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tazwarf's review against another edition
humans are freaky.
this book was overall pretty informative. sexual attraction is truly so, so fluid, and when you deconstruct it through biological and social cues, you begin to realize why. attraction is so complex. yes, there is fundamental biological wiring for our arousal, but what is appealing is so nuanced and different for everybody.
but ngl, i was dying to get through this book. the main points are pretty much summed up in the last few chapters.
this book was overall pretty informative. sexual attraction is truly so, so fluid, and when you deconstruct it through biological and social cues, you begin to realize why. attraction is so complex. yes, there is fundamental biological wiring for our arousal, but what is appealing is so nuanced and different for everybody.
but ngl, i was dying to get through this book. the main points are pretty much summed up in the last few chapters.
pdmateus's review against another edition
Interesting but didn’t had it in me to finish it, got bored after a while but it’s interesting, maybe a bit shorter?
ameliaelverson's review against another edition
I did find this book interesting… but it discusses straight men and straight women at length. It has a chapter dedicated to gay men, and they are mentioned repeatedly throughout the analysis… lesbian women are literally not mentioned once. WTF? Like you’re not even going to acknowledge that you left out an entire population in your research? Just seems ridiculous. I was waiting the entire book for the chapter on lesbians… nothing. Not even a paragraph.
Graphic: Sexual content
mahir007's review against another edition
تجربة جيرجن (الغرفة المظلمة)
كانت الستينيات والسبعينيات من القرن الماضي ذروة تجارب علم النفس الاجتماعي الجريئة والمتهورة قليلاً ، والتي غالبًا ما تشبه حلقات برنامج Jackass على قناة MTV. قسّمت تجربة سجن ستانفورد عام 1971 الأشخاص إلى سجناء وحراس ، يعيشون في سجن مؤقت ، مما أدى إلى إساءات مهينة من قبل الحراس وأعمال شغب من قبل السجناء. تطلبت تجارب طاعة ستانلي ميلجرام في الستينيات من الأشخاص صدمة رجل ما بمستويات متزايدة من الكهرباء حتى بدا أن الرجل قد يموت. في عام 1973 ، أجرى عالم النفس (كينيث جيرجن) من كلية سوارثمور تجربة أخرى في علم النفس الاجتماعي من المحتمل أن تفشل في الحصول على موافقة مجالس الأخلاقيات اليوم. تساءل بحثه : "ماذا يفعل الناس في ظل ظروف تكون فيها هوياتهم مجهولة تماماً؟"
في تجربة جيرجن ، دخل خمسة شبان وخمس شابات غرفة صغيرة واحدة تلو الأخرى. لم يكونوا يعرفون بعضهم البعض قبل التجربة ، وتم عزلهم قبل دخولهم الغرفة. بمجرد دخولهم ، أصبحوا أحرارًا في فعل ما يحلو لهم. في نهاية التجربة ، غادر الأشخاص الغرفة واحدًا تلو الآخر. ولكن ما جعل هذه التجربة مثيرة للاهتمام للغاية كانت الغرفة نفسها. كانت شديدة الظلام.
لم يتمكن الأشخاص من رؤية بعضهم البعض ، ولم يعرفوا بعضهم البعض ، وكانوا يعلمون أنهم لن يعرفوا هويات بعضهم البعض بعد التجربة. بعبارة أخرى ، لقد اختبروا إخفاء الهوية بشكل كامل. إذن ماذا فعل هؤلاء الغرباء المجهولون؟
تحدثوا في البداية ، لكن سرعان ما توقف الحديث ، حيث بدأ اللمس. ما يقرب من 90 في المائة من المشاركين لامسوا شخصًا آخر عن قصد. عانق أكثر من نصف الأشخاص شخصًا ما. انتهى الأمر بثلث الأشخاص إلى التقبيل. قبّل أحد الشباب خمس فتيات مختلفات. يقول أحدهم : "بينما كنت جالسًا ، صعدت بيث وبدأنا نلعب وجهًا لوجه ، نتحسس أجسام بعضنا ، بدأنا في الرقبة نزولاً إلى الأسفل. قررنا أن نشارك الأمر مع الآخرين. لذلك انفصلنا وأخذت لوري مكانها ".
