
Den utstötte by Michelle Paver

eldin_strath's review against another edition

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I felt like it was a bit hard to get in it at first, but once I understood more of it all I really loved it! Hylas is awesome! I also absolutly love the worldbuilding and the names.

beatrili's review against another edition

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El fuego azul es un libro repleto de acción, eso hace que el libro no se te haga aburrido. Este es un libro que me ha gustado mucho, pero pienso que podría ser mejor. He visto que a este libro lo comparan un poco con Percy Jackson, pero la verdad es que no se parecen en NADA (no he leído los libros, pero me he visto las películas). En fin, este es un libro lleno de acción y aventuras que sin duda no te aburrirá. Me ha encantado que hubiera una parte narrativa de un delfín (en 3ª persona), además da la casualidad de que es mi animal favorito. Tengo ganas de leer la continuación de está trilogía.

cindeereadsbooks's review against another edition

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I loved this book it was a great start to a really action-packed series that I will read more of in February. I liked the characters especially Hylas, Spirit, and Pirra they were interesting Hylas is so real in his efforts to survive and find his sister I liked the dolphin and Pirra she was well written. I liked the story it was well written and started with a bang with Hylas hiding from danger and it only got better from there. So overall I really enjoyed this book I will continue the series I liked it a lot.

stephirene's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. Michelle does amazing research on the people,both the history of the places and times where her characters' stories take place. She also does research on the animals in her stories. She makes the relationships between people and animals very real and being an animal lover, her stories hit me right in the heart.

helenalinnea's review against another edition

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toriananelson's review against another edition

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gap_py's review

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ciphertextx's review against another edition

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This book was okay. Nothing terribly exciting, but I enjoyed it anyway. It felt more like a set-up for something much bigger coming in one of the sequels, which is in contrast to Michelle Paver's Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series where yes, there is a big major thing coming, but each book is self-contained and has important sub-things going on to keep you interested.

The story is that a group of people are trying to kill outsiders in ancient Ancient Greece. Two ancients, yes. Why they're doing that and what outsiders are, I can't actually remember. It was explained, but the book didn't have much of an impact on me, so nyeh. Hylas, the main character, and his sister are outsiders, and in the drama, they are separated. Hylas spends the book trying to get back to his sister and failing miserably.

Along the way, he falls out with and later makes up with his best friend, whose dad is in cahoots with the guys who are killing outsiders. It's complicated. The BFFs dad is totally abusive but in an "I'm doing this for your own good" kind of way, which is just extra uncomfortable.

Speaking of uncomfortable, there's a whole lot of boobs in this kid's book. "pendulous breasts" was a phrase I saw somewhere in there. So that was fun.

Anyway, Hylas meets this girl along the way who is engaged to his best friend (it's important to note they're all like 12, but it's also set in the bronze age), but she doesn't want to be, so she escapes and meets Hylas and they wind up working together. The girl flits between being a total wuss and a badass. Understandable given her sheltered upbringing. At some point she straight up maims (or tries to maim) her own face in an effort to make herself less beautiful so she won't have to marry some stranger.

There's also a dolphin in there who helps out, and dolphins are super revered.

I have no steam whatsoever for this. I enjoyed the book, but it certainly wasn't the best. And given that I can only remember the name of the main character and not much else, maybe it's not worth a proper review anyway. WELP. Peace oot.

jade_ls_lee's review against another edition

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Negribu,negribu, negribu atgriezties reālajā pasaulē. Labi, ka man tuvumā ir mežs,kur var lasīt pēdas, redzēt lapsas un kādreiz vēl sastapt stirnas.