
A Night of Scandal - Skandal Sang Aktor by Sarah Morgan

turophile's review against another edition

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The second book by [a:Sarah Morgan|45898|Sarah Morgan|] that I've read. I'll definitely be looking for more.
The book combines exoctic locales, beautiful clothing, and a gorgeous movie star with a heroine most of us can relate to.

The book begins as Nathaniel, a wealthy, sexy movie star, is about to make his stage debut in London as Richard III. As the curtain lifts, he sees something or someone that so deeply disturbs him that he stops performing and announces that the show has been cancelled. He escapes to the costume room where he finds Katie, the costume designer for the show and asks for her help in escaping. They end up at her small apartment but after the paparazzi discover them, Nathaniel insists that they hide out until the "Emerald" awards ceremony.

Katie quickly discovers that Nathaniel has many layers too him, layers that she prefers to his movie star persona. They both discover they've got smoldering chemistry. Katie is dumbfounded that a man desired by millions of women could desire her, but as she unpeels the layers she starts to let him in as well.

I loved the way that Katie reacted to Nathaniel's interest in her - with trepidation and disbelief. I liked even more that she did not want to sleep with him or even be with him when he was playing the glamorous movie star role. She really focused on getting to know him as a person. What a great heroine.

One small nit - the "Emerald" award plays a role in the movie - it's so clearly refers to the Oscars. Presumably the author was forced to change the name somewhere along the line from Oscar to Emerald, but I noticed at least one reference to the award as an Oscar slipt through. Since I'm guessing the lawyers made her do it, I won't complain too much.

mukhy0's review against another edition

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So... I didn't realize that I was supposed to have low expectations since this was an HP novel. I'm not sure how people are giving this high ratings when the situation is just so ridiculous and inexplicable.

For people who have read my other reviews, you'll know that I really hate magical, love-at-first-sight type of stories. I was rolling my eyes when Katie saves Nathaniel from thirsty paparazzi who are hounding him because his premier at the theater ends up in a disaster. I don't know why he's tortured. I'm 28% through the book and all I can tell is that Nathaniel is anguished and needs to talk to some other ladies immediately. But in the meantime, while he is absolutely stricken by the appearance of some mysterious man at his performance, he can't help but notice Katie's long legs and how he is so inexplicably attracted to her. Even when they are hiding in her apartment and he has just bombed his performance, all he can think about is how he wants to kiss her. He's an idiot who is controlled by his hormones, I suppose.

Katie on the other hand, comes off as an airhead around Nathaniel. She turns into a blabber mouth when she's nervous and doesn't shut up because she's so star struck by him. I cannot fathom why he is attracted to Katie because she doesn't really make a great impression. They just fall for each other for some magical reason and there is no chemistry between the two. I don't get it! Am I supposed to suspend my disbelief as I read this because it's a Harlequin book? Neither of the characters are very interesting and sometimes I wish Katie would just shut up because I'm already a quarter way through the book and it's full of her blabbering about really random things. Couldn't finish this book.

aefedele's review against another edition

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This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on September 14, 2013.

I love connected series in HPs. Currently I've been following the Corretti Series which is still running. This was book one of a similar series with each book being written by a different author.

Nathaniel, an actor who wishes to be recognized for his talent rather than his looks, is performing in a Shakespeare play. When he is confronted by someone from his past he flees the playhouse with the costume designer in tow. As they go to hide away from prying eyes they enter a relationship. Katie wants love and to support Nathaniel in his endeavors but Nathaniel keeps pushing her away. Once he's lost her, he has to decide if he's willing to fight for her.

I really liked the set-up with the costume designer and the actor. I am rarely surprised by an occupation of one of the characters but I loved the costume designer job. It was really interesting to read about her designs and her unique perspective on the characters in plays and movies. I actually wanted to spend a little more time with Katie and her job than I did with Nathaniel.

