
Anjo Sombrio by Cynthia Hand

nomomstayandread's review against another edition

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I was only going to reread until Midas makes it home safe to Tucker after the fire and accidentally finished the whole book.

narteest's review against another edition

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I have to hand it to Cynthia Hand to write a compelling sequel that begs for the net installment to read. I loved this one. The emotions were so raw. I'm so bloody glad that Clara stays as true as she can to Tucker. Christian of course is still the bane of the story, but still Hallowed is worth reading. Can't wait for the next one!

ellesj19's review against another edition

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emotional mysterious sad


raclausing's review against another edition

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Plot: 1
Characters: 1
Description: 1
Style: 1
Symbolsim: 0
Really depressing.

mollylooby's review against another edition

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'Hallowed' is the second in a trilogy, 'Unearthly' being book number one. I read them back to back but I've just about managed to separate them in my head. If you want to read 'Unearthly' you might not want to read this review as I may spoil parts of 'Unearthly for you. But not 'Hallowed', with that you're safe. Feel free to read my post on 'Unearthly':

A Spoiler Free Bit About the Book

After not fulfilling her purpose, Clara is on edge, waiting for the repercussions. But more concerning than waiting to see how it all turns out are the new visions Clara's been having. But her purpose was over, right? This could just be a dream. Something tells her it isn't.

My Review

Everything I loved about 'Unearthly' I loved about 'Hallowed', maybe even more so as I didn't have to get to know any places or characters as I was more than familiar with them to start with as I'd only just put 'Unearthly' down when I picked up 'Hallowed'.

I'm afraid I don't have much to say as this was such a breath-taking sequel. I hate that I can't fault it but I really can't. I just devoured it in a day. Yes, a day. Well, not twenty-four hours. It was more like ten, give or take. All four-hundred pages of it. I'm telling you, I hardly looked up. I couldn't, I didn't want to.

Clara as a protagonist, continued to please me. She didn't do the pathetic 'woe-is-me' thing that is far too common. She also made very good decisions, again, unlike many teenage fiction protagonists. She did what anyone would do.

I was so immersed in the story that not only did I feel exactly what Clara felt, but I felt it so strongly it could've been happening to me. I was tense and teary and jittery. I laughed and I cried. I'm deadly serious.

I was also happy with the difference between 'Hallowed' and 'Unearthly'. The plots were not too samey and we kept learning new things with Clara and meeting new characters.

Also, I had no idea where the plot was going to go at certain points. Unlike in 'Unearthly' where it was obvious that the climax was going to be the fire in Clara's visions. This really was a different story entirely.


Plot Idea - 7/10 - I thought new visions might be a bit of old news. (I was wrong, by the way).

Way Plot Was Pursued - 9/10 - I loved everything I loved before. I loved Clara's uncertainty.

Characters - 10/10 - he same amazing characters that I loved just as much in their development. The addition of new characters was just as satisfying.

Style - 9/10 - I was so into Hand's style during 'Hallowed'. Everything fit into her style, nothing jarred.

Pace - 9/10 - Even better without the need to reintroduce the old characters. I felt we were even more on the point during 'Hallowed'.

Would I recommend it? - Yes, oh yes. Loved 'Unearthly'? What other choice would you have but to read 'Hallowed'?

Would I look up the author? - Yes, most definitely. Can't wait for the third instalment.

'Hallowed' lived up to 'Unearthly' and maybe even did the impossible. I think I liked it more.

bookishwonderlandco's review against another edition

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I expected a lot from this book, especially after the last one wound up as good as it did. Sadly this book didn't quite stand up to my expectations. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't as good as the last. This book was more centered around Christian and Learning about her angel side. This book definitely wasn't slow, I was caught up in it and wouldn't put it down! The only thing it really lacked was Tucker. Sure he was in there but not as much as I would have liked! This book had some great twists and shocking moments, ones that had me holding on for dear life! I even wanted to cry a little bit at reasons that you must d the book to know. I really got to love new characters and see new sides of old characters, it was really refreshing. But of course there was always a little negative to throw that off a little. The end was something I do not agree with! At all. Mostly because it was a huge cliff-hanger with her brother situation, and her guy problems all unsolved! For now at least. Hopefully Clara will figure out a way to be with Tucker! Overall this was a good book. No it didn't satisfy my expectations, but it was good, and I enjoyed reading it. This has been another good book in a so far seemingly awesome series, and I can't wait to get my hands on the next one!

