
Girlsplaining: Ya te lo contamos nosotras by Katja Klengel

elisarh's review against another edition

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funny inspiring lighthearted fast-paced


cailinslibrary's review against another edition

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funny inspiring lighthearted relaxing fast-paced


mildsensation's review against another edition

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funny informative reflective fast-paced


amselieee's review against another edition

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inspiring lighthearted reflective fast-paced


hannah_joy's review against another edition

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funny informative inspiring lighthearted fast-paced


zabcia's review against another edition

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"I want to show you how much pain you could have spared your life would have been different, if you hadn't looked at yourself through others' eyes..."

* addresses a lot important topics head-on and without shame - and with drawings to boot!

* sometimes felt a bit performative, as if instead of being honestly vulnerable it tried too hard to be humorously vulnerable

* not a fan of the rude reference to Star Trek OS. it felt like a cheap shot at trying to prove a point, when it was really quite revolutionary for its time

avisreadsandreads's review against another edition

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Something about the tone of this book didn't work for me. I found her sense of humour grating, though I did enjoy the chapter on body hair.

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yopoydan_kirjat's review against another edition

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Olipas tämä hankala tapaus. Välillä tykkäsin, välillä en. Paljon oli tuttua, "Sinkkuelämää" alku oli puuduttava ja vaikka edelleen pidän Pottereiden maailmasta, en olisi halunnut tällaisessa feministisessä sarjiksessa nähdä viittauksia transfobisen kirjailijan teoksiin. Tosin vulvan kutsuminen "siksi-jota-ei-pidä-nimetä" oli hauskaa, onhan tuota kyseistä elintä vältetty puheissa vähintään Voldemortin tasoisesti tai sitten vaihtoehtoisesti se kelpaa vain kirosanaksi. Onneksi mukana on muotakin nörttiviittauksia mm. Sailor Mooniin ja Star Trekiin. Parasta antia olivat kirjailijan omaelämäkerralliset tarinat.

joyful_josi's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted


skyhiiigh's review against another edition

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emotional funny informative lighthearted reflective fast-paced


This book was okay . I liked the sailor moon references