
Lailah by Nikki Kelly

demilee1369's review against another edition

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The more I progressed in this story the more I thought it wasn't really going to get past the meh feeling I had for it. The story did pick up at the end and I do look forward to seeing how the next book progresses from this one.

OVERALL: Unsure at this current moment
FAVE CHARACTER: Johan just cause he has rather a spit personality
WOULD I READ MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR: I plan on moving on in this series but im not sure if I would pick up other books from this author.
RECOMMEND: I have no clue, it didn't have a lot going for it but at the same time it was all over the place a bit.

ambeesbookishpages's review against another edition

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This review and more can be found at The Book Bratz!

From the moment I finished the prologue, Lailah had my hooked and ready to read more. Lailah is a fast paced, action packed, unpredictable thrill ride that we leave you hanging on until the very last page. I won't lie, I have read so many vampire novels that I was nervous about this one. But vampires and angels? Well now that is something new!

Cessie is immortal, she hasn't aged since the first time she died and she doesn't stay dead when she does die. With no recollection of her past lives, except for visions she gets when triggered by an action or an object, Cessie has no choice but to start over. When Cessie rescues a Jonah, a second generation vampire who is being hunted down by his master, a pure blood vampire, to be killed. When Cessie almost gets herself killed, she never imagined to be looking up into the eyes of the boy who had been in her dreams or visions. But soon the Pure Blood vampires aren't hunting for Jonah anymore. They are hunting Cessie. To out run them Cessie joins Jonah and Gabriel along with their few allies to stay alive.

Character wise I loved Cessie. She wasn't totally blind to the vampire world, she learned about them through an relationship that didn't end well. But we learned about vampires as Cessie learned. Now I am pretty sure you are thinking "Who is Cessie?" She is Lailah, her name from her first life. A life that that Gabriel knew her in. As well as the theme the story is Lailah finding out who and what she really is.

Gabriel, is an angel from the dimension of Styclar-Plena (Heaven) sent to the second dimension (Earth). I liked Gabriel's character, but he frustrated me so much. He wanted to Cessie to trust him but he wasn't open with her and kept plenty of secrets. Like one being, that none of the other vampires could know that she was immortal. Like, what? But Gabriel treated her well and genuinely seemed to care about her.

Jonah, is a second generation vampire, who in seeking redemption for what he is, works with Gabriel in saving others of his kind. I don't doubt that Jonah actually cares for Cessie, but I felt he more or less tried to have her affection to be able to feed off of her. But there were times were he was caring and gentle and made me route for him.

Now, I am mixed on the topic of love triangles. I like them, but then I don't like them because I always end up on the wrong side. But Nikki sure does know how to write a love triangle. I couldn't stick with one boy, and the story is about finding darkness within the light, and light within the darkness, at least. So both boys had their imperfections, and their dark and light in them. But both Gabriel and Jonah were swoon worthy, and I changed my mind on who I liked the most several times. My verdict though: I liked Gabriel the most.

I officially declare Nikki the plot twist Queen. There are plenty of twists and turns in the plot of Lailah and that is what keeps you on your toes, but then you have the biggest plot twist in the history of plot twists and suddenly you are not sure what to think anymore. Then the plot twist bought you back to which guy you like best? And oh my feels. It just hits you in the feels. Then on top of all these feels, we are left with a cliff hanger. Now I want to cry.

Nikki has a knack for story telling and her writing sucks readers right into the story. Along with an interesting idea and a plot to leave readers wondering what is happening next. Gabriel is only about a year away! *said trying to be cheery but dying inside because of cliffhangers*

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I really loved this book! It did have some flaws, but I was completely sucked into the story and loved the characters. This was one of those books that I just didn’t want to put down – and now I can’t wait for the next installment.


Shades of Gray.
Those of you who read my reviews often know how much I love stories that involve not just good and evil, but everything in between. Well, this book definitely does that! This book explores angels and vampires and Lailah, who is something else entirely. The vampires in the book definitely have baser instincts – even the vampires who are trying their best to gain back some of their humanity feed off of humans (and not in a nice, volunteer sort of way like happens in Vampire Academy). Let’s talk about the characters more specifically …

Lailah is a complex character because she is strong, but also innocent in many ways. Lailah has lived many lives, but she doesn’t remember them – at least not more than bits and pieces. So, in some ways she feels young. But when push comes to shove, she makes her own decisions and refuses to live life on anyone else’s terms. Lailah has gone through her current life with a memory of Gabriel – she feels a deep connection to him. But then she meets Jonah, he appeals to something in her as well … something she fears sometimes. Yep, there’s a love triangle – but I felt like it made sense in this story because Lailah is trying to figure out who she is – and these two men each represent a part of her.