sophielfaulkner's review against another edition

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Personally I don't think too much happened in this book. It was more an extension to the first book. The love triangle is tested between Christian and Tucker which is good - but I felt like there was a major lack in ideas to the second book. It felt like a 'filler-book' between the first and last of the trilogy.

kil3yp's review against another edition

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC on this one!

I loved Unearthly - I'm not usually one for the mushy-type supernatural romances, but it grabbed me in a good way, especially with the way it stayed true to types of angels, and the play they took off that.

Hallowed I also enjoyed - clearly from my four stars - but less so than Unearthly. The problem is I really dislike Clara and Tucker: maybe I'm just a horrible person that way, but I'd like to believe that love doesn't make you absolutely stupid, and I also have trouble believing in love between high school students. I mean really, if we revisited any YA novel romance when the characters are 30 - they've either split up, or resent each other too much to do so.

Anyways, I loved the lore behind the story, and Ms. Hand does a great job in integrating it into her characters and the plot, and giving it to use in reasonable doses and in believeable ways. She also writes beautifully, and I can picture everything in my mind fluidly. But if Clara and Tucker continue on, without learning any lessons or getting over their swooning, this series is going to begin to lose my interest.

Four stars for now - but reign in the romantic for the sake of the story for book three.

iamhume's review against another edition

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Wow, this book made me laugh out loud and cry. Not simultaneously, mind you, but still. That doesn't happen very often.

I really, really liked this book. Expect for the ending. Which I am going to pretend didn't really happen.
SpoilerI don't want Clara and Christian to end up together! EVER.
Sigh. There's no way to really explain the epic happiness this book brought me and the epic sadness, too. I cried like a baby at one point. Not too proud of that, but it struck a very sensitive chord in my body.



Read it. That's all I have to say.

blessedwannab's review against another edition

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I hate when I finish a book, but it's too late in the evening for me to hop back on the computer and type up my review. First, I don't bring the book with me to work so any little notes or torn pieces of paper I stuck in it to note things that I wanted to mention are all for naught. Second, I forget everything I wanted to say and the reviews lag for me. Needless to say I finished this at midnight last night, and now I'm at work, so bear with me as I try to gather my scattered thoughts.

Was Hallowed as good as Unearthly? No. Was I disappointed or let down in any way? No! In the first book you get all the new love, and that is just so exciting to read. I don't think that this book could be what that book was. At least not without a lot of groaning and eye rolling. So, in that way I think it was just as it should be.

Little tiny spoilers ahead... Beware! Be warned!

There is a triangle in this book. Let's just get that out of the way. During Unearthly I was really really hoping that there wouldn't be. I kind of enjoyed the fact that Christian and Clara fought their 'purpose' and were both in love with others. THAT made it unique. So, I'll admit to a bit of disappointment that it went down such a typical road. However, with that said, it was handled really well. As far as triangles go, it felt realistic. Neither boy was 'bad' or 'good', they both just were. Truthfully, in the end I'm not sure where Clara's heart will go. And that feels true to life. In high school you have boys who you LOVE, and you break up and you move on and you fall in love again. I'm sure it won't be the popular course of action but if this is where Cynthia Hand goes I will applaud her.

Jeffery, he intrigued me so much in the first book. Even more so in the second. I'm so sad for him and I hope he finds his way.

I was pleased with this one. I'm glad I own it (and not just for the GORGEOUS covers). It's still a highly recommended Angel series, leaps and bounds better than most others.