
Saving Savannah by Kathy Ivan

teresajluvs2read's review

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Can Stefan save Savannah in time?

Stefan Carlisle has a gut feeling that Savannah may be in trouble again after all he helped track her when she was kidnapped. Imagine his surprise when she calls because of an item she received from Mr.Stavros,who's Danny Cooper's father. Danny had previously in Protecting Sarah.

It will take all hands on deck to save Savannah when she is kidnapped again including the Seal of Protection and Carpenter Security services, but will they make in time?

deanie's review

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After being kidnapped by her date and held in his mobster father's house (where they witnessed a murder) in Saving Sarah, Savannah Sloane has moved back to San Diego and is attempting to get on with her life. However, when she's being threatened by her dead ex's homicidal mobster father, there's one person she can call - Stefan Carlisle.

Computer expert Stefan Carlisle has developed a long-distance friendship with Savannah since her kidnapping, one with the possibility of turning into something more once Savannah is ready. However, when she is in danger, he drops everything to go to her side, willing to put himself between her and the man who is threatening her.

Like the rest of Kathy Ivan's Cajun Connection books, this is a great romantic suspense novel. Ivan knows how to successfully mix romance, action, and suspense, and her hero and heroine are smart, spunky, and definitely made for each other.