
R Is for Rebel by Megan Mulry

jackiehorne's review against another edition

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Mulry's cheery, joyful romance writing continues in this fourth (third?) installment of the Unruly Royals series. Yet I had major ideological problems with this one. Do-gooding sister Abigail broke up with her long-time girlfriend earlier in the series, and found herself attracted to American luxury goods magnate Eliot Cranbrook. Not really one for much self-reflection, Abby decides not to think too hard about her own sexuality ("I'm not going to label myself to make you feel better," she tells her brother when he asks if she's still a lesbian or not), and ends up allowing herself to be gradually wooed into bed by Eliot. But when Eliot declares his feelings, Abby runs away. For an entire year. Until the news that Eliot's engaged to someone else finally brings them back together.

I don't have a problem with a bisexual character moving from a girlfriend to a boyfriend. But Mulry does very little to show Abby's thoughts or feelings about being with a man sexually (for the first time), after being with a woman for ten years. The scene where Eliot asks Abby why she didn't tell him she was a virgin was particularly grimace-inducing—truly? Would a woman who had been having sex with another woman for ten years truly still have a hymen intact enough that a man would be able to feel it breaking??? This scene serves primarily to cut the overly PC Abby down to size (because her chastisement of Eliot's sexism gets thrown back in her face, she's the one being stereotypical, not him). Oh, and of course Abby becomes a better dresser, more in charge of her financial life, and a stronger advocate for the disadvantaged, all after breaking up with her girlfriend. Whether Mulry intended it or not, Abby's story comes across as the tale of the girl who grew up by ditching the girlfriend and hooking up with the smart capitalistic man. And there's no discussion at all of the connection between Western consumption of luxury goods and the state of less developed countries...

Yuck :-(

beastreader's review against another edition

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After ending her long time relationship, Abigail is ready to figure out what she wants from her life. She knows it is not jet plane rides, glamourous clothing, or living in a castle. This is not the attitude you would expect from a Princess. There is one thing for sure that Abigail wants and that is multi millionaire, Eliot.

Eliot can not stop thinking about Abigail. He wants her. However he wants her forever as in being his wife. He knows that is not what Abigail wants. Yet, he can not be without her, even if she will break his heart.

R is for Rebel is the latest book in the Unruly Royals series. I have not read the prior novels but I had no problems jumping right into this book. Well to be honest, it did take me a moment or two to figure out what was happening in the beginning. What I mean by this is that Abigail had already met and formed an attraction to Eliot. There was no lead up to their meet and greet. However, I liked this book a lot that I want to go back and read the three prior ones.

I liked Abigail and Eliot's relationship. It was very grown up. Which is what Abigail was needing in her life. I had an instant connection with Eliot from the beginning. He was genuine. I have to admit though that I did not find Abigail to be that "wild". I was expecting from the title of this book for her to be a bad girl. She was more of a wannabe bad girl. Overall I thought this was a fun book.

katsmiao's review against another edition

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This is the 4th book of a series and I have not read the first 3 books.

I had a very hard time getting into the book. I started to read it,and then put it away for a couple of weeks. Today I picked it up again and finished it.

I didn't like the beginning at all. I was confused as to who was who or did what, or how the characters were connected, even trying to figure out the personality of the characters. After the first 20% of the book I had that sorted out and started to enjoy the book more.

I had expected a great read from the book description, and was very excited to read it. It's not a bad book, but I was a bit disappointed overall. The book got way better in the the second half, so overall I did enjoy the read.