بسبب عدم الكشف عن هوياتهم ، عبر المشاركون بحرية عن رغباتهم. حتى أن أحد الرجال عرض على جيرجن أن يدفع له مقابل السماح له بالعودة إلى الغرفة. أفاد ما يقرب من 80 في المائة من الرجال والنساء عن شعورهم بالإثارة الجنسية بسبب تلك التجربة!!
Ogi Ogas
A Billion Wicked Thoughts
Translated By #Maher_Razouk
كانت الستينيات والسبعينيات من القرن الماضي ذروة تجارب علم النفس الاجتماعي الجريئة والمتهورة قليلاً ، والتي غالبًا ما تشبه حلقات برنامج Jackass على قناة MTV. قسّمت تجربة سجن ستانفورد عام 1971 الأشخاص إلى سجناء وحراس ، يعيشون في سجن مؤقت ، مما أدى إلى إساءات مهينة من قبل الحراس وأعمال شغب من قبل السجناء. تطلبت تجارب طاعة ستانلي ميلجرام في الستينيات من الأشخاص صدمة رجل ما بمستويات متزايدة من الكهرباء حتى بدا أن الرجل قد يموت. في عام 1973 ، أجرى عالم النفس (كينيث جيرجن) من كلية سوارثمور تجربة أخرى في علم النفس الاجتماعي من المحتمل أن تفشل في الحصول على موافقة مجالس الأخلاقيات اليوم. تساءل بحثه : "ماذا يفعل الناس في ظل ظروف تكون فيها هوياتهم مجهولة تماماً؟"
في تجربة جيرجن ، دخل خمسة شبان وخمس شابات غرفة صغيرة واحدة تلو الأخرى. لم يكونوا يعرفون بعضهم البعض قبل التجربة ، وتم عزلهم قبل دخولهم الغرفة. بمجرد دخولهم ، أصبحوا أحرارًا في فعل ما يحلو لهم. في نهاية التجربة ، غادر الأشخاص الغرفة واحدًا تلو الآخر. ولكن ما جعل هذه التجربة مثيرة للاهتمام للغاية كانت الغرفة نفسها. كانت شديدة الظلام.
لم يتمكن الأشخاص من رؤية بعضهم البعض ، ولم يعرفوا بعضهم البعض ، وكانوا يعلمون أنهم لن يعرفوا هويات بعضهم البعض بعد التجربة. بعبارة أخرى ، لقد اختبروا إخفاء الهوية بشكل كامل. إذن ماذا فعل هؤلاء الغرباء المجهولون؟
تحدثوا في البداية ، لكن سرعان ما توقف الحديث ، حيث بدأ اللمس. ما يقرب من 90 في المائة من المشاركين لامسوا شخصًا آخر عن قصد. عانق أكثر من نصف الأشخاص شخصًا ما. انتهى الأمر بثلث الأشخاص إلى التقبيل. قبّل أحد الشباب خمس فتيات مختلفات. يقول أحدهم : "بينما كنت جالسًا ، صعدت بيث وبدأنا نلعب وجهًا لوجه ، نتحسس أجسام بعضنا ، بدأنا في الرقبة نزولاً إلى الأسفل. قررنا أن نشارك الأمر مع الآخرين. لذلك انفصلنا وأخذت لوري مكانها ".
بسبب عدم الكشف عن هوياتهم ، عبر المشاركون بحرية عن رغباتهم. حتى أن أحد الرجال عرض على جيرجن أن يدفع له مقابل السماح له بالعودة إلى الغرفة. أفاد ما يقرب من 80 في المائة من الرجال والنساء عن شعورهم بالإثارة الجنسية بسبب تلك التجربة!!
