
Endless by Jessica Shirvington

wellreadandcaffinated's review against another edition

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*crying* MAY COME FASTER!!!!! definite love hate relationship....oh Jessica Shrivington why?!?!

lilipopmlml's review against another edition

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GRR... Just get a happy ending w/ Lincoln already!!!!

shaniellew's review against another edition

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4.5 stars because I don't know what to do with myself I am a walking crying mess. It feels as if Jessica put her fist through my chest and just squeezed the shit out of my heart. I was being strong and then the note oh god I am bawling again.

Thank you Jessica for this emotional ride and please tell me that empower will not rip me apart and i might sleep outside the bookstore.

pearparis's review against another edition

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That is my mind, going in circles because of Endless. I'm dead. I'm also crying at the same time. So many things just happen. Oh my god. Violet has her Mom back. Lilith is back. Violet and Lincoln get together. Violet dies. Lincoln loses his soul, like Nyla. Violet comes back to life, realizes what happened. Phoenix is an angel now. Her parents are together. Violet manages to give Lincoln back his soul and the saddest thing ever happens, Lincoln to awaken to find Violet gone, only with a note left behind saying: Nothing is endless. I know that now. Let me go. V

What else can I say? I'm utterly speechless, and will do anything to get my hands on the fifth book when it comes out.

zmuses's review against another edition

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This book broke my heart into a million pieces. That is all.

sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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I wasn't as hooked on this one as I was with the others. I still really liked it, but found myself listening to music or the radio in the car over listening to the talking book.

joanna1905's review

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Reread #2 - 11/11/2018

Again this is definitely one of my favourite books in this series, the entire story really amps up!

Violet's dad is a massive piece of crap and I still can't believe he hit her. He's literally such a bad father I can't even deal. He acts like Evelyn going to hell wad Violets fault when SHE LITERALLY CHOSE TO DIE AND BE BOUND TO LILITH - HOW IS THAT VIOLET'S FAULT. Evelyn is back 30 seconds, and despite lying to him for their whole relationship and choosing to die and leave him and her daughter he literally forgives her straight away. He shows ZERO concern for the life Violet has been forced into and even has the audacity to blame Lincon when it was literally Evylyn who sold her daughter to the angels.

His crappiness is then further proven when he shows doesn't give a crap about Violet had to go to the Acadamy but acts like all matcho protector of Evelyn and is all like 'well I'm staying with her' like Evelyn isn't a grown ass 180+-year-old warrior, but sure protect her instead of your 17-year-old daughter.

Honestly, it really irritates me how quick Violet forgives them both - it just shows that she was SO NEGLECTED by her father for 17 years that she'll forgive him for anything because she's so desperate to have a family for once in her life.

I still hate Violet's mother - especially in this book - even though we end up understanding why she did what she did and her motivations etc she's still pretty crappy. After coming back she never even apologised to Violet for making that decision, she never told her that she loved her and it wasn't until halfway through the book that she actually bothers to explain herself to Violet. She's rude, aggressive and antagonistic to Violet from the end of the last book through a lot of this book. She just inserts herself into their lives and monopolises the tiny amount and love her father had for Violet. The line where Violet says that she's ALWAYS played second fiddle to her mother even when she was dead breaks my heart every single time and it makes me so glad she has Linc, Griff, Spence and Steph to be her family.

Onyx and Dapper - I SHIP IT.

Honestly, someone needs to dropkick Josephine in the face. I don't buy the BS of her actually being dedicated to the cause, the only thing she is dedicated to is keeping power for herself. She refuses Violet entry to the academy accusing her of not putting the cause above all else, which while true, anyone with a brain would realise this isn't the way to handle it. Considering Violet is clearly at the centre of the Phoenix issue, not admitting her into the academy isn't going to stop her from being involved. It very clearly would have made more sense to admit her into the academy and make her take classes so that she really understands WHY the cause must be put first, and that way she could be monitored and likely wouldn't be able to off and make potentially detrimental decisions.

