
The Time of My Life by Patrick Swayze

johnnysbookrev's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny inspiring sad fast-paced


I say a 4.75. It's a great book, but I wanted more info on hisnworks. Specifically, road house and Dirty Dancing. Two of my favorite movies he's done. However, I realize he has done a lot of works, so this is what he provided in this biography. It's a biography over his life. He gives the timeline from high school to his diagnosis of cancer. A couple months after he recorded this book, he passed away from pancreatic cancer. RIP Patrick. 

treparker73's review against another edition

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Good book, seems like he held back. However, he definitely had an amazing life. I never knew how much he loved dancing.

derbylea's review against another edition

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I am not really a memoir person, but I have always liked Patrick Swayze and I wanted to see his perspective on his life. I think the writing was a little flat. His life was definitely interesting the but the way the story was told did not have me staying up at night trying to finish. Read if you are a fan but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.

smalltownbookmom's review against another edition

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'read' the audio version - who wouldn't love listening to Patrick Swayze's sexy voice!

readacorn's review against another edition

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Buch 1/10 "The Time of My Life" von Patrick Swayze und Lisa Niemi

Die Autobiographie des Schauspielers und Tänzers. Von seiner texanischen Kindheit mit der fordernden Mutter, von Schulraufereien weil er als Junge Ballet tanzte, von High School Football, von beruflichen Anfangsschwierigkeiten, dann die Erfolge, Berühmtheit, Abstürze, Alkoholexzesse und immer an seiner Seite seine Frau Lisa.
Ehrlich und sympathisch erzählt Patrick Swayze. Seiner tödlichen Krankheit widmet er die Einleitung und ca 10 Seiten am Ende des Buchs, ansonsten handelt das Buch von seinem LEBEN.
Für eine Biographie las es sich wirklich gut.

greenogal's review against another edition

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Didn't want this book to end...didn't want to face the reality of the loss of Patrick Swayze. What a love these two had...despite tough times and struggles!

sitnstew's review against another edition

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There were plenty of parts that were interesting in this memoir but it lacked much depth. I really think that just about anyone could have written as good of a biography about him. It didn't really add much emotional insight into his life. I was also hoping for more about his personal struggle with cancer and some of the other things that would have made his story more compelling. He mostly dealt with his professional career and it felt somewhat guarded.

I would skip this one. There are plenty of other autobiographies that are much more worth the read. It wasn't terrible, just not interesting enough to justify a recommendation.

bribrilukes's review against another edition

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This was a perfect biography, a great insight to Patrick Swayze's life. I learned things I never had known before and it was so insightful, a first hand account of dealing with cancer and knowing you are going to die. I was a truly touching book.

clairabella_bookworm's review against another edition

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It was really interesting to learn about his determination to get where he did. It surprised me though when he said he hated the line "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." I felt really awful for him and his wife though. They spent three years arguing, his wife moved out, they finally reconciled and put the past behind them, just to find out he had cancer. That must have been a heart wrenching thing to discover. I could imagine they both hated themselves for all that wasted time.

jesswitt1022's review against another edition

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