Ogi Ogas
A Billion Wicked Thoughts
Translated By #Maher_Razouk
mollysticks's review against another edition
Ugh....this just isn't scientific enough for me to mean anything.
omikun's review against another edition
A comprehensive study on sexual desires, drives, and the things we do because of them. It looks at a leaked AOL search dump, other online searches, erotica and porn sites to find hidden patterns and substantiate them with other research and experiments. It dives into the visual, psychological, physiological cues that trigger our desires, the formation of those triggers, and the mental wiring of those cues, which are flexible and changes with environment, and which are hardwired from birth or earlier.
A quick summary: Men are hardwired for intercourse from any one sexual cue (like Elmer Fudd, who pulls the trigger and the hint of a wabbit), while women requires the presence of many cues (Ms Marple's Detective Agency). Cues for men tend to be mostly physical and visual: body parts indicative of gynoid fats (breasts, hips, thighs) that signals fertility. "Female ornamentation garners attention and resources from males." This means men are hardwired to objectify women (the presence of any one of these body parts is enough to turn a man on). Males of other species exhibit similar behavior. Women responds to physical, social, cultural, financial cues, as well as. personality, commitment, etc. They are also sensitive to food, shelter, and security. The number and combination of cues required changes with each individual. The only body part commonly mentioned by erotica for women is the butt.
"The female brain splits conscious psychological arousal apart from unconscious physical arousal, while the male brain units them. But the male brain splits apart two neural systems that are united in the female brain: sex and romance."
Playgirl attracts a large gay audience. Gay porn attracts a large heterosexual female audience.
Gay men are attracted to the same body parts as hetero men, just different gender. They tend to be split across top/bottom. Excess testosterone during pregnancy may be the reason why some men are born gay. Excess testosterone are also converted to estrogen. Bottom is generally more feminine, but also have larger penis. Gay men (bottom?) consumes hetero porn and is attracted to masculine (hetero) men.
Formation of cues: men tend to form them early in teen years. Could be from a single instance (exposure to breasts in a sexual manner) or from indirect means (getting aroused during a testicular scan, where doctors office becomes an implicit cue). Implicit cues are likely to stick if imprint is coupled with orgasm. Cues are unlikely to change in men. Thus, visual cues vary with men to men. They respond to cuckold cue from sperm competition. They respond to amateurs from authenticity cue and novelty cue. They also respond to partner pleasure cue, "one of the most potent psychological cue." "The male cue for female sexual pleasure is entirely analogous to the female cue for a man's emotional commitment." "Transgression can intensify arousal." Men hunt for the perfect single cue, the elusive Bugs Bunny. Though any cue will do.
"In a very real sense, there is something tragic about male sexuality. It is never satisfied... male desire is frequently a solitary affair."
"When the rage center of a monkey's brain is artificially stimulated, the monkey will rise swiftly up the dominance hierarchy, by virtue of frequently fighting other monkeys." - Is this analogous to fox news/rush/trump and their rise in the conservative social hierarchy?
While women's cues may change depending on the situation/environment (security, comfort). Writing/reading erotica is more of a social enterprise vs men.
Erotical illusions - like optical illusions. Examples are trans-women for men and Twilight/yaori for women. Transwomen combine female visual cue with sperm-competition cue. Twilight invokes hyper masculinity and yaori deflects threatening cues from triggering alarm bells in ms mapel's detective agency. " identifying those cues, we can liberate ourselves and appreciate the true nature of human desire."
A quick summary: Men are hardwired for intercourse from any one sexual cue (like Elmer Fudd, who pulls the trigger and the hint of a wabbit), while women requires the presence of many cues (Ms Marple's Detective Agency). Cues for men tend to be mostly physical and visual: body parts indicative of gynoid fats (breasts, hips, thighs) that signals fertility. "Female ornamentation garners attention and resources from males." This means men are hardwired to objectify women (the presence of any one of these body parts is enough to turn a man on). Males of other species exhibit similar behavior. Women responds to physical, social, cultural, financial cues, as well as. personality, commitment, etc. They are also sensitive to food, shelter, and security. The number and combination of cues required changes with each individual. The only body part commonly mentioned by erotica for women is the butt.
"The female brain splits conscious psychological arousal apart from unconscious physical arousal, while the male brain units them. But the male brain splits apart two neural systems that are united in the female brain: sex and romance."
