
You're the One that I Want by Susan May Warren

martyomenko's review against another edition

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I enjoyed Owen's redemption story, with its twists and turns, although I wished the end was a little more detail about Owen and Scotty, than Casper. I guess that is how it is in a big family!

thshelton's review against another edition

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I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the books about the Christiansen family. This was the perfect way to wrap up the series and tie up loose ends. I was happy to read Owen's story and that he found peace. That fact was no surprise, but the way he got there was interesting and unexpected.

mandey1's review against another edition

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so good! I almost stopped breathing during the rescue and again during the trial!

jbarr5's review against another edition

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You’re the One That I Want by Susan May Warren
The book summary sounded interesting to me, enough to request and ultimately won a free copy. Have read other books recently, Evergreen, by this author and have enjoyed the books.
Like how the book starts out with a letter from a mother to her son and what she expects his life will turn out to be.
Story starts out on a crabbing boat in Alaska and Scotty's father is the captain and she works alongside the men, also taking over the wheelhouse when the captain needs a break.
Loved hearing of how the work on the crab boat is done, each doing their specific job and using their hands...
Tragedy strikes and they go overboard in the North Pacific and it's days til they are discovered. We learn of his relatives and their thoughts as they learn of the accident.
Circumstances bring them together and they all end up in MN to straighten out the drama the family has.
Things escalate to really bad and she knows she has stayed too long, she needs to get back to her life.
Even though there are a lot of family characters it's easy to keep them straight, especially if you've read other books in this series. Love the mystery and how they are continually reminded to 'keep the faith'.
Really enjoyed this story, can't wait to read the other family members books.
Learned new things and found new interesting places to visit. Loved girlie girl intervention as I've never had one, was great to see it in action. So many twists and turns, NOT a dull boring book by any means.
I received this book from Tyndale House Publishers who have provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

reneesmith's review against another edition

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Rating according to my student readers: Fantastic! 5 Stars! One of the Best Books Ever!

I teach at a small Christian high school & some of my students are avid Susan May Warren fans. I put this book into their hands & haven't seen it since!

When we asked the first teen girl who finished the novel if it deserved 2 Thumbs Up, she responded, "I'd give it 3 Thumbs Up if I could!" :)

It's a keeper!

adventuresofaliterarynature's review against another edition

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Reading this book was bittersweet because sadly this is the last Christiansen novel, the ending of an epic series. But what an ending it was! I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this was probably my favorite book in this series!
Throughout all of the previous books Owen wasn't exactly someone to admire, he was cocky and arrogant, then angry and short-tempered, he made some pretty big mistakes, and finally he just disappeared off the map. But God was working on him while he was away and as this story opens we get to meet a much different Owen. He still has some problems (don't we all?) but it is obvious that he's working to change his life around. I love how fiercely loyal he is to those he cares about and how he is willing to do just about anything to protect them. Some of the things he does appear reckless but at the heart of it is his desire to save those he loves. Scotty was downright amazing and absolutely perfect for Owen! Being raised by a single dad and spending almost all of her time around men gave her a realistic view of the world and she is able to see past Owen's past to the man he is and the man he's becoming, unlike anyone else in his life. They both had some things to work through before they could let themselves be in love but it was a beautiful journey and I loved every step of the way.
The whole thing with Casper's arrest and everything that followed was rather crazy but I loved seeing the entire family standing together to help him! The epilogue was the perfect way to end this amazing series and I was sighing with happiness as I closed the book.
If you haven't already then I highly recommend that you check out this series, you won't be sorry! And if you've read all but this one, then let me tell you, it's everything you've been hoping for!

mb_booklady's review against another edition

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After almost two years running from his mistakes, Owen Christiansen begins to tip-toe his way back to God. One more impulsive decision has him at God's mercy and telling others about God's saving grace.

Next, Owen must face the family he has disappointed and meet those who have joined the family since he last saw them.

Just to keep Owen off balance a little longer, God throws into Owen's path his future wife, a brother facing murder charges, and a daughter he didn't know he had.

I love Warren's uplifting stories and the Christiansen family is extremely enjoyable. After reading these books, I would like to vacation in a small town like Deep Haven.

I really enjoyed the sermon given by Pastor Dan in this book. In it, he says Jesus was a rule breaker who hung out with the dregs of society, who told people "following God isn't about how many rules you obey, but rather about how you love Him and others. . . . We want a manageable God we can use, who shows up when we need Him--and not when we don't. Most of all, we want a God who follows the rules--OUR rules. But the God who created the heavens and the seas will do what He wants. His plans will not be thwarted."

Pastor Dan goes on to paint a picture of Jesus and God being FOR us, not against us. He said, "For us, Jesus stood in front of death and said 'No. You may not have them. They are what I came for, who I want.' He proved this by gathering all us wretched prodigals behind Him and spreading out His hands in our defense and paying for our sins."

Owen's indecision on if his shoulders are big enough to accept God's grace is also powerful.

The message in this book is truly 5-star. There could have been more to the story of Owen and Scotty. I would have liked to see where they ended up (in more detail.). The mystery of the murder Casper is accused of is wrapped up without too much investigation, a little too neatly. So, for those reasons, the story is a 4-star. Also, there's always the subtle sadness of ending a series and saying goodbye to characters you have come to enjoy.

hijinx_abound's review against another edition

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I did not realize this was Christian romance. I don’t need religion in my romance. No thanks.

betherin02's review against another edition

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Full review on Faithfully Bookish

Owen Christiansen is hiding from his past and practically drowning in his regrets when he first boards Red’s boat. He is drawn to Elise even though she insists on being called “Scotty” or “sir” and treated just like one of the guys. She is jaded yet determined to keep everyone onboard alive (no small feat in a raging storm). Their experiences on the tumultuous waters, sparks of attraction, and a trip back to the family home in Minnesota send both Owen and Elise on an emotional rollercoaster.

I requested the opportunity to read and review this book through the Book Club Network. The opinions expressed are my own.

awenrich's review against another edition

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It was such a good finish for the Christiansen Series! I was satisfied with the ending and enjoyed the messiness that Warren loves to add in with this great family.