
The Manny by Sara Bell

papercranestitches's review

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*** 3.5 Stars ***

lauraadriana78's review

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Ok, I'm the first to admit, I pretty much am into anything with a kid in it. But this was really sweeet! Poor A.J. was left with a baby he didn't know about and much less what to do with. He loves his little girl, he just didn't know what to do! In comes Tate, Mr. Biker Dude and saves the day. They get a thing going, and well, you know...CUTENESS :O)

I loved this little story. Sara Bell has the short and sweet DOWN.

Well...Two stories in two days recommended to me by Bubbles which I have ABSOLUTELY LOVED. I don't know what that means in terms of 'end of world' scenarios, but it might be good to stock up on flashlights and canned goods. Just sayin' :OP

Awesome little read. REC-O-MMEND!