
Seventh All Hallows' Eve by Ruby Jean Jensen

verkisto's review

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This book precedes the other Jensen book I've read so far (House at River's Bend), but it feels like a stronger story. It's still not perfect, but for a second book published back in 1974, it's pretty good. Like House, Eve is another Gothic novel, with a touch of the supernatural. The main character is an improvement, because while the story focuses on her marrying a near-stranger, her motivations are better understood -- she's supporting her daughter and grandmother by giving them a better place to live. Of course, since it's a Gothic novel, it's not quite as straightforward as that.

The book has a good cast of characters and an intriguing plot, solid atmosphere, and will keep the reader guessing up until the end. I wish I could compare the book more to Jensen's later works, but I guess that's the risk of reading an author's work in chronological order. I can deal with it.