
Pretty Witches All in a Row by Lisa Olsen

laureenreads's review against another edition

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This was an enjoyable story and helped to pass the time. I don't generally complain about a lack of sex, but in this case I am. There was all kinds of lead-up to eventual sex, there was all this anticipation... and then nothing? Otherwise, it was an all right book. A very errors here and there, though. If you're going to self-publish, please hire an editor to go over your story and ensure there are no errors.

yodamom's review against another edition

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A witchy mystery with a past. This twisted tale of murders and witchcraft will open the eyes on doubting Sargent. What he find defies everything he has ever believed.
Anna a local shop owner and coven member finds herself in need of protection when witches start turning up dead. The Sargent in charge finds himself drawn to this witchy woman. Has she done something to alter him ?Solving the murders is going to lead Sargent Nick and his office into a whole new reality. One they fight till the end. The mystery is not going to be easy and the people involved live a secret life style.
I was stumped till the very end of this mystery. I did not see that coming. There where a few flaws, cheesy lines, out of character moves etc. But they where minor. The author did a good job and I see a good future.

saradavcamp's review against another edition

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Good book. Suspenseful, interesting and clean. I liked it.

constant_reader_19's review against another edition

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Overall, a good read. Would have like a little more plot building…the conclusion just came crashing together in the last couple chapters.

heatheray's review against another edition

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I don’t know what it is about the word witch (wiccan, Salem, magical, that word is a draw for me), if it’s in the title I will 1-click just about every time. Pretty Witches All In A Row was no exception. The cover grabbed me as I was cruising, unsupervised (which really shouldn’t happen with that 1-click button), through Amazon. I clicked and started reading immediately. I seriously love that cover. It’s beautiful and different.

I’m not going to retell the blurb for you, if you are reading reviews, you’ve read it already and know that you’re interested.

I’m going to say I loved our main characters, though there were a few moments that made me scratch my head a bit, Nick was a good detective but not the most professional, IMHO. That didn’t stop me from liking him, it just made me think if this was real life and his superior caught him doing some of what he did, he would have been asked to turn in his badge and gun early in the book.

That being said, other than a few irresponsible professional moments on his part, I love him. I loved Annaliese more though. She was just very likable. I love to spend time in a store like she has in the book. I could imagine it in my head, smell the smells that you find in a store of that kind, hear the music playing in the background, see the people interacting.

I kind of had a feeling of who done it, and I was right, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the book, turning the pages quickly to see to see if it was going where I thought it would go. I didn’t think it would go exactly the way it did. The twist that was there was pretty cool.

I am excited to read more from Lisa Olsen and have Kiss The Witch Goodbye (the next book) sitting in my Kindle wish list on Amazon waiting for payday so I can buy it. I really enjoyed these characters and want to see where they go from here.

4 great writing, likable characters, very enjoyable stars from me!

see_sadie_read's review against another edition

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3.5 **spoiler alert**

This was a pleasant little read. It kept me occupied for an evening, which was all I was asking of it. I liked the main characters (though I did find Nick's endless banter juvenile). They weren't all that well defined. Everyone's past stays murky. For example, something apparently happened in LA that undermined Nick's trust in his daughter and prompted them to move to Portland, but the reader never learns what it is. Nor do you learn how Annaliese came to practice Wicca or much of anything about the coven members, etc. Everything is kept fairly shallow. Similarly, all of the side characters are mere cut outs, with no depth.

The police procedure part of the book was a mess. It was fun to read, but I had to suspend A LOT of disbelief to roll with it. Nick broke just about every rule in the book (contaminating evidence, removing evidence without permission, releasing confidential information, taking a civilian into a crime scene, fabricating statements, etc), which didn't really match his otherwise good cop persona. Again, it was amusing but by no means believable.

Honestly, the mystery wasn't that hard to figure out. Let's face it; the vilification of the aged is so common that as soon as I see one old woman I can pinpoint the villain instantly. The book did provide a red herring or two, to make the reader doubt the obvious, but they were weak to say the least. It's pretty obvious who is behind everything and even why.

So, final thoughts...a fun read, but not topping any Best Of lists for me.

see_sadie_read's review

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3.5 **spoiler alert**

This was a pleasant little read. It kept me occupied for an evening, which was all I was asking of it. I liked the main characters (though I did find Nick's endless banter juvenile). They weren't all that well defined. Everyone's past stays murky. For example, something apparently happened in LA that undermined Nick's trust in his daughter and prompted them to move to Portland, but the reader never learns what it is. Nor do you learn how Annaliese came to practice Wicca or much of anything about the coven members, etc. Everything is kept fairly shallow. Similarly, all of the side characters are mere cut outs, with no depth.

