ultimately he got back into my good graces.
However...can things always seem to look happy from here on out?
In my opinion I think I see a big change coming and it may break grace and Jonathan and I don't know if they'll come back from's just a feeling people!
But I am jumping right into Unleashed to find out and hopefully I can make it thru it to the end!
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Just yes...well mostly.
Okay we pick back up outside the club with Grace and Jonathan and that nasty Japanese man..grr!
Anywho...this one takes on a kind of different angle to the story and sheds some light on Jonathans issues that are deep rooted within him and Grace trying to help him finally see the light, so to speak. Can she do it or will it break her in the process?
I had too many emotions in this that surprised me and for a minute there I hated Jonathan like full on was like no, just no, why? Why would you do this? But ultimately he got back into my good graces.
However...can things always seem to look happy from here on out?
In my opinion I think I see a big change coming and it may break grace and Jonathan and I don't know if they'll come back from's just a feeling people!
But I am jumping right into Unleashed to find out and hopefully I can make it thru it to the end!
sunnydee's review against another edition
Dieses Mal habe ich die ungekürzte Variante von Audible gehört, was deutlich angenehmer war. Eine höhere Wertung als Teil 1 konnte ich dem ganzen aber trotzdem nicht geben. Man muss inhaltlich schon sehr deutlich den Vergleich zu Shades of Grey und Crossfire ziehen. An Crossfire kommt es überhaupt nicht heran und selbst SoG hat mir als gesamte Serie deutlich besser gefallen.
Sex steht mir hier einfach viel zu sehr im Vordergrund. Ich konnte kaum eine Beziehung zu den beiden Hauptcharakteren aufbauen, da ihre Beziehung und alles drumherum viel zu oberflächlich waren. Vor allem bei Jonathan hatte ich nicht eine Sekunde das Gefühl, dass er mehr als nur körperliches Verlangen für Grace verspürt. Er war mir eigentlich durchweg sehr unsympathisch und wirkte egoistisch und kalt. Alles was er an Komplimenten für Grace hatte waren welche, die ihren Körper betrafen und Grace war so naiv und interpretierte da viel mehr hinein. Überhaupt wirkte Grace auf mich viel naiver als zum Beispiel Anna aus der SoG Reihe. Im Vergleich zu den bereits genannten zwei großen Erotik-Reihen hat Colours of Love auch wenig Rahmenhandlung zu bieten. Selbst die Familiengeschichten waren oberflächlich und lediglich zwei Nebencharaktere fand ich sympathisch und interessant – Alex und Sarah. Trotz all dieser Kritik war es aber trotzdem noch ein netter Zeitvertreib für zwischendurch und ich habe es auf keinen Fall bereut das Hörbuch gehört zu haben. Die Sprecherin, Yara Blümel, machte ihre Arbeit größtenteils recht gut. Lediglich die Männerstimmen konnte man so gut wie nie von den Frauenstimmen unterscheiden.
Meine Wertung:
3,4 von 5 Sternen
Dieses Mal habe ich die ungekürzte Variante von Audible gehört, was deutlich angenehmer war. Eine höhere Wertung als Teil 1 konnte ich dem ganzen aber trotzdem nicht geben. Man muss inhaltlich schon sehr deutlich den Vergleich zu Shades of Grey und Crossfire ziehen. An Crossfire kommt es überhaupt nicht heran und selbst SoG hat mir als gesamte Serie deutlich besser gefallen.