Jonah is probably the darkest character in the book who isn’t an outright villain. While Lailah is definitely drawn to him (and he to her), he isn’t just a misunderstood good guy. Sometimes Jonah did things that upset me (there is one scene in particular where he forced Lailah to bare her back to him so that he could see her wound, and the scene borders on violence). He isn’t always likable – and I didn’t always WANT Lailah to be attracted to him. But as Lailah learns about Jonah’s good qualities, we do too. That doesn’t mean that I was able to forgive all of his baser qualities, but I felt like those sometimes made him more real – more of a true vampire. And that I could appreciate.

I’m definitely Team Gabriel (though there were times when I melted for Jonah too). Gabriel has history with Lailah, and though she can’t remember it completely, she feels incredibly connected to him. Gabriel is an angel, and truly believes in goodness and purity – but he doesn’t discount the vampires because of who they are. He has spent years trying to help vampires that want to escape their inner demons and gain their humanity back. Gabriel loves Lailah, but he struggles with guilt over feeling like he didn’t save her when he should have – and so he dedicates himself to protecting her this time around and finding out who (or what) she really is so that he can help her. Gabriel is all sorts of swoony, and even though he realizes in the end that he doesn’t understand Lailah completely, he wants to love her for all of who she is.

The negatives:

Lailah’s distrust.
Throughout the book, Lailah struggles with trusting Gabriel, even though she knows that he feels strongly about her. I understood this to some degree, but sometimes I wanted to sigh and tell Lailah to grow up a little and not jump to conclusions. Sometimes I felt like this was a bit of a plot device to put a wedge between Gabriel and Lailah that wasn’t really there.

I can’t tell you right now.
This is one of those things that happens often in books and it bugs me. One character (Gabriel) has information about the main character, but just refuses to tell them (and us). Again, it feels like a plot device to extend the mystery. I DID feel like there were certain things that Gabriel didn’t want to talk about because it was painful for him, and I was okay with that, but occasionally his lack of sharing got frustrating.

Unsurprising twists.
I wasn’t terribly surprised by some of the twists in the book, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy seeing it all play out! Watching the characters discover what I had kind of already figured out was still exciting (plus, I got to confirm my suspicions). And there were definitely still a few surprises!

So, while there were definitely a few things that marred this book’s perfection, I still thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait to find out what will happen next. I give it 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***

hiveretcafe's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on my blog, Hiver et Cafe

UM. UM. So guys. I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Jonah. He's a hot, swoony vampire who makes my heart melt. So yeah.

I had some really high expectations for this one and I'm glad to say that it didn't disappoint. I mean, how can I be on the Styclar Street Team and not like the book? That would just be terrible.

Anyways, from the beginning the story had a "gray overtone" to it. Do you know what I mean? Probably not. There was that sort of gray overcast lighting to the entire book. It might just be because of the lighting on the cover, because it was raining most of the week that I read it or because I was listening to Lana Del Rey. It was very moody and there was a lot of pathetic fallacy in this one. And they're also in England, so rain.

Right. Plot. There were a lot of predictable things to me for this one, but there were some things that really caught me off guard that obviously, I can't tell you. But seriously, holy shit. I really like the whole angel and vampire thing because once we learn about the origin stories of both the paranormal creatures, it's clear that there is an evil side and a "not so evil, but not good either" side. They see themselves as light and dark and it is a part of them, the lightness and darkness. However, the world isn't like that and is really just made up of an array of grays. And it is through this "grayness" that the conflict in Lailah arises.

There are two hot guys in this book that Lailah has to choose from: Gabriel, the angel, or Jonah, the vampire. I am totally Team Jonah. Like. Irrevocably, undeniably Team Jonah. I'm kind of in love with him. I totally get why some people are Team Fence, in which they don't know who to choose, between Gabriel or Jonah.

Gabriel is the light. He's an angel after all. He's kind to Lailah and protects her. She finds herself drawn to him and he knows her past. And the thing is, because he knows of her past, he is almost drawn to an idea of her rather than who she really is, even if Lailah herself doesn't know it. I don't like him. I am appreciative that he's protective of her and that he wants to help her, but he has so many secrets of his own that I can't put my trust in him.

Now, Jonah on the other hand, is a sassy, charming vampire who is damaged. (That checks off a lot of the boxes on my book boyfriend requirements list) He meets Lailah for the first time when she runs into him and he loves her and accepts her for who she is. He's so sweet to her and some of his lines just had me sighing out loud and silently squealing. I freaking love him.

Lailah is innocent and the fact that she doesn't remember her past sends her on a journey to find herself and who she is. However, holy shit, girl needs to open her eyes. The clues to her own story were right in front of her. Maybe she just chose not to see them out of denial. I want her to choose Jonah just because I want to read more swoony moments of his, but also Gabriel because I want Jonah for myself. (sorry, not sorry) Lai, sweetie, you've got a whole load of crap to deal with ahead of you. Good luck girl, you're going to need it.

And with that ending too. I look forward to seeing Lailah maybe, hopefully kicking some butt in Book 2.

Lailah is action packed and fast paced with swoony book boys that will make you sigh out loud. Definitely pick this one up guys. Seriously.

erazonasarah's review against another edition

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I fell in love with this book almost immediately and enjoyed the whole thing immensely!

pantsreads's review against another edition

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Read my review here.

colecordium's review against another edition

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Finally!! Review next week!

downthebookhole's review against another edition

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In a battle as old as time between good and evil, Cessie (Lailah) is not sure what she is and where she falls into the great divide of angels and vampires. The only information she has about her past is what she has relived through her dreams and even then she is not sure how much of it is true. That is until she runs into an injured stranger named Jonah and her whole life slowly starts to change as she learns more about who she is and what she is. There is suspense, mystery, action, romance and of course some swoon worthy men!

This book was exactly what I needed. I was completely captivated by the story, world and characters that I had a hard time putting it down and actually read a majority of the book in one sitting! I was nervous going into this book because of the vampires and sometimes they get a little weird and overdone, but I was pleasantly surprised and loved the world. The world building was subtle enough that it wasn't overloaded all at once, but you learn alongside Cessie (Lailah). I also loved that the book was based in Europe, it created a beautiful setting and a great feature to the story! Kelly laid out a story that was so beautifully written and flowed so well that it was so easy to devour. There was a youthfulness to her writing that allowed me to easily connect to Lailah and totally understood her, her problems, feelings and where she was coming from as well as Brooke and the other characters.

The characters sure had large dynamic and unique personalities! Kelly did a fabulous job crafting some absolutely amazing men! The earn the title for being swoon worthy and each have their own personalities and qualities that enhance each of them! I have to say although Gabriel is the handsome angel that is protective and caring, I am definitely into the bad boy vampire with that great sass! I loved that each character had their own stories and connection to the other characters. Lailah was a strong female character and definitely had a mind of her own. She went through a lot and there was lots of character development seen through the whole book.

As much as I loved and adored this book there were a few things that annoyed me a little, but I was able to ignore for the most part because of the great story, world and characters! There is a love triangle, this should be no surprise because most paranormal romances (basically YA genre in general) seem to have this element. There were also times that I was reminded a lot of Twilight (and not just because they are both paranormal romances with love triangles and vampires) it was certain words and actions that instantly took me back to Twilight, but it only happened a few time.

Through the clichés, came a story that I found unique and a new take on the typical good versus evil story. It had a fresh twist our world and the idea of heaven and hell. There were twists and surprises, swoony men and great characters full of life and personality. There were some great swoon worthy quotes and great fangirl moments. It left me wanting (needing) more and has become a guilty pleasure read for me that I am sure will become a re-read very soon! I highly recommend it for fans of Richelle Mead, Jennifer L. Armentrout and Stephanie Meyer. It read like the greats that came before it, Twilight, The Vampire Academy, White Hot Kiss etc. (This is not just because it is about vampires it is because it is a captivating paranormal romance!)

tashalane's review against another edition

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When I first started this book and realized it had vampires in it I was iffy about it and set it back down because there are already so many different books about vampires. I finally picked it back up and started reading it. To my surprise because I didn't think I would actually like it, I do. In fact ot was a good story and not all about vampires. The thing that makes this book interesting and good was the angels that also were in it. The book started off a little slow and at times it kinda stalled but then it would pick right back up and get interesting all over again and have me intrigued. I never really understood the love triangle between Lailah, Gabriel, and Jonah that is until the end. I now can't wait for the second book to come out because I just have to know how all the characters stories continue!!

wholewheatgrain's review against another edition

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If the Twilight series and the Hush, Hush saga (by Becca Fitzpatrick) had a love child, it would be this book.
Throughout 95% (no- 99.99%) of the book, I was mostly just skimming & yelling at the book.