
The Autists: Women on the Spectrum by Clara Törnvall

off2explore's review against another edition

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Social and cultural differences affect how people with disabilities are treated in society. The Autists is written from a Swedish perspective, which provides interesting contrast to American book about autism. The Autists is a book full of fascinating detail and personal narrative. The author is equally at home describing medical research and her own late-night musings. Very useful for anyone trying to understand more about autistic women.

blanca7's review against another edition

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challenging emotional informative reflective slow-paced


ssinsheimer's review against another edition

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challenging emotional funny informative reflective sad medium-paced


lottie1803's review against another edition

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challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


dreaming_ace's review

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I found many of my experiences as a woman who is autistic to be mirrored in this book. I also really enjoyed the exploration of authors and characters who likely were autistic even if they were around during periods where the term did not exist yet or times when the false belief that autism only impacted boys was prevalent. This book was a nice blend of personal account, historical context, and literary exploration. I have 25-30 post its marking parts I want to go back to and think about more deeply.

daisy_may's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


jkerns10's review against another edition

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funny informative inspiring medium-paced


arj's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


knihomila's review against another edition

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kniha o tom, kde všade sme obklopení autizmom, popreletané osobným príbehom autorky v ceste odhaľovania svojej diagnózy, poprepletaný príbehmi ostatných autistických žien a nakoniec pútavo prepletené mnohom autoriek z minulosti, ktoré vykazovali známky autizmu. príjemný guláš informácií, ktorý vďaka obšírnemu záberu zdrojov môže skvelo priblížiť túto diagnózu aj nezasvätenému človeku.

ohlhauc's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced