
The Greek Myths by Robert Graves

gavmonn's review against another edition

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i absolutely hate the informational parts of this book. Myths are good, but the info aren't good.

jeremy's review against another edition

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Graves interpretations are bizarre. The text itself is alright, but tries to capture too many variant myths in one place.

fatemehmoradi's review against another edition

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اسم ترجمه فارسی این کتاب «جهان اسطوره‌ها» هست و من وقتی ISBN این کتاب رو توی گودریدز زدم اصل انگلیسی این کتاب رو صرفا اسطوره‌های یونانی آورد، با این حال در کتاب «جهان اسطوره‌ها» ترجمه «ابوالقاسم اسماعیل‌پور» به اسطوره‌هایی بیشتر از اسطوره‌های یونانی پرداخته شده! در این کتاب در مورد اسطوره‌های پیش از تاریخ، اسطوره‌های سومری و اکدی، اسطوره‌های فنیقی، اسطوره‌های بین‌النهرینی، منظومه آفرینش بابلی، سفر اینانا به دوزخ، اسطوره‌های مصر باستان، و صد البته اسطوره‌های یونان باستان می‌خونیم.
ترجمه خیلی خوبی بود، و اگر به اسطوره‌شناسی و اسطوره علاقه‌مند هستید کتاب خوبی برای شروع هست. معرفی اسطوره‌ها به شدت عالی انجام شده بود، علاقه‌مندان اسطوره‌شناسی از این کتاب راضی خواهند بود.

oslupek_04's review against another edition

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zenithharpink's review against another edition

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This was more of a textbook than a pleasure reading book. While interesting, there was SO much information presented that I often forgot the details of the story before I finished reading about the source material and background information provided.

This was excellently researched, and truly a fascinating read, but reading it in one go was not a good idea, and I don't recommend it. I think the approach for this book is more as a reference when encountering other stories elsewhere, and then getting the down-low from this book.

I recommend this book as a reference for fans of Greek Myths. It's truly a great source of information, and really helped me to solidify my knowledge of stories I was already familiar with - for new ones, I simply didn't retain all the information that was shared in this tome.

ewalshy's review against another edition

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Really liked this collection of Greek Myths compiled by Robert Graves, I preferred Mythos to this slightly as Mythos was more, fun? This is great for incredibly detailed understanding of Greek Mythology but lacked a bit of fun factor to be read for entertainment. Definitely enjoyed as a learning tool

dajna's review against another edition

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Vale assolutamente la pena di leggerlo, nonostante la lunghezza. Dei, eroi e uomini sono continuamente in relazione, in amore, in guerra, generando un complicatissimo albero genealogico della nostra società.
Se devo fare un appunto alla versione audio devo dire che l'attore, per me, ha letto un po' troppo velocemente. Certi passaggi sono volati via prima che avessi il tempo di capire come si collocavano rispetto alle infomrazini precedenti.
Di sicuro è una lettura impegnativa, ben più approfondita dei racconti più famosi che siamo abituati a leggere.

flying_monkeys's review against another edition

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hopeful slow-paced


ophiocordyceps's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional informative mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced


nixusiai's review against another edition

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informative mysterious slow-paced


i enjoyed it! very much a brief intro to the more famous myths, but still fun to read.

i feel it was easier to enjoy knowing it wasn't written by a historian, but rather a poet who simply wanted to write about myths! 

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