Playgirl attracts a large gay audience. Gay porn attracts a large heterosexual female audience.
Gay men are attracted to the same body parts as hetero men, just different gender. They tend to be split across top/bottom. Excess testosterone during pregnancy may be the reason why some men are born gay. Excess testosterone are also converted to estrogen. Bottom is generally more feminine, but also have larger penis. Gay men (bottom?) consumes hetero porn and is attracted to masculine (hetero) men.
Formation of cues: men tend to form them early in teen years. Could be from a single instance (exposure to breasts in a sexual manner) or from indirect means (getting aroused during a testicular scan, where doctors office becomes an implicit cue). Implicit cues are likely to stick if imprint is coupled with orgasm. Cues are unlikely to change in men. Thus, visual cues vary with men to men. They respond to cuckold cue from sperm competition. They respond to amateurs from authenticity cue and novelty cue. They also respond to partner pleasure cue, "one of the most potent psychological cue." "The male cue for female sexual pleasure is entirely analogous to the female cue for a man's emotional commitment." "Transgression can intensify arousal." Men hunt for the perfect single cue, the elusive Bugs Bunny. Though any cue will do.
"In a very real sense, there is something tragic about male sexuality. It is never satisfied... male desire is frequently a solitary affair."
"When the rage center of a monkey's brain is artificially stimulated, the monkey will rise swiftly up the dominance hierarchy, by virtue of frequently fighting other monkeys." - Is this analogous to fox news/rush/trump and their rise in the conservative social hierarchy?
While women's cues may change depending on the situation/environment (security, comfort). Writing/reading erotica is more of a social enterprise vs men.
Erotical illusions - like optical illusions. Examples are trans-women for men and Twilight/yaori for women. Transwomen combine female visual cue with sperm-competition cue. Twilight invokes hyper masculinity and yaori deflects threatening cues from triggering alarm bells in ms mapel's detective agency. " identifying those cues, we can liberate ourselves and appreciate the true nature of human desire."
tartanshelf's review against another edition
After receiving this book as a gift, I was initially looking forward to an interesting read on “the teeming diversity of human desire” exhibited on the internet, an exploration of human sexuality “that overturns conventional thinking”. Not to mention that the Plume edition I was given is one of those satisfyingly pliable books that just seems to jump open to be read. What a disappointment.
Altogether, this book is... troubling. The authors often draw correlations without any real evidence, using loose language to mask their lack of knowledge. They draw such a distinct, and heavily patronising, divide between the “male” and “female” brain that they reduce their work to caricature, hardly a revolution in the representation of sexuality. The role of society and how it cultivates acceptable outlets for certain groups of people is ignored as a cause for gender-divided interests, allowing the authors to extrapolate behaviours to come to their own conclusions.
While it is an exploration of online sexuality, filled with quotes and allusions to works of fiction, the authors themselves are neuroscientists. You might expect to read about neuroscience here then, but, like myself, you would be sadly disappointed. In fact, they hardly seem to acknowledge the fact that their study is about online fiction, where authorship, readership, and intention are questionable, and fairly unanswerable, even by the closest observer. There is no real attention brought to the difference between what people look at and what they do.
A messy, immature, disappointing read.
Altogether, this book is... troubling. The authors often draw correlations without any real evidence, using loose language to mask their lack of knowledge. They draw such a distinct, and heavily patronising, divide between the “male” and “female” brain that they reduce their work to caricature, hardly a revolution in the representation of sexuality. The role of society and how it cultivates acceptable outlets for certain groups of people is ignored as a cause for gender-divided interests, allowing the authors to extrapolate behaviours to come to their own conclusions.
While it is an exploration of online sexuality, filled with quotes and allusions to works of fiction, the authors themselves are neuroscientists. You might expect to read about neuroscience here then, but, like myself, you would be sadly disappointed. In fact, they hardly seem to acknowledge the fact that their study is about online fiction, where authorship, readership, and intention are questionable, and fairly unanswerable, even by the closest observer. There is no real attention brought to the difference between what people look at and what they do.
A messy, immature, disappointing read.