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lschmidt's review
I'm not quite sure why so many people disliked the ending of this trilogy. Personally, I thought it was perfect. In fact, I thought each book was wonderfully written, though a little less so the second, with great plots, twists and surprises. In my opinion, they are definitely worth the read!
mstaker's review against another edition
The last book in the trilogy was a goodie. I enjoyed all three books, but a lot of the scientific stuff seems rather advanced for the intended audience. I even tuned out a few times during the science discussions. I had mixed feelings about the end, but I guess you can't love every ending.
jenunderhill's review against another edition
Exciting conclusion to this trilogy. I couldn't wait to find out what happened at the end. Overall, I really liked it. My only complaint, which can't really be helped, was that the solution in the end brought you back to the beginning. Peter and Kate don't know each other, and you lose all the growing they did in the 3 volumes. It was really the only way to go, but I was left feeling a little like, what was the point in going through all that with them? Also didn't understand how the scientist was able to retain knowledge of all that had happened if they truly went back to before it all began...
madmadammim's review against another edition
This was a great end to this trillogy. I still can't believe it ended like it did either. But still, it was really good- if only a little bit sad too.
bmwpalmer's review against another edition
If you read these books, try to do them all back-to-back. I found this last one confusing because I wasn't caught up on all the complicated goings-on. And like Amanda said, this book stressed me out. But it was good!
iraboklover's review against another edition
Buku yang dibaca untuk event GRI Readathon Day 2015....
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Di buku kedua petualangan Peter dan Kate berada di titik dimana mereka berdua kembali ke tahun 1763 dan Lord Luxon berada di abad ke-21.
Nah, sekarang Lord Luxon yang bikin ulah. Tidak seperti Tar Man, tidak tanggung-tanggung, dia berencana untuk merubah sejarah dengan mencegah terjadinya revolusi di Amerika.
Sementara itu, Kate semakin memudar dan mencepat. Dia dan teman-temannya berusaha secepatnya untuk menemukan Tar Man yang menyimpan mesin anti-gravitasi. Tanpa diduga, Tar Man ternyata juga sedang mengejar Kate. Ah, kalau begitu sih cepat atau lambat mereka akan bertemu. Tapi saat pertemuan itu terjadi, Gideon jadi babak belur dan Parson Ledbury kehilangan wig.
Kembali ke Luxon. Perjalanan waktu yang dilakukan olehnya, ternyata telah memicu gempa waktu yang sangat besar. Orang-orang dari berbagai masa dapat melihat orang dari masa lain seperti hantu. Sayangnya, Luxon terlambat menyadarinya.
Lalu bagaimana jadinya? Gempa waktu yang terjadi merusak alam sebegitu hebatnya sampai Peter sendiri pun pasrah dan bersiap menunggu akhir. Padahal mesin anti gravitasi sudah ada ditangan. Untung Tar Man muncul dan membangkitkan kembali semangat Peter. Nah lo kenapa tiba-tiba Peter jadi senang melihat Tar Man? Yah silakan baca sendiri bukunya :D
At last, saya sedikit kecewa dengan ending di buku ini. Somehow, kesannya seperti para tokohnya begitu ingin cerita ini cepat berakhir. Meskipun begitu, saya memberi 3 bintang untuk buku ini. Untuk 3 quote favorit dan beberapa adegan lucu yang berhasil membuat saya senyum-senyum sendiri dan nyaris ngakak.
Buku kedua untuk #ProyekCintaPerpustakaan....
Buku terakhir dari seri The Gideon Trilogy....
Di buku kedua petualangan Peter dan Kate berada di titik dimana mereka berdua kembali ke tahun 1763 dan Lord Luxon berada di abad ke-21.
Nah, sekarang Lord Luxon yang bikin ulah. Tidak seperti Tar Man, tidak tanggung-tanggung, dia berencana untuk merubah sejarah dengan mencegah terjadinya revolusi di Amerika.
Sementara itu, Kate semakin memudar dan mencepat. Dia dan teman-temannya berusaha secepatnya untuk menemukan Tar Man yang menyimpan mesin anti-gravitasi. Tanpa diduga, Tar Man ternyata juga sedang mengejar Kate. Ah, kalau begitu sih cepat atau lambat mereka akan bertemu. Tapi saat pertemuan itu terjadi, Gideon jadi babak belur dan Parson Ledbury kehilangan wig.
Kembali ke Luxon. Perjalanan waktu yang dilakukan olehnya, ternyata telah memicu gempa waktu yang sangat besar. Orang-orang dari berbagai masa dapat melihat orang dari masa lain seperti hantu. Sayangnya, Luxon terlambat menyadarinya.
Lalu bagaimana jadinya? Gempa waktu yang terjadi merusak alam sebegitu hebatnya sampai Peter sendiri pun pasrah dan bersiap menunggu akhir. Padahal mesin anti gravitasi sudah ada ditangan. Untung Tar Man muncul dan membangkitkan kembali semangat Peter. Nah lo kenapa tiba-tiba Peter jadi senang melihat Tar Man? Yah silakan baca sendiri bukunya :D
At last, saya sedikit kecewa dengan ending di buku ini. Somehow, kesannya seperti para tokohnya begitu ingin cerita ini cepat berakhir. Meskipun begitu, saya memberi 3 bintang untuk buku ini. Untuk 3 quote favorit dan beberapa adegan lucu yang berhasil membuat saya senyum-senyum sendiri dan nyaris ngakak.
brisk28's review against another edition
It took me 1 1/2 years to finish this series, mainly because I don't like to read the entire series back to back. But it wasn't too bad, I feel like it's for those who like science and history.
hopearianna's review against another edition
It was a nice conclusion. It wasn't exactly as I would have liked it to have been, but it was still pretty good. I think the characters were well developed but not my favorite characters. They did not have the qualities that I admire in a character. This had many boring parts. However, this book had me talking fancy and old-timey.
lordnikon's review against another edition
Sadly another great volume but a rough finale to the trilogy that I didn't think much of.
Being a DOCTOR WHO fan, the time shenanigans could have been revolved SO much better than this. It just feels like a bit of a pulled punch in the end. Sigh. Great book, terrible ending.
Being a DOCTOR WHO fan, the time shenanigans could have been revolved SO much better than this. It just feels like a bit of a pulled punch in the end. Sigh. Great book, terrible ending.
esperata's review against another edition
Writing time travel is inordinately difficult. It is next to impossible not to tie yourself in knots. I enjoyed the questions raised and the interplay of characters but it's best not to delve too deeply into the explanations and rationales.
I felt the conclusion was too abrupt. Having grown to know these characters over three books I wanted to know how they all ended up.
I felt the conclusion was too abrupt. Having grown to know these characters over three books I wanted to know how they all ended up.