
Pride by J.D. Hollyfield

elylibrarysec's review against another edition

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Mason Blackwell had a lot to deal with growing up. You can almost feel his pain and I don’t mean just the emotional. Our author shows that some people may be an adult but that not all of them are nice and some are a little sick. We have one more story where it seems that the adults have failed the children and in this case that child is Mason. Megan Thorne is not what he expects. She has a few surprises for us but you have to be patient.

Our author takes her time to build this story and it doesn’t feel choppy by doing that either. She held my attention from beginning to end. This second book in The Elite Seven series is not for those that prefer vanilla. For me, that takes a back seat to a secondary character that seems to have a secret agenda. Finding out what her deal is became important because she’s the reason that this group that has come together.

Most of the story is told from Mason’s point of view, which makes sense since it’s his story to tell. But then the author sneaks in Megan’s and we need that so we know what she’s thinking and what she has to say. I found that interesting especially when she reveals something important.

If you haven’t started this series by reading Lust, you could go ahead and read this first since the series is just starting. But for now, I would think about reading it in order and then once it’s done you can go back and switch it up then. Once I got to the end, this author had me thankful that the next book will be out shortly. I’m really looking forward to see what happens with the next deadly sin.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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Hollyfield has created another sinner for me to fall in love with!

I love how intertwined these stories are. The characters stay consistent and the plots are continuing as they become fully developed. This story was about Pride and all the ways that Mason had to swallow his in order to survive.

Mason suffered so much. Those he was supposed to trust, those responsible for his safety, were the very ones to make him unsafe. It was all he could do to protect his little sister, no matter the cost. So being at the beck and call of a she-devil would be the price he'd pay to ensure his sister was okay. Luckily it takes him no time at all to gain the advantage and with the help of an old friend and some new ones, he just might make the most of it.

I loved Mason. So much. I loved his loyalty, his strength, his vulnerability, his ethical code, etc. He was just great. The heroine of this story, Meghan, was an absolute sweetheart with a spicy hidden personality. This girl was HAWT!! And these two together were a kinky, wet dream. Muy caliente 🔥🔥🔥

Wrath is next and I'm so excited to see where this story goes. I love these guys so much already and getting all of these different perspectives on their personalities only fuels my hunger.

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kathy2012west's review against another edition

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Book two of The Elite Seven series did not disappoint. 

Mason had a rough childhood. After his parents were killed, Mason and his sister went into the foster care system. But life in the system isn't always the best. Luckily Mason made a friend in Micah, a friend that will show back up later in his life. 

When things take a turn for the worse with his new foster family, Mason finds himself in trouble. Trouble that actually never happened. All of this trouble is thanks to his foster mom Lillian. (If you read Lust, you have already met Lillian.) 

Lillian wants Mason to follow her "rules", she wants him to do whatever she says, and if he doesn't she will get him out of jail. Mason says no at first but then Lillian brings up his sister and Mason will do whatever he needs to do to protect his sister Evelyn, even if that means playing by Lillian's rules. 

Lillian wants Mason to run the Elite Seven, to be the leader over its seven new members (including himself). She knows his "PRIDE" will keep him in line. That he won't cross her.

Mason has a random one night stand with a woman he meets at a bar. A woman that drove him crazy, but he never imagined he would see her again. A woman he never imagined would be his "task" to gain membership into the Elite Seven and keep his sister safe. A woman that would be one of his college professors. Megan Benedict. 

The problem? Mason has a heart. He realizes he can't do what Lillian wants him to do and he has to figure out a way out of it. He realizes the closer he gets to Megan, the more he cares about her. 

Why does Lillian want to take Megan down?

What did Megan ever do to Lillian? 

What happens when everything takes a turn for the worse? 

Is Lillian the only one pulling the strings or is there someone above her?

Pride was a really good read. I got to learn more about the Elite Seven and more about some of the other characters. J.D.'s writing is spot-on and I think Mason and Megan have some really good character development and growth throughout the book. 

I am really enjoying this series and I am excited for Wrath's book.

scbookaddict's review against another edition

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This book was h-o-t!!! Like panty-melting hot! I read it in a day because I did NOT want to put it down. I am officially hooked on this series!

