earthfae's review against another edition

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I think there are a lot of good tips in here for parents who are clueless with what to do. However, I have been using love and logic all along, as well as parenting with compassion. So many of the tips just werent as helpful in my case as they could be. I wanted a bit more involved with organization, structure and how to talk to teachers in the book than it had. I am having my hubby read it as well, in the hopes that he gains more insight from the book than I did.

tramaine's review against another edition

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This book is an excellent parenting book. I wouldn't describe my children as being overly or uniquely defiant, yet I gained some much insight into how to become a more effective parent. And I must say, the techniques describe in this book work.

All children display defiant behavior at some point. So, even if you don't describe your child as defiant, there's something to gain from this tremendous book in helping your child mature emotionally and deal with the stresses that life brings their way.

I can't recommend this enough for every parent.

klherring's review

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Okay, if you're in the market for this type of type of book, you'll find this helpful. And really, Bernstein is very kind and fairly clever about saying "hey, this kid problem is really a parent problem." Because you know what, it is. :/ That's hard to accept, but the whole point of this book is that when we react a certain way, we not only program our kids to act that way, but we can shut them down. Shut down kids often act out in defiance.

I have a 3 year old that was giving me a run for my money. She was 100% different from her 5 year old sister who rarely caused me to bat an eye at this age. So I suddenly became this crazy mix of a screaming, distant, totally ineffective mom. And guess what that produced? A screaming, distant, totally frustrated kid. When her melt-downs spread to preschool and daycare, I knew something had to give and ignoring the problem (which often turned into ignoring her...) didn't work.

So enter this book. All common sense advice that you know but can't remember in the heat of things. Not well written but truthful and helpful. Even though it is geared primarily for parents of older kids, it helped a lot.

Just go into reading this with an open mind and disregard some of the silly, almost patronizing elements.... the cases are fake as crap; unless of course ALL of his patients have been wildly articulate and easily come to success without many growing pains.... well, whatever, those aren't helpful. BUT the advice is solid.

charlesg's review against another edition

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Very useful material.

briannaw's review against another edition

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Yes it's nice other parents have distracted children too, this book however did not really give any ideas about how to undistract said children besides feeling sympathetic to them.

roastmayo's review against another edition

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So, ignore the title. 10 days for major behavioral change is pretty hokey, IMO. But there are so many wonderful pearls of parenting wisdom in here! I recommend this book and lend it out to lots of parents.

cascadesofbooks's review

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Solid book for non-controlling ways to reclaim happiness in your parent-child relationships, including accepting your child fully. Great refresher and really easy to turn back to any section I need when I'm having a hard day.