stonestream97's review against another edition

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funny informative lighthearted relaxing fast-paced


aquaboi's review against another edition

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funny informative fast-paced


rlse's review against another edition

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Spiffing! There was barely a page that didn’t have me at least smiling, if not smirking or outright laughing out loud.

usbsticky's review against another edition

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I was very disappointed in this book. First, I was very looking forward to it because it seemed to be a very fun and interesting topic. It was also short at 231 pages and I thought it would be a quick read. However, I found the writing to be very unfocused and difficult to read and follow. It wasn't interesting nor informative the way it was written. It tried hard to be funny but wasn't. In the end, I didn't get anything from the book. I think the book could do with a good editor and maybe a rewrite.

I got this as a free ARC.

straciehniezdo's review against another edition

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Tak toto bolo prekvapivo skvelé! Nikdy som ani len neuvažovala o tom, akú dôležitosť mal alkohol naprieč históriou a rôznymi kultúrami. Táto kniha bola skutočne výborne spracovaná - dozvedáme sa o postavení alkoholu v spoločnosti v starovekom Grécku, u vikingoch, starovekej Číne, ale aj na divokom západe či čo sa skutočne skrývalo za prohibiciou. Ale mojimi favoritmi boli kapitoly o starovekom Egypte, kolonizácii Austrálie a Rusku v minulom storočí - skutočne fascinujúce informácie. Hoci priznávam, že boli aj kapitoly, ktoré ma nadchli menej.

Kniha odsýpa rýchlo aj vďaka krátkym kapitolám, no napriek tomu sa mi nezdalo, že by ma autor krátkym rozsahom knihy o niečo oberal, pretože to bolo naozaj plné zaujímavých informácií a žiadnych zbytočných omáčok.
Knihu som prečítala v priebehu dvoch večerov, kedy som knihu nevedela pustiť z rúk, hoci obvykle čítam non-fiction knihy celé veky. Je to predovšetkým vďaka autorovmu úžasnemu štýlu písania, ktorý bol veľmi čtivý, pútavý a prekvapivo vtipný. Autor je Brit a zmysel pre humor veru nezaprel.

Priznám sa, že som pôvodne mala z knihy obavy - prvá kniha z tejto edície Čo sme robili v posteli síce taktiež obsahuje zaujímavé informácie, no tie sú žiaľ podané pre mňa nezáživným a nepútavým spôsobom. Som teda veľmi rada, že sa história nezopakovala a kniha ma bavila mnohonásobne viac než som čakala. Veľmi odporúčam. Ja som sa naučila veľmi veľa a ešte som sa aj zabavila.

sleav's review against another edition

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adventurous funny informative lighthearted fast-paced


laynercomplainer's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted medium-paced


snoakes7001's review against another edition

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Has there ever been a book so perfectly attuned to its reader?

A Short History of Drunkenness is an enjoyable romp around the history of the world as viewed through the bottom of a bottle. There are chapters covering a diverse range of alcoholic treats, including the Romans, gin, Russia and the Wild West (I found this one particularly fascinating).

If history lessons at school had been as enjoyable as this, I might not have failed my O level.

bobo4books's review against another edition

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informative lighthearted fast-paced


yearofbluewater's review against another edition

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This was all of alright. It was funny, entertaining, and informative, but it also didn't shed any particular insights on the world or do anything special.