
Чудо-Женщина: Земля-1. Книга 1 by Grant Morrison

jeremybmueller's review against another edition

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adventurous fast-paced


morgharker's review against another edition

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I couldn't finish this, though not for the story. I was the art. The characters look more like cardboard cutouts of SEXY WOMAN. Usually this is not a problem (probably because it's so common in comic book art) but here it does not look at all natural. A quarter of the way through I set this down and actually tried to pose myself like the drawings and felt severely uncomfortable (as well as severely stupid). As a reader I should be distracted by how beautiful the artwork is not by how absurd. Kudos to those who can get passed this because there might be a good story under there.

beyondevak's review against another edition

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Full review in April 2016

Source: NetGalley

xsleepyshadows's review against another edition

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On the surface this book is fun but when you look a bit deeper I got a couple of problems.

The things I liked... 1) I liked that is was more modern! It's kinda refreshing I know Wonder Woman has traditional been in WW2 so I really like the feeling of her arriving at a more modern age which honestly makes more sense to me. 2) I really like that Wonder Woman has a female champion lover. I like to think WW is at least Bi so this change was really welcome. The only complaint is that they did ever interact with each other, like if it was not mentioned specifically I would have never known. 3) Amazons have modern/future type tech.! I like this a lot because of course there are female scientists that will continue to improve life on Paradise Island. 4) I actually really like the geek life sorority girls meeting up and partying and dragging WW around. Wish there was more fun scenes with them though.

Things I didn't like really really stood out and over powered everything I did like... 1) All the body shaming. WW would defiantly not body shame the other women, this is entirely out of character and really disrespectful. Generally, it seems like they have no idea of how to write women through-out the comic. 2) Amazon's use a lot of bondage? This idea is weird...because it's basically done to sexualize the amazons but the worst part is WW tries to give Steve Trevor (Who's black in this story) a collar. This is a really really badly made slavery joke. 3) They fail at making diversity. I like that Steve Trevor is Black but they fail to give him lines. He didn't even feel like a character It just feels like he was there to make a disgusting slavery joke and then use slavery as a plot point later when he is on trail about why he would protect the amazons. And shouldn't there be more colored amazons because I only counted one. If you're going to add diversity, it needs to be done respectfully and actually add them! ~Ashley

indecisivesailorscout's review against another edition

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The art was gorgeous, but the rest of it fell so painfully flat for me. Having a black Steve Trevor in the modern world? A canonically bisexual Diana Prince and Etta Candy? Pretty dang cool! But the shift in Diana's origin story, the hatred of men and mankind, the lying and secrets and backstabbing by Hippolyta, and the fat-shaming from the Amazons especially -- I couldn't get through all this dialogue without grimacing. Not to mention the poor pacing and jumps in time that made it so confusing to figure out exactly what the heck happened. Not my style at all.

webjoram's review against another edition

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Nueva reimaginación del origen de Wonder woman. En lineas generales me ha gustado el cómic pero no me ha parecido excelente. Quizás lo mejor de este cómic es la "actualización" del origen de wonder woman en un estilo y con unos conceptos más cercanos a la actualidad. Me gusta ver que las amazonas tambien son personas, no solo ideales andantes, y que cometen errores. También me gusta que Diana se comporte como una princesa con todo lo que eso conlleva, es decir, alguien educado para mandar y poco dada a dar su brazo a torcer.
En definitiva un cómic que se deja leer sin aburrir.

ogreart's review against another edition

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I reviewed this book on my blog. Come on over for a visit...

onespaceymother's review against another edition

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I... don't know what to say exactly. The art, while at times a bit ridiculous, is beautiful and full of details and colors. I didn't connect with/appreciate/enjoy Diana in the slightest in this. That hurts a little because her character is generally so dynamic for me. Further, she uses some insults and language that is sexiest and far from body positive, though it's my hope that as this is an origin story, Diana will be learning the error in her ways as she grows up. I'm cautiously hopeful that this is an opportunity to show us how Wonder Woman becomes the pillar of self-acceptance and strength that we're used to, perhaps by confronting her own negative preconceived stereotypes. Beth Candy is a Beth Ditto and/or Rebel Wilson caricature which, while theoretically as fun as those women undoubtedly are, felt forced and cliche to me. Rebel Wilson isn't funny because she is a "wise cracking plus size woman," she is successful because she has an actual personality, which I didn't feel from Beth Candy.

jennthelibrarian's review against another edition

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2.5 stars

tmwebb3's review against another edition

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This wasn't as special as it was probably set out to be but also not as bad as the reviews make it out to be. Has issues,but I flew through it.