
The Out Crowd by Michael Kirby

chloereadsbooksyoutube's review

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(Received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review).
I really didn't like this book. I don't want to say horrible, non-constructive things about it, so I will stick with that it was very juvenile and unbelievable in terms of a YA contemporary.

ravenclawlibrarybooks's review

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The Out Crowd had a good premise about the social hierarchy in a high school but it felt very unbelievable.

The "In Crowd" are the popular kids for example the fooball players and the cheerleaders and their groupies while the "Out Crowd"is everyone else.

After a blog post that was written about the heard cheerleader Hallie Flynn's breakup goes viral and all the Out Crowd talk about it, Hallie and the rest of the In Crowd start talking about toxicity which quickly gets out of control to the point where just being called toxic gets you a detention or a beating.

I found that the adults were very unrealistic and let the In Crowd get away with anything and it became a dictatorship with the In Crowd in charge and the Out Crowd in constant fear of being labelled toxic.

The Prinicpal of the school starts changing the rules like the fact that football games are mandatory and hiring security guards that are there to make the In Crowds lives easier.

tbhonest_uk's review

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The Out Crowd is a relevant and engaging read about life in high school. It's well thought out and thought-provoking. A read that both younger and older readers can enjoy.