
Wie die Ruhe vor dem Sturm by Brittainy C. Cherry

meggie82461's review against another edition

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4 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

(I received an ARC for this book as part of its promotion)

I didn’t even really know what we were, but I didn’t find a need to find out, either.
It was pretty simple, actually.
He was him, I was me, and we were us. This was our story.

The first half or so of this story was complete and utter perfection. Eleanor and Greyson: The Teenage Years was delicious YA angst, and Greyson was probably the sweetest kid that ever lived. At first, I was worried that the “nerdy bookworm and popular jock” angle was too overplayed for me, but I was so wrong. Like the quote above said, they weren’t clichés; they were just two young people going through hard times that leaned on each other. While there were romantic details, they were more friends than anything, because that was what each of them needed. It also made their inevitable separation easier and more understandable, because life got in the way, and who can’t understand that? There was no drama, no betrayal, no abandonment. Just lives veering away from each other... for the time being. And that, my friends, was not only refreshing, it was necessary. Because we had to remember Greyson in a good light to put up with him later on down the road... just like Ellie did.

People didn’t have to talk about love to know that it existed. Love wasn’t only real because people said it out loud. No, love just kind of sat there quietly, in the shadows of the night, healing the cracks that lived in our heart.

This is the first book I’ve read of hers, and still I know that Brittainy Cherry writes grief better than just about anyone. She really captures how it’s a low-hanging cloud more than it is an anvil, how it can ebb and flow, how it shapes us and molds us into the people we are, especially when we deal with it at a young age. I know some people don’t like the dead ex trope, but it’s never bothered me... probably because I’ve seen more death than a coroner. So, I’ve seen how losing a partner can change a person. I know how someone can love two people with all their heart at different times, because the grief has changed them so much that they’re not even close to the same person they were before. Also, I hate when people that have no idea about loss say things like “it’s too soon” or “it’s time to move on.” There’s no timetable for love, and there’s definitely not one for grief. Regardless, because Eleanor and Grey had a past mostly filled with friendship, I think the reader can see why Eleanor needed to be the one to pull him out of his grief.

Maybe all people needed sometimes was for someone to keep showing up for them during the hard days. Even when they tried their best to push everyone away.

There were so many things I adored about this book. Greyson’s kids were a huge part of the story, and I slowly fell in love with them. I loved how the author very realistically portrays how if kids are involved- and especially when their other parent isn’t- the commitment is to the whole family. This definitely wasn’t a case where everyone becomes a happy family right away. There are growing pains, and Eleanor has to evolve from being hired help to an integral member of the family. Still, Eleanor is a loyal, persistent person... and she had my birthday

bookcookie_franzi's review against another edition

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emotional funny hopeful inspiring lighthearted reflective sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Mein erstes Buch von Brittainy C. Cherry
Als ich das Buch angefangen hatte wusste ich nicht wirklich was auf mich zukommt. Zwar habe ich schon häufiger gehört das die Autorin sehr Emotional schreiben soll und viele bei ihren Büchern weinen und eine Achterbahn an Gefühlen durchleben, das ich mich hier allerdings mit einreihen kann damit habe ich nun wirklich nicht gerechnet. 
Der Sturm an Gefühlen die diese Geschichte in mir ausgelöst hat, hat mich förmlich überwältigt und mitgerissen und zeitgleich ein Lächeln ins Gesicht gezaubert. Das ich das Buch innerhalb von 24h inhaliert habe sagt glaub ich schon alles über die Sogwirkung die die Geschichte auf mich hatte aus.
Ich habe lange Zeit kein Buch mehr gelesen das mich so in seinen Bann gezogen hat wie die Geschichte rund um Greyson und Eleonor.

Die Geschichte der beiden beginnt in ihrer Jugend und holy... Tennager Grey ist wohl der perfekte Bookboyfriend. Er war süß, nett, zuvorkommend, hilfsbereit, immer zum Spaßen aufgelegt und selbstlos aber genauso zurückhaltend und Tiefgründig wenn es darauf ankommt und man einen Fels in der Brandung braucht. 
Eleonor hingegen ist wohl genau das was man als Mauerblümchen bezeichnen würde. Sie ist zurückhaltend fast schon schüchtern und wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher als in Ruhe gelassen zu werden, wenig beachtet zu werden. Für die Menschen für die sie allerdings viel empfindet oder auch jeden anderen der eine Schulter zum Ausweinen braucht ist sie da, die Liebe die sie gibt und ihre Selbstlosigkeit gehen Hand in Hand.

Erst ist es Eleonor die durch einen Schicksalsschlag unerwartet die Unterstützung und Hilfe von der sie nicht wusste das sie diese braucht von Greyson erhält und Jahre später ist es genau umgekehrt. Die Umsetzung der Umstände wie die beiden aufeinander treffen, sich aus den Augen verlieren und wieder zueinander finden sind sehr authentisch und mehr als nur emotional aber genauso schön mit zu erleben.

