
The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

michelebooks's review against another edition

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As a female this is an unusual book to add to my reading list so I feel like it warrants a review.

I liked Neil's writing style. He's smart and he really seems to understand what's going on underneath the folks he describes in his book. He also sprinkles the book with very smart (occasionally obscure references). In the end, he falls for a girl who doesn't fall for any of the PUA bullshit but who knows, maybe he just ended it that way so that the general public (females) wouldn't feel entirely bad and/or wouldn't hate him

Overall, I didn't find most of the techniques inherently offensive (except for perhaps the negging) but the context and the community itself does seem toxic (which Strauss indicates as well).

In spite of it's potentially offensive topic I still found it an interesting read.

alisonvh's review against another edition

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dark emotional informative sad fast-paced


I liked this book, even though I don’t think I liked any of the people in it. It’s a fascinating look at the lengths men will go to to get laid and feel like they’re in control. I appreciate that Strauss is upfront about the drawbacks of this kind of lifestyle, but mostly I just felt sorry for everyone involved. They’re all craving human connection and they think they can get it by manipulating women into having sex with them. Then they wonder why they still feel empty.

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brii_brii's review against another edition

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Sometime in 2015 ☆☆☆☆☆
08/01/2024 ★★★ 

Something huge happened to me in the last 9 years. That is the only explanation I can give as to why a book I absolutely loved the last time I read it was barely even mediocre this time. 

In my memory, this book was hilarious and sarcastic, and I remember having such a connection with the main characters that I couldn't put it down. 

When actually reading it this time, I mostly rolled my eyes, thought “as if” and “fuck off” and felt extremely sorry for all these pathetic men. 

3 stars might be generous, I won't lie, but I did enjoy Strauss’ writing style, and there were parts of the story I did find myself drawn to. It just wasn't enough to wipe away all of the Cringe and disparity of this book. 

leontepe's review against another edition

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It's alright.

cy_kt's review against another edition

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reflective medium-paced


So happy I read this book — not an advice book, but a memoir on male insecurity.

The author had/has has enough depth to recognize how silly much of the lifestyle was, while recognizing the confidence it brought him — and the genuine connections that resulted.

I think more people should read it with an open mind.

ramistyles's review against another edition

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Eye openings book to the pick-up community and their tactics.

vonhelmstein's review against another edition

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Entertaining, if nothing else.

oscarhill's review against another edition

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adventurous informative fast-paced
Hard to know how to rate this. This book is by far the most interesting insight into male insecurity and male confidence I've ever encountered, and for that I think it's well worth a read. For me Strauss is just about self-aware enough about the absurdity of the situations he has entered into and the person he becomes throughout the course of the book, though I can understand why people disagree on this. 

edonselimi's review against another edition

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An absolute amazing book, on seduction community. It is great to see how much the game has evolved from the early days to today. I suggest everyone to read it, if they want to know more about the history of pick-up, the legends of pick-up community. (It doesn't directly teach you pick-up.)
I have to love Style's evolution and depth throughout the book. We are fortunate to learn, from this book, that seduction doesn't fix your inside issues (like filling a broken bucket with water). It has it ups and downs, but life is much more than just seduction. But, seduction can teach you more about social dynamics, how to better yourself, and have a better judgement. The moment it becomes your life you lose. That's one of the messages of the book. It's very interesting seeing how Tyler Durden was described by Neil Strauss. I just wanted to add, that Tyler is the best PUA in the world. He made the jump, and made pick-up fun. He developed the inner game, before Tyler came there, everybody was trying fake routines, negs and stuff. I highly recommend the book, to anyone who wants to know how seduction works, it's pro's and con's.

ewans's review against another edition

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Pretty entertaining. Not sure i can completely buy all of it but certainly interesting.