Instead, Josephine refuses her entry, not because she cares about the cause - but solely because she fears that Violet is from a higher ranking angel and therefore, the highest Grigori authority and Josephine doesn't want to lose her power and control.

Finally, the ending of this book is PERFECT AND SO SO SO WELL DONE. The entire confrontation with Lilith makes me love Violet, even more, she's such a strong badass character. While it's super sad I also love the way things unfold with Lincon, Violet's motivations for leaving make complete sense and I think her getting some distance was always going to be necessary for them to ever potentially pursue a relationship.

While I like Phoenix much more in these later books, I still don't understand how ANYONE could ship them. Violet is literally a victim of sexual assault from what that teacher tried to do to her, so why anyone thinks it's appropriate for her to be in a relationship with a man who manipulated her emotions. Yikes.

Finally, Spence begging Violet not to leave is one of my favourite scenes 'You're the only damn family I have' - it's so devastating but it truly shows how much they love each other, and I'm so glad she gets to have this brother/sister relationship with someone who ACTUALLY cares about her (squints at James and Evelyn). Spence is such a great character and I love him so much.

Anyway, this is a great book!

So this is by far my favourite book in the series (so far), the story really kicks off and the relationship between Violet and Lincoln finally begins to move forward.

I really dislike Violet's mother, she's so rude and barely shows any emotion in seeing her daughter for the first time. She also's also pretty arrogant and thinks she knows everything, she also doesn't treat those around her very well. I warmed up to her as the story moved on but I'm still not a big fan. I liked her father up until the point when he slapped her, which was so out of line and out of character, and it was dismissed way too quickly. As if Violet had any say or role in her mother's choices.

I LOVE OYNX AND DAPPER, THEY'RE BOTH SO SAVAGE BUT ALSO THEY CARE ABOUT THE SQUAD SO MUCH! I hope they we get to see them together properly in the last book.

I dislike Joshpine so much omg like sometimes I feel like I understand her and have a grudging respect for her, but then she always seems so self-serving.

Violet surviving so many arrows and Phoneix restoring her wounds was iconic, honestly what a legend.

I totally saw the soul bond breaking a mile away but still, I was shocked and it totally broke my heart.

As much as I hate Violet for leaving, I totally understand why she did it and I respect her strength.

Finally, my heart BROKE when Spence was so sad about her leaving and wanting to go with her, he's such a good friend holy crap if he dies in the last book I'll lose my crap.

chrystalo's review against another edition

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Just cried through the entire last half of this book. I don't know why but this series hits me in the feels constantly, and I know it's a little far-fetched and a little silly and there's constant drama and all of that and whatever, but I just can't help but be emotionally drawn to this series and every time I pick up one of these books, I have to finish it quickly. Ugh. So much sad.

vidyasur's review against another edition

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mnbird19's review against another edition

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I read the first three books in four days during the 4th of July weekend I spent up in North Dakota. I couldn't put them down! Needing the fourth, I read somewhere that it wasn't out yet. ( I know, never believe everything on the internet!) Anyways, three months later I'm starting the fourth with me having to re-jog my memory on it's past events. In the beginning I was confused due to some memory loss, but remember about everything before she flew to New York. And once hearing about Lilith and Phoenix being in town, i just knew shit was about to happen. In this book, deep down I knew linc and Vi would finally get together, but not in that way i imagined. And after Vi mentions about Linc not telling her everything i just somehow knew something bad was going to happen to him, but i kept reading expecting the worst. And in the books, the way it describes losing or no longer having your soul just hearts your heart to know what Vi and Linc had to go through. And I think it was the part where Phoenix was dying was where i cried the hardest. Though he has done some pretty bad things, i can see how he was trying to make up from them, and having Vi forgive him in the end just really did it for me. And finally once Vi goes to her Angel maker and has some request, all i could think about was her and Lincoln finally being together. And to hear that she was leaving was just absolutely heart pounding, knowing that Linc was just in the other room while this was happening. It broke my heart yet have my yearning for the 5th book even stronger! I've been growing more and more excited as the release date comes nearer:) This is why The Violet Eden chapters, is my #1 favorite books series!!!