
Between Love and Honor by E.E. Montgomery

nicola949's review

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This story had a true sense of time and place, capturing the era and the attitudes beautifully . The time is 1914 and David & Carl are dealing with their growing love for one another in a time when their love was definitely not understood, and also dealing with the impact of the war.

I knew this story was bittersweet going into it and almost read it reluctantly, knowing I was setting myself up for heartache. It is only a short story but managed to really draw me in, leaving me with a feeling of sadness and most definitely wanting to keep following David's story.

Somehow I think it makes it easier to read these Bittersweet series stories when you know there is another book on the horizon. In this case it is [b:The Courage to Love|18373544|The Courage to Love|E.E. Montgomery||25985353] which follows David's story as he returns from the war.

I publish all my m/m reviews on my blog so if you want to see all my m/m reviews in one place come visit at Because Two Men Are Better Than One!

mrella's review

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This is so unbearably heartbreaking :( This is one of the major reasons I don't do late 19 early-to-mid 20th centuries.