
Frog and Friends: Party at the Pond by Eve Bunting

zapkode's review

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{my thoughts} – This is a beginners chapter book.

In chapter one – Frog throws a party in the fall for him and his friends. This fall he invites someone new named Chameleon. This upsets some of his friends because they don’t want the party to change. Frog not wanting to leave anyone out invites him anyways. By the end of the party even one likes Chameleon and his special trick of blending in with things around him.

In chapter two – Frog dances in his free time because it makes him happy. When he discovers his friends are watching him, it makes him shy and embarrassed. Eventually he learns that his dancing helps to make his friends happy also. Soon he and his friends start to dance together.

In chapter three – Frog gets caught by a little girl. The little girl tells him that she needs to kiss him and he will become a prince. He then tells her all the things that will make turning him into a prince boring and her a princess boring. Soon they both decide to be friends and she goes on her way.