I'm not going to get into the details of the book because to give you spoilers would indeed spoil this book!!! Call me a party-pooper but the suspense of not knowing makes reading it that much better. 

Mason Blackwell and his sister have become orphans and are living in foster care. One particular event leads Mason into a life that is ruled by someone other than himself. Someone dark and sinister. 

I love how these books intertwine. Lust gave us an introduction to the seven and Pride gives us a few more teasers into the other five guys we haven't read yet. 

Pride was full of suspense, secrets, and extremely hot sex scenes. 

Let's not forget the last part of the epilogue! 

I need Wrath's story NOW!

maleficentknits's review against another edition

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This book was so much better than the first; it was what I had hoped for in Lust's (Rhett's) story but was denied. Here is the passion behind the sins these brothers of The Elite Seven should embody. This book also occurs in the same time frame as the first, Lust, which I rather enjoyed. It implies to bits and pieces of the others' stories making me look forward to reading their books.

Though Mason represents Pride, which keeps him from giving in to others hellbent on destroying him in order to make him there personal plaything/servant, he also embodies the other sins, especially lust, but I like that about him. I also enjoy the building of his relationship with the other members of the seven, all of them having to depend on each other.

These books also have a wonderfully wicked and cruel female villain, Lillian, that is so much fun to love/hate. As fucked up as she is, I want her to die a glorious death, but not too soon, as I look forward to her manipulating the other men in their stories as well.

simplynik's review against another edition

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This series {insert fist pump} is bringing it! These are new adult books, however the books are edgy and filled with suspense. You get a sense each sinner has to confront, define and become their sin. Their journeys are very unique, but the pain and tasks assigned are hard as hell.

Pride aka Mason Blackwell is unique in the pledge class of seven sins, he didn't want to be there. We learn in his story, the agony, constant abuse he endures as a child. His latest circumstance he hangs between reality and desire. The sex in this story is hot. It mirrors the rage and despair that makes up Mason's pride. But you should go into this story blind, and make your own conclusions. I don't want to give any parts away. It's a process, the elite 7 and you should take each book one at a time.

I enjoyed this one a tad bit more than the Lust book. But mainly because I had my questions answered from the first story. I also felt the revisiting of the past story brings new questions to mind. You see the story from multiple point of views. This series is more romantic suspense with a coming to age story mixed in.

Try this series it is so worth the hype!!!

the_sassy_bookworm's review against another edition

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Hmmm...this book (like book one) was a little bit of a mixed bag. I felt the romance in this one was a bit more developed but still took a backseat to Mason's background and the whole "Elite Seven" storyline. Which for me is the highlight of these books. I did like the fact that we didn't get too much OW stuff. The hero wasn't a manwhore. I didn't much care for the fact that this was an older woman/younger man story and the first sex scene was a little much. Mainly because it seemed SO over the top for two people that had JUST meet in a bar...but OK I went with it. (lol)


I think going forward I need to lower my expectations a bit regarding the "romances" and just sit back and enjoy the comradery between all the guys and the twists and turns that come from the whole "secret society" angle. That is definitely the best part of these books (so far).



justmekendra's review against another edition

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This one gave me a book hangover for days!

Intertwined with Lust, Pride continues the storyline and delves deeper into this secret society, The Elite. I enjoyed this one so much more than Lust. With Lust, I felt there was too much backstory - which makes since because it was setting the scene for the following books. With Pride, I loved seeing another pov. 

Mason and Megan's chemistry was off the charts, amazing. The first scene between them was outstanding and panty-melting. There was no shortage of desire there! And it just keeps on coming back for more!

Hollyfield kept me up past my bedtime, consuming me, and compelling me to read the book in one sitting. That's super hard to do. I was completely invested and hooked! I can't wait to see what else is in store for this group.

Two sins down, five more to go.

thebookishmedialite's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars!

Review to follow!

readingislife's review against another edition

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Just finished up the second book in The Elite Seven series...I'm loving how they are connected - kind of like the Saw movie series - although that happened in the span of like 24 hours, this is giving me the same vibe. There is so much going on, but surprisingly it's not confusing and flows well. I'm hesitant to start the next one because being an instant gratification girl, I'm gonna want to finish the whole thing at one time to find out what's really going on.