Frankly the Wolfe angle was sort of unnecessary. Nathaniel mentioned a slew of brothers and sisters, seemingly to set up the series. Unfortunately they added nothing to the story and didn't make me want to continue the series. There is supposed to be some idea of ominous dealings with the Wolfe Manor and what happened to the siblings. Unfortunately it all falls a bit flat. I didn't find Nathaniel particularly interesting so I don't plan on continuing the series at this time.

I think this one is worthwhile if you are looking for a different job for one of the characters or you enjoy sibling series. The whole series is written by a variety of stellar HP authors so I'm sure some of them are spectacular.

3 Stars
Published by Harlequin-Presents
June 21, 2011
192 Pages
Provided by--the Library

rozymbanks's review against another edition

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A Night of Scandal is very different in character from the Harlequin Presents titles I've read recently. So much for category romances being formulaic! This book was emotional and a little angsty (at least it had as much angst as you could fit in a category length book). To me it was almost like a glammed-up Harlequin Superromance. I was a little annoyed by the heroine, Katie, and her tendency to babble when she was nervous. At the end of the story, I was not convinced that Nathaniel was healed from his childhood trauma, but I found the hero and heroine's love for each other believable, which is what really matters in a romance.

rosehillmb's review against another edition

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My first Presents ever! I think if more of them were like this (at least plotline wise) I might be more apt to pick them up. I can't really get into the Greek/Sheik/Heir/Virgin/Secretary/Mistress angles. A Night of Scandal had a plot that felt a little more grounded in least for a Presents title ;)

The writing was enjoyable and didn't feel rushed or "show not tell" which can be hard with such a limited number of words. I'd be interested in trying other Sarah Morgan titles and would like to see what she can do in a longer format.

My only real complaint was a small, nit-picky thing. There was a lot of using the hero's whole name...Nathaniel Wolfe this, Nathaniel Wolfe that, Nathaniel Wolfe went here and there and everywhere! Ditto for one of the movies he starred in, Alpha Man. At a certain point it's like...I KNOW HIS NAME AND YOU'VE MENTIONED THE MOVIE 87 THOUSAND TIMES THANKS. Overall all that was a personal thing I noticed and it didn't really affect the storyline itself.

readingpenguin's review against another edition

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Nathaniel Wolfe is a movie star who can't stop acting. He has very dark past which he makes every effort to bury by constantly keeping up a persona as a bored and disinterested celebrity. Katie Field is a costume designer working on Nathaniel's latest play. When Nathaniel's past creeps up on him unexpectedly, he recruits Katie to help him escape. She's then drawn into his world and drawn to him as a person. Katie is a chatty person, and honest to a fault. Katie has some confidence issues which she hides by wearing drab cloths (the color of the adorable puppy). They are opposites in many ways, and so they are able to help each other and heal many past wounds together.

I'm a fan of the opposites attract thing, so this romance really worked for me. I thought the relationship had a nice pace to it and developed along with the characters. For such a short book, it spans a variety of settings and each reflects where the characters are emotionally--from London, to a secluded island, to Rio, to L.A. I especially enjoyed Nathaniel's back story and how Morgan chose to reveal it in pieces until the end when the reader grasps the full horrific picture. I liked Katie's personality, she's very optimistic and personable.

I didn't care for Katie's character arc. Basically the focus is on her finding confidence in herself (particularly with regard to her appearance). I get that this is a deep seated emotional issue for many women, and the author handles it with grace. However, it pales in comparison to Nathaniel's story of childhood abuse and overcoming his emotionally stunted existence. In some ways I kept wondering how Katie, of the relatively happy (if poor and frumpy) life could begin to understand Nathaniel's pain. It's a testament to Morgan's style that I did believe their happily ever after despite this sort of uneven development.

Overall, I recommend this book. It isn't to fluffy, nor is it too dark. There are a lot of touching emotional moments and a surprisingly satisfying romance. 4 stars.

sarah42783's review against another edition

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Definitely one of the most ridiculous book I ever read. The only positive thing is that it is very short so I didn't lose much time reading it!