Sex steht mir hier einfach viel zu sehr im Vordergrund. Ich konnte kaum eine Beziehung zu den beiden Hauptcharakteren aufbauen, da ihre Beziehung und alles drumherum viel zu oberflächlich waren. Vor allem bei Jonathan hatte ich nicht eine Sekunde das Gefühl, dass er mehr als nur körperliches Verlangen für Grace verspürt. Er war mir eigentlich durchweg sehr unsympathisch und wirkte egoistisch und kalt. Alles was er an Komplimenten für Grace hatte waren welche, die ihren Körper betrafen und Grace war so naiv und interpretierte da viel mehr hinein. Überhaupt wirkte Grace auf mich viel naiver als zum Beispiel Anna aus der SoG Reihe. Im Vergleich zu den bereits genannten zwei großen Erotik-Reihen hat Colours of Love auch wenig Rahmenhandlung zu bieten. Selbst die Familiengeschichten waren oberflächlich und lediglich zwei Nebencharaktere fand ich sympathisch und interessant – Alex und Sarah. Trotz all dieser Kritik war es aber trotzdem noch ein netter Zeitvertreib für zwischendurch und ich habe es auf keinen Fall bereut das Hörbuch gehört zu haben. Die Sprecherin, Yara Blümel, machte ihre Arbeit größtenteils recht gut. Lediglich die Männerstimmen konnte man so gut wie nie von den Frauenstimmen unterscheiden.
Meine Wertung:
3,4 von 5 Sternen
cherryredsreads's review against another edition
So after reading 1st book, I needed to know what happened next. Well, yep I figured it out too easily and the book left me wanting more. Will read book 3 because I can't not finish a series.
erina1510's review against another edition
Augh!!! I so wanna shake Jonathan and tell him to get his act together. I'm glad grace stood her ground with him through everything. The ending is probably one of my all time fantasies to have happen to me so I loved being able to experience it here. *ARC received from publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
jbquinn's review against another edition
So, this book picks up where the cliffhanger in the 1st book ended. Now, I really enjoyed the 1st book in this series so I was hoping to really like this book. Well, I was mistaken. This book just didn't hit the mark for me. Here's what I didn't like. I found the heroine Grace to be extremely annoying. I also found her to be & act entitled when it came to being in a relationship with Jonathan. When it came to working for him & his company, she talked to his employees like she was better than them. Um, no bitch you're not. You've been with him for like a week you're not entitled to treat people that way. I also thought she treated Jonathan like a child. I just found her to be really annoying & contrived.
There was also SO much filler in this book. So much unnecessary dialogue & to much boring, lackluster sex. This is supposed to be a sexy book with an alpha male. There was neither sexiness or an alpha male. In fact, I skipped over the sex because it was so bad. I wanted Jonathan to take charge so many times & put Grace in her place but he cow-tailed to her. I can't even tell you what the main storyline was because there was a few different plot points but, none of them went anywhere.
I really wanted to get on board with this book but it just missed so many elements. Now, there is a 3rd book coming out in this series. The way this book ended, I don't think there needs to be another book. I may read it out of curiosity sake but, we'll see.
There was also SO much filler in this book. So much unnecessary dialogue & to much boring, lackluster sex. This is supposed to be a sexy book with an alpha male. There was neither sexiness or an alpha male. In fact, I skipped over the sex because it was so bad. I wanted Jonathan to take charge so many times & put Grace in her place but he cow-tailed to her. I can't even tell you what the main storyline was because there was a few different plot points but, none of them went anywhere.
I really wanted to get on board with this book but it just missed so many elements. Now, there is a 3rd book coming out in this series. The way this book ended, I don't think there needs to be another book. I may read it out of curiosity sake but, we'll see.
lucie_the_reader's review against another edition
Grace měla s Jonathanem teda trpělivost. Já bych to asi tak dlouho vydržet nedokázala, byť bych ho milovala sebevíc.
gabriellalima's review against another edition
Wie gesagt Erotik Romane sind einfach nix für mich. Grace hat mich genauso so sehr wie mr hunter aufgeregt . Ich lege wirklich allen jungen Frauen ans Herz Grace nicht als Vorbild zu nehmen. Ich finde man sollte nicht einfach aus dem Fenster springen weil ein typ sagt: spring aus dem Fenster. Man kann auch manchmal sein eigenes Gehirn benutzen und eine eigene Meinung haben. Knapp 3 Sterne