Eine wunderschöne Geschichte rund um Freundschaft, Liebe, Verlust, Vergebung und Heilung

Ich kann mich nur wiederholen...Ich habe selten so ein ergreifende und authentische Geschichte gelesen. Die Geschichte zählt schon jetzt zu meinen absoluten Jahresfavoriten, wenn es nicht sogar mein Jahreshighlight werden könnte.
 Das war mein erstes Buch von Brittainy C. Cherry wird aber definitiv nicht mein letztes von dieser Autorin sein. Ich freue mich sehr auf weitere Bücher von Ihr.

5/5 ⭐

aaliyahsmoodyreads's review against another edition

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This book was absolutely beautiful. I don't like the second chance loves but this one , this one hit me hard and I loved it.

zoee_0309_'s review against another edition

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j’ai fini en larmes

bbrown0526's review against another edition

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If you’re looking for a good cry with some romance sprinkled in, I’ve got the book for you. ⁣

There is a lot of grief dealt with in this book, so if that’s not something you like reading about, I would suggest skipping this one. However, if you’re down for that, I can’t recommend this book enough. Greyson is one my favorite male characters I’ve read and the relationship between the two characters is so sweet to read about. Their friendship through grief was so well done. ⁣

I did make the mistake of trying to finish this book at work (while PMSing) and had to quietly cry alone at my desk hoping no one noticed

jen_reads_books_'s review against another edition

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emotional funny hopeful inspiring sad medium-paced
  • Loveable characters? Yes


-0.25 because of the “Greyson look at me🥺🥺 This isn’t you🥺🥺” 
Anyway it was beautiful and I cried

bolodemilho's review against another edition

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funny inspiring sad medium-paced


nadine_booklover's review against another edition

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“If he were a book character, he’d be the hero.”

Believe it or not, but Eleonor& Grey was my first book by Brittainy C. Cherry. And I was warned…. By other readers about her other books, that the emotional tsunami is something you can’t be prepared for. And oh dear did me hit a wave of emotions, having had a hard time handling them. I guess I still can’t. … when a book is able to make me actually cry, it deserves all the stars possible. It’s simple as that for me.

”He was him, I was me , and we were us. This was our story.”

I think young Grey is now my favourite book boyfriend. Seriously, he was beyond perfect. And every young Eleonor in this world should have her very own Greyson. Young Grey was so adorable, cute and deep that I fell for him right along with Eleonor. Until the author decided to break my heart in thousand pieces.

”And then came you.”

The adult Eleonor is now for Grey, what his younger self was for Eleonor. The anchor to the real world, to friendship, love, family, emotions. I adore Eleonor and her shiny personality, she’s effortless beautiful inside out and so full of love for everyone who needs it.

”We were still broken, and cracked, and growing and learning. We were mistakes, and perfection, flowing streams and hurricanes.”

Eleonor and Greyson are soulmates. Bound by heaven and brought together on earth. To help each other when the most needed. To grow and become together a unit that can stand a chance to every obstacle thrown at them. I love love love the way they found together as kids and I’m amazed how they found together as adults again. Their story is so heartbreakingly beautiful, I highly recommend reading it and meet them for yourself.

”I need you to understand that if I kiss you, I won’t stop. Everything will shift, and nothing will be the same. If I kiss you, Ellie, we’re going to be something new.”

Furthermore, the author also outdid herself with the kids. Both are so real and awesomely well written. I really wish every Karla has a little sister like Lorelai. I adore Lorelai and my heart broke every time for Karla. They really show, that no love is like the love of a sister.

”His soul was born to be loved by mine.”

Eleonor & Grey is a package of emotions that will hit you with an unexpected force, willing you to feel it all: friendship, love, loss, grief, happiness – Definitely one of my favourite reads this year!

sslovesbooks_1's review against another edition

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What an emotional and heart-wrenching read following Greyson East and Eleanor.
Childhood friends although they were more to each other as Eleanor (Ellie) tried to deal with her mother's illness.
Broken apart by circumstances, some years later Eleanor takes the position of a nanny for Grey's two daughters. As the family struggle to cope with the loss of a wife and mother it is Ellie who fills the space and is there for all of them, day and day.
Grey, is doing nothing but working and spends no time with his children and Ellie realises this man is not the boy she once knew.
As Ellie supports and sticks up for his daughters, Grey slowly comes back to life with the help of Ellie.
A slow burn, difficult to read at times romance but definitely worth reading, I loved it !!!

annamargiii's review against another edition

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emotional funny hopeful inspiring sad tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No
