
Factually married by Penny Reid

jen286's review against another edition

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*Note: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review

Neanderthal Marries Human is the second book featuring Quinn and Janie. If you haven't already you should probably read Neanderthal Seeks Human before reading this book because this is a continuation of their story. I mean the first book is amazing, one of my favorites, so why not? I loved Quinn and Janie in the first book. Absolutely loved them and somehow I love them even more now. There were so many moments when I just had to stop and think to myself "Man I LOVE Janie and/or Quinn!!" Neanderthal Marries Human did have a more serious tone to it, there were some issues to work through and it was just not as silly/fun/ridiculous as Penny Reid's other books. It was still absolutely amazing. I almost teared up numerous times and I did actually cry at the end, big fat tears, but not sad tears which is odd for me. It was so touching and was ridiculous! I don't cry at books! Even thinking about the book and the ending I am almost tearing up days later. It was just beautiful and heartfelt and just...amazing. Way to go Penny Reid. In the same book you have me laughing out loud and crying big tears and everything in between.

One of the things I loved about this book is that you get some chapters from Quinn's point of view. So I love Quinn, but I think the reason why I love him is how amazing he is to Janie. If I had just a book about Quinn, like before Janie or something, I don't really know how much I would love him. I realized while reading this book he is not my ideal guy, but because of Janie I think he is incredible. He likes Janie's facts she blurts out and he is just amazing and perfect for her. He asks questions and they have conversations about the facts and stuff. He gets turned on when she when she sites peer reviewed research on sexuality. Amazing! Quinn's dad is also the same way, absolutely amazing with Janie. They both know when she needs to hide behind her random facts, when she needs a minute because she can't deal with the emotions and things that are happening. There is one point when she cannot deal with some emotions and she starts talking about plastics and the dad just jumps right in and starts asking her questions about the differences between different kinds and stuff. That was a teary eyed moment for sure. So incredible. At the same time though there were times when Quinn wouldn't let her hide behind her randomness. Times when he made her stop and face the issue before her which she needed. Sometimes she needed to do that and to have him know that and encourage her and help her be stronger and even more amazing was remarkable. Every time he did something incredibly sweet for her I just swooned a little bit more. I love Janie so much, wish I were bff with her, and to see her so happy with Quinn just makes me love him too.

This book is the story of Janie and Quinn and their journey to getting married. The way he proposes is awesome. Hilarious. Janie isn't quite sure as she has a plan of how long it should take and they are years ahead of schedule. She thinks they need to be tested, have some bad times, to make sure they really want to do this. Her solution? Plan this big wedding neither of them want to try and get some conflict into their relationship. They have conversations throughout that are negotiations which was wonderful. Man I loved them both. Really Janie is worried that Quinn will get tired of her and leave eventually, that her happiness is fleeting. We see her try and work through this, work through the idea that she can just be happy and it will be good. The girls in the knitting group were great helps and I wish I had a group of girls like that in my life. They are wonderful and made me cry. It really was an incredible read. Oh and Quinn also still texts Janie stupid jokes which I absolutely love!

So as I said I loved this book. So many touching moments, so many hilarious moments, so many great moments. I highlighted so many passages in this book, which is something I normally don't do. Most of the time I read a book and no lines or passages stand out so much that I have to highlight them. It usually only happens if something is terrible and I hate it. In my book clubs a lot of times one of the questions is what is your favorite line or passage and I usually can't answer as I don't have one. With Penny Reid's books I find I have too many. I went back after reading this book and looked at all the passages I have highlighted, all of the hilarious lines, favorite scenes, things that just stuck out to me as amazing as I was reading, and it would be incredibly hard to pick a favorite (or even list the top ones as there are too many). Definitely not a normal thing for me, but one of the reasons why I love reading her books. I still cannot get over how much this book made me feel. How it really made me cry. Unbelievably amazing. Definitely go read this book if you are a fan of Janie and Quinn. See if you can make it through without getting choked up.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

oofie's review against another edition

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Warm fuzzies from the last part of the book.

kristinamaria92's review against another edition

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I am glad I continued to this book after the 1st one. was not a huge fan of the 1st book but I did fall in love a bit with the most of the characters. I laughed and swooned with the love the main character developed as the plot played out. I was still annoyed by Janie but in the end I didn't hate her anymore. Everything that happened around her I wished I had a different point of view but was still great and enjoyable. Overall would recommend this series to anymore for a light hearted read and will be continuing with the series as well. Looking forward to the couples coming up next.

Sir McHotpants reminds me of my husband at times lol.

jessthemama's review against another edition

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Beautiful continuation of Janie and Quinn’s story

erinremen's review against another edition

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Sweet, funny, surprisingly emotional and utterly perfect ending to the unique and awesome story of Janie and her Quinn. I loved every minute of it and laughed and even shed a tear or two. Definitely a not to be missed part of this hilarious series!

sue_t's review against another edition

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Excellent sequel - I'm in love with this series & these characters. Well done - highly recommend.

smit1286's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. The Vegas scene was so laugh-out-loud funny (and totally ridiculous, but in a good way) that I feel totally compelled to read the other books in the series. Can’t wait to see what the “story for another time” tease is all about with Elizabeth and Nico.

jro14x's review against another edition

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What can I say about this book to make you understand how awesome and lovely it is? I was beyond excited to be revisiting Janie and Quinn, and NMH completely exceeded what I thought I wanted out of their story.

There are so many sweet moments and just as many giggle-snort scenes. There were at least two parts where I cried like Kristen Bell in the presence of a sloth! The entire time I was reading I was completely caught up in the amazingness of the story being told.

I don't know how to comment on the plot without giving away big time spoilers, so I'll just say that I loved getting to see the events of the second book in the series from a different perspective! Also, we finally find out how that night in Vegas ended up with Nico and Elizabeth getting hitched ;)

This is a wonderful continuation of a spectacular series - if you haven't started from the beginning, run -don't walk!- to grab Neanderthal Seeks Human, and then snatch this one up as well. You absolutely won't regret it!

pattydsf's review against another edition

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Definitely the right book at the right time.

allibruns's review against another edition

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I love Janie and Quinn, they are one of my all time favorite couples. I could read another 300 pages on them. This was the perfect ending for them.