The police procedure part of the book was a mess. It was fun to read, but I had to suspend A LOT of disbelief to roll with it. Nick broke just about every rule in the book (contaminating evidence, removing evidence without permission, releasing confidential information, taking a civilian into a crime scene, fabricating statements, etc), which didn't really match his otherwise good cop persona. Again, it was amusing but by no means believable.

Honestly, the mystery wasn't that hard to figure out. Let's face it; the vilification of the aged is so common that as soon as I see one old woman I can pinpoint the villain instantly. The book did provide a red herring or two, to make the reader doubt the obvious, but they were weak to say the least. It's pretty obvious who is behind everything and even why.

So, final thoughts...a fun read, but not topping any Best Of lists for me.

si0bhan's review

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I had conflicted notions about what Pretty Witches All in a Row would give me. One part of me expected a crime thriller. One part of me expected a pure fantasy read. One part of me expected a romance. One part of me expected some kind of hybrid. The final is the closest to what I was given, although the type of hybrid it turned out to be wasn’t really what I had expected. Overall, it was an okay read: it kept me entertained but it failed to give me exactly what I wanted.

As I had expected multiple things from this book, and wasn’t really given any of them in full, I will address each of them in turn. I feel as though it will make my review easier to work with, and then at the end I can deal with the general points.

First off, we have the crime aspect. In a way, this is a cosy mystery: we’re curious about the whodunit aspect and yet we’re not dealing with the gore of the harder hitting crime novels. As a big lover of crime novels, I find I have to be in the mood for cosy mysteries. I do not dislike them; I simply prefer the darker stuff (think Karin Slaughter, Mo Hayder, and Sharon Bolton). As a cosy mystery, this one is decent enough. Things are pretty obvious from early on, but the author does throw in a few red herrings to leave you second-guessing whether or not you’re correct. What I felt was lacking, however, was the actual police procedure. Having read countless crime thrillers, this one felt rather lacking. We follow the detective in charge of the case, and yet the police side of the storyline didn’t feel very real to me. I’m sure such a thing will not bother most people, but it prevented me from getting into the story as much as I had hoped for.

Secondly, we have the fantasy aspect. We have the word ‘witches’ in the title of the book, thus my mind expected a lot of magic. In reality, such is not the case. We have a few simple spells, some prophetic dreams, but as a whole the witch aspect wasn’t played up as much as I had hoped it would be. I’d expected something more, rather than just an acceptance of the occult world. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with low-key witch business – I rather enjoy such stories when they’re done well, and I don’t always ask for fireballs and curses – but this one felt as though it existed simply to make our character open his eyes to a side of the world he knew nothing about. There wasn’t as much depth to it as I had hoped: it was simply there.

Third and finally, we have the romance aspect. I never used to be a fan of romance reads, but I’m slowly growing to enjoy them. In fact, having read so many this year, I think I can safely say I’m now a romance fan. Despite this, I’m still picky about my romance. I like to watch things develop. I dislike instalove. I enjoy it when there is chemistry between the characters. I dislike it when characters are thrown together simply to add a romantic element to the storyline. In this one, I felt as though the romance was more in line with what I disliked. There were a couple of moments where I smiled at the interaction of the characters, but for the most part it felt forced. I didn’t really buy into the whole romance element of the story. Not only did it feel highly unprofessional of the cop, it also felt as though it existed simply to allow certain events to unfold.

It wasn’t all bad, though. I was entertained throughout. I did want to see how things would end, turning page after page to see what happened next. The mystery aspect was decent enough, even if it was obvious. The fantasy aspect did have a high point towards the end (I won’t say what, as I have no wish to spoil it), even if it was a little bit clichés. As a whole, I was pulled into the story; it simply wasn’t all I had hoped it would be, and I believe a part of this is because I never came to enjoy the main characters as much as I had wanted to.

Whilst I won’t be reading more of this particular series, I will be taking a look at some of the author’s other work – hopefully, I will enjoy her other work more, as this one did have promise.

stellar_raven's review

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Started off pretty good, ended up being just ok. In my opinion, it just got far too unbelievable as the story progressed. The fact that Nick was far too quickly and easily able to get past his disbelief, and that along with the fact that he pretty much trampled all over what I would consider to be normal police procedure pretty much took me out of the story. For example,
he took a potential victim, who is also a suspect, who is also the woman he's romantically interested in, to the scene of a crime where they removed potential evidence from said crime scene. And there were no consequences for any of his actions.

The characters could have stood a little more fleshing out, as well.

I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it, either. I would probably be willing to read another book by this author another time.