jmillersox04's review against another edition

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I really felt like this book had a lot of beneficial tools in communication. Probably a book I will read again at some point to further understand and be able to implement what is being taught. I never felt it got too difficult to follow along with any concepts and the author did a great job at keeping it simple. The only disconnect I felt is that many of the scenarios were through the lens of the corporate working world with inner office politics and relationships. It wasn't a bad thing it just isn't something I connect with due to my profession and lack of being in those scenarios. Overall definitely would recommend this book.

becca1295's review against another edition

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challenging funny inspiring reflective medium-paced


anastasiasrose's review against another edition

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If you can translate this book from its business/corporate-centered language, it's actually a very good book about improving interpersonal communication and communicating with clients in a therapeutic setting.

njw13's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


pinklemonrade's review against another edition

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This was so so good! Lots of excellent information, especially for people like me who suck at listening. Everyone needs to read.

allyphant42's review against another edition

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When he told an anecdote about lying to a cancer patient about his job I immediately lost trust in the authors ethical reasoning 

waynediane's review against another edition

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More of a business book and relationships. However, that being said it can be used for personal relationships as well. Written by a Psychiatrist offers many helpful and insightful tips.

afaithu's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


moonaby's review against another edition

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Not a terrible book, has some decent advice in the first few chapters but quickly becomes redundant. The author is clearly full of himself and can’t stop talking about how great he is at communicating and all the successful people he’s friends with, which is ironic since he discusses how trying to be the “interesting” jackass ultimately makes you uninteresting to others. The hypocrisy of it is distasteful.

Moreover, I wasn’t expecting to receive a bunch of sales tips. I started this book with the expectations of receiving practical, thorough advice on listening better that would be applicable to the average person. Unfortunately the advice isn’t thorough enough in explaining how to apply these tips if you don’t already have the knowledge the author has, and his advice seems less about empathy and more about manipulation.

antony_monir's review against another edition

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very insightful