
Doctor Who: The Coming of the Terraphiles by Michael Moorcock

fatimamahate's review against another edition

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I just couldnt continue with it... i wanted the action right away and i didnt get that. moreover, i feel like someone more aware of the doctor who universe will be more familiar with the book rather than myself.

saoki's review against another edition

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I love Michael Moorcock's prose. I really do. It's trippy, fun and has that existentialist vibe that makes you stop everything to go on a tangent about the nature of the universe, fate and life. It's absolute perfection in his own books, but somehow it doesn't meshes very well with Doctor Who.
The story was too zany and strangely straight-forward at the same time, the secondary characters were interesting but had little to nothing to do with the actual story, and the author didn't seem very interested in representing the 11th Doctor or Amy. It definitely feels like the Doctor and A Companion, but not 11 and Amy. A parallel universe Doctor, maybe.
Still, this is a better book than so many other Doctor Who novels by the sole virtue of being well written.

aigra's review against another edition

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I quite like Doctor Who, I quite liked the Moorcock books I read ... so, a Doctor Who book written by Michael Moorcock, what could possibly go wrong? Well, quite a lot actually.

For quite a while, the Doctor and Amy are treated like secondary characters, while the story is all about the actual secondary characters. It wouldn't be so bad, if these were characters I actually liked, but I didn't.

However, my biggest problem is the generic Doctor and companion. If it wasn't for the physical descriptions and the name (in Amy's case) it could have been pretty much any Doctor and any female companion. I know some people complain about generic writing on the series, but it has never bothered me there, since you still have the actors who bring their interpretation of the role with them ... with a book however, you are out of luck.

Then there's the story. Nut cracking contests and the thefts of a hideous hat? I just couldn't care less. Douglas Adams might have been able to make this work. Maybe. But we will never know. And talking about Douglas Adams - I have never really enjoyed a science fiction story that tries to sound like Hitch Hiker's anyway. That kind of humour works for Terry Pratchett because he's writing a different genre ... but whenever someone tries to insert it in their science fiction story I can't help but think of it as a cheap copy.

piperkitty81's review against another edition

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I’ve really enjoyed other Doctor Who novels, but this one dragged and was so confusing. Too much multiverse stuff that I couldn’t follow, took too long to get back to Doctor and Amy after dragging through other characters, I couldn’t figure out or visualize what most of those games were actually going and so much other stuff didn’t seem to make sense. Some of the common terms of things that the characters used I couldn’t figure out what it actually was. A drink? Something to eat? A video of something? Also, besides a few moments here and there, the Doctor and Amy didn’t feel like their normal characters too much. Just seemed off.

david_agranoff's review against another edition

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I know Moorcock is a master of science fiction and fantasy but I found this story to be boring and did not capture the feeling of the 11th doctor.

wyrmbergmalcolm's review against another edition

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Only for fans of Michael Moorcock books. Otherwise, read on...

This was garbage.
I've thought long and hard about what I was going to say about this book and that's pretty much the summary of them.
For the benefit of others who may read this review, I'll endeavour to make this a little more informative.
First up, despite it having 'Doctor Who' in bright flashy letters on the cover, this is not a Doctor Who book. Yes, there are two characters with the names of The Doctor and Amy and there is a TARDIS but they are character in name only and are really totally different characters with familiar names. The TARDIS doesn't feature until the very end of the story and again is interchangeable with a McGuffin.
The story itself drifted from a Douglas Adams style of surreal irreverence to a deeply cerebral exploration into the manifestation of the multiverse that did nothing for the story except to make it completely incomprehensible. On top of that, I just didn't care. There were admittedly a couple of fun scenes, but they were few and far between. The two revelations at the end were either anti-climactic or of such plot destroying magnitude as to render the whole adventure (such as it was) completely unnecessary.
So, in summary: This is not a Doctor Who story, this is barely even a story and the title makes no sense in regard to the story. A waste of my time.

trike's review against another edition

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Moorcock tries to channel P.G. Wodehouse and Douglas Adams but filters it through his Eternal Champion character and sprinkles a little Doctor Who on top like cinnamon. A very sparse sprinkle. I felt kind of like Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park, “Now, you do eventually plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur ride, right?”

It has some mildly amusing bits, but it doesn’t feel like much of anything, ultimately.

shirezu's review against another edition

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This book was just plain horrible. I couldn't stand it at all and it tarnished my love of Doctor Who. It felt like a half finished sci-fi story that they decided to just change a couple names to make it Doctor Who then release it without finishing it.

So I'm not going to finish it. It can rot on the shelf forever. The Doctor was written badly, the story was confusing and the supporting characters no thicker than the pages they were written on.

Do Not Read

imakandiway's review against another edition

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Sofrível. O estilo de escrita e a escolhas do narrador fazem o timbre da história demasiado antiquado para o doctor de Matt Smith.

arthurbdd's review against another edition

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A book which doesn't know whether it wants to be a standalone Dr Who adventure or yet another Moorcock novel, replete with the usual references to his other multiverse stuff, and ends up being a poor example of both. Full review: