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triciab04's review
I loved Lucid!! The more I hear about the ravens and Nara and co.'s powers the more I fall in love with this series! I have been up to my eye balls in vampire and angel stories, so I really enjoy reading something as unique as this series.
Nara was pretty awesome in this book, I liked the fact that she's learning how to defend herself and not just relying on Ethan, or whoever, to come save her all the time. She's a pretty incredible heroine, brave, smart, and kind. It would have been nice to see more of Ethan in this book but it was cool to get to know Drystan. I think he was a pretty cool guy and I'm really curious how he will fit into everything in the next book. And I am seriously on pins and needles here wondering what more Ethan knows!! I am also a little leery of that Danielle chick....cousin.....yeah isn't that convenient?!! Lainey seemed like a lot less of a self obsessed jerk in this book. She definitely seemed to be more of a true friend to Nara. I seriously CAN'T WAIT for the next book to come out, too bad it won't be here until the end of May :(
mysterybuff's review
4.5 stars.
This book wasn't as great as the first one, basically because I missed Ethan so dang much. But his extremely hot re-entry made up for the long wait.
Hope I don't have to wait too long for book 3.
This book wasn't as great as the first one, basically because I missed Ethan so dang much. But his extremely hot re-entry made up for the long wait.
Hope I don't have to wait too long for book 3.