
Make Rojava Green Again by Debbie Bookchin, Internationalist Commune of Rojava

dylangbar's review against another edition

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Interesting read. Go eco socialism. Some of the claims seemed like they needed further explanation. And then did not get that further explanation. Also was hard to differentiate if the authors were the ones who liberated rojava and made these changes or some international foreigners who are coming in and helping but haven’t actually done anything yet. If it’s the latter this is lowkey pathetic but I hope it’s the former.

oisinofthehill's review against another edition

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hopeful informative fast-paced


barry_x's review against another edition

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This is a lovely little book by the Internationalist Commune of Rojova giving an introduction to social ecology and the practical steps the people of Rojova are taking to rebalance their lives with nature to live in harmony and democratically.

It's quite an inspiring book to be honest, especially the last third where the steps the Commune and the people in Rojova are taking to improve their homes. I was particularly taken with the approaches to using human waste and 'grey-water' (from showers etc) differently to improve the environment and self reliance. The book shows creativity humans have at their disposal, and their spirit to create a better world. I also appreciated the sections on their aspirations and limitations as it makes the actions they have taken all the more credible and inspiring. It also shows that Rojova is a society in transition, it isn't anarchist, but everything I read and see is that it is far more democratic and balanced than anywhere else on Earth! I am reminded of Emma Goldman and how our deeds must preconfigure the world we want to live in. Rojova gets in the headlines for their armed defence against Syria, Turkey and ISIS, but the true story isn't of bullets, it's of tree planting and of democracy - particularly the role of women.

The start of the book is couched in anti- capitalist theory and the history of humankind and it's changing relationship to nature, leading to a proposal of what social ecology is.

It's nothing new to those exposed to anarchism or ecological ideas, and since it is a short book could be easily torn apart by critique as there are a few 'leaps' in it. That said, it is a useful introduction.

Highly recommended and inexpensive from

See more from the Commune here

miesdedecker's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring fast-paced


oskarij's review against another edition

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Tiivis paketti yhteiskunnan rakentamisen ekologisista haasteista. Sisältää myös Rojavan yhteiskuntamallista kiinnostuneille maistiaisia demokraattisen konfederalismin ideologisesti sisällöstä. Yhteiskuntaekologiaa tai Rojavaa paremmin tuntevalle kirja ei tarjoa kuitenkaan kauhean paljon.

Kirja itsessään on hyvin tuotettu ja siinä on kivoja valokuvia sekä kuvitusta.

roxerg's review against another edition

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A very quick introduction to the infrastructural challenges facing contemporary Rojavan autonomous administration and potential as well as ongoing measures to fight them ecologically and sustainably.

At least half of the book (pamphlet?) was dedicated to general discussion of destructive philosophy of capitalism, and framing of humanity as outside of nature. The transition from this broad topic to the current state of Rojava felt a bit abrupt. The Rojava-specific part of the book felt very rapid-fire and spent very little time on each of the topics it touched upon. I personally hoped for more introduction to the region and its history rather than that of global capital, but looking back at the title of the book I suppose it makes sense as ecology gets the spotlight.

It works fine as a quick introduction of Rojava's green potential, has some great quotes by Öcalan and Bookchin, and includes a welcome call-to-action with some concrete pathways to contribute.

maryala's review against another edition

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informative inspiring fast-paced


jessicakleczka's review against another edition

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informative inspiring fast-paced


caitanya's review

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Sehr schöne kleine Broschüre, die das sozial-ökologische Konzept der Internationalistischen Kommune von Rojava näher bringt. Dabei nie wirklich in die Tiefe gehend, gibt sie doch einen interessanten Überblick auf die Ideen, Hindernisse und Vorhaben der Beteiligten. Zusätzlich erhält man eine kurze Einführung in die Geschichte der kapitalistischen Moderne und die damit einhergehende Entfremdung des Menschen von der Natur. Dabei schafft es das Buch tatsächliche eine Vision von einer sozialeren, grüneren Gesellschaft zu wecken. Es bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das Projekt sich gegen die sabotierenden und unterdrückenden Versuche der kapitalistischen und autokratischen Mächte zu behaupten weiß.

dansumption's review against another edition

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The most important thing about this book is that it exists. I am repeatedly surprised and frustrated by how few people have heard of Rojava, the radical society in Northern Syria formed upon ecological and feminist values. On the few occasions when its people make it onto the news in the UK, it is because of the "girls with guns" fighting ISIS: no context is ever given to why these women are fighting, or the radical new form of society they have built within a region of the world not generally known for its egalitarianism.

The book itself is a little basic - the first half of it describes the world's worsening ecological crisis and the failures of capitalism, none of which were new to me. Another quarter desribes the specific ecological and political challenges faced in the region between Syria and Turkey, both of which states are opposed to the Rojava Commune, with Turkey in particular doing everything in its power to eradicate it. The final quarter of the book describes the incredible work being done, under the hardest circumstances imaginable, to build a democratic society and to re-green Northern Syria. I would love to have read much more on this subject, but as a primer, and as a way of getting people more engaged and supportive of the Rojava Commune, this book is a great start.