lauribooks's review against another edition

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También le doy 2.5 a este libro.
Pienso en general lo mismo que del segundo, me han gustado los personajes, sus personalidades y como interaccionan entre ellos, creo que la historia que se crea es bonita, pero no me ha gustado la trama ni como se resuelven las cosas.
La protagonista me ha gustado y a la vez no lo ha hecho. Tengo sentimientos encontrados con su evolución. No sé si termino de aceptar la forma en la que cambian sus gustos en cuanto a la moda, en general, puesto que es un cambio radical. Sin embargo, sí que me gusta cómo maduran sus sentimientos hacia las causas sociales y cómo trabaja para combatir las injusticias en el mundo. El protagonista masculino en esta ocasión tengo que decir que me ha dado completamente igual, no he conectado con él ni me ha importado demasiado.
Repito todos los contras que describí en la reseña del segundo libro de esta saga (el drama se soluciona muy rápido y el final me parece que ha quedado algo vago), pero debo añadir algunos más: No me gusta nada cómo trata la autora los problemas sociales y con esto me refiero al feminismo. La autora define a la protagonista como una persona feminista que lucha por los derechos de las mujeres y que no deja que ningún hombre la menosprecie o la anule por el hecho de ser mujer, pero luego pienso que sus actos dejan mucho que desear, que hace justo lo contrario a lo que sus principios dictan. Sé que esto es lo que pasa muchas veces en la vida, que la gente no es perfecta y no actúa siempre conforme a sus principios, que todos nos equivocamos, pero en este caso me ha parecido exagerado. También pienso lo mismo de cómo trata la bisexualidad. La protagonista ha estado toda su vida saliendo con una mujer y después de romper se fija en un hombre y eso la perturba un poco y se pregunta cuáles son sus sentimientos, pero siento que la duda le dura un segundo, que no se cuestiona su vida ni reflexiona sobre ello. Creo que podría haber sido una gran oportunidad de abordar el tema y de zambullirse en él para estudiarlo a fondo y me da pena que la autora lo haya desaprovechado.
Creo que es el que menos me ha gustado de los libros de esta saga. Tengo sentimientos encontrados porque la protagonista me ha gustado mucho pero el libro en sí es el que menos interesante me ha parecido y el que menos me ha enganchado. Aún así, creo que es una historia muy ágil que se lee rápido y que puede enganchar bastante.

girlinacardigan's review against another edition

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mrvm's review against another edition

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This is my favorite book in the series, the relationship between the two characters was amazing. With that being said I didn't not understand why the author didn't let the other relationship end. I guess it was for drama, the two couples showing up at the same house party, but in the end it was anticlimactic, mostly because she knew that Eliot was trying to dump her for the past few weeks, and that she was going to the house party of his friends. That did not add drama to the story just made a smart girl behave unreasonably.

thebumblegirl's review against another edition

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Review will be posted very soon!

mjmbecky's review against another edition

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We enter the 4th in the series with the decided relationships of Abigail's three older siblings firmly in place and Abigail simply trying to figure out what direction she wishes to go in her life. The book starts off with a solid friendship with her brother's business partner Eliot Cranbrook, but their romance seems to frighten Abigail and make a relationship that seems simple from the outside more complex and filled with problems than either of them could have expected.

When I started reading this fourth installment, I was a little startled at how quickly this couple jumped all-in to their romantic relationship. I wondered where the conflict was at, and I feared what I couldn't see ahead. Surely they liked one another too much, too soon? Sure enough, there was so much more coming, and that really was what kept me reading.

Abigail is a difficult character to wrap my mind around, and I'm sure she must have driven Eliot batty. Although she has all of this strength of character and experience with philanthropy, she reserves her own heart and fails to express what she is really feeling and shuts people out. It was infuriating at times. Honestly though, I wonder if Eliot would like Abigail in the long-term if she wasn't a bit more of a fight, as odd as that sounds.

By the last third of the book, there is a crazy, dramatic twist that you just can't see coming. In some ways, it would have felt like a romantic comedy with its twists and turns if the heightened emotions weren't so gut-wrenching. I ended up enjoying the way Mulry handled it, but do wonder if she had a few other endings that she played with a bit. While Abigail was once a bit of a rebel, I think she just refused to ever do anything in her life half-hearted, include love. Thankfully, I don't think that will be her problem!

mltola67's review against another edition

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Eliot que mono, me ha encantado el personaje.

Creo que Ab pasa por epocas su cambio en sus gustos con la cantidad de prueba y error lo explican bien, no me parece ofensivo ¡amor a la persona sin etiquetas!

Lo de la Marisa para hacerselo mirar...

shell74's review

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Actual rating 4.5 stars

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