
Housebroken: Admissions of an Untidy Life by Laurie Notaro

williamsdebbied's review against another edition

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funny medium-paced


brits_got_books's review against another edition

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Some stories had me gasping for breathe from laughter; favorites included the story about the pile, and her dad having a Facebook page.

schottjm's review against another edition

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Two things I always forget about Laurie Notaro books until I read/re-read one:

1) She is one of maybe four writers that make me laugh out loud when reading their work, whether or not I am in public.

2) I always feel like we could be friends given the opportunity. (I know I’m not the only person who feels that way about her.)

Laurie’s books, like Celia Rivenbark’s (another favorite writer), and Erma Bombeck’s well before either of them, help me to find and appreciate the humor (and occasional sarcasm) in the ridiculousness of everyday life. While the events of her day-to-day life may have changed from The Idiot Girls’ Action-Adventure Club days, her wit and humor remain as sharp as ever.

[Edit: I cannot wait to attempt some of the recipes listed. Once I feel brave enough.]

greatexpectations77's review against another edition

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This was kind of funny, but I'm not sure that I love her humor style. Just like little side quip jokes about topics that are not funny - plantation owner, welfare, etc. It also seems like the "my marriage sucks!" humor, which is not my favorite.

Also - Marie Kondo/shintoism hate is not a personality.

robinsbooks's review against another edition

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This was an enjoyable romp through Laurie's everyday life, which can be funny, frustrating, or just plain weird (she lives in Eugene, Oregon, which can be an odd little city--I grew up there, I know). I loved the stories about teaching her nephew the fine art of hygiene, how to make gravy for Italian meatballs (silly me, I thought it was called "marinara" or "spaghetti" sauce), and her attempts to make homemade Twinkies. One of the most laugh-out-loud moments was her rebuttal after reading Marie Kondo's THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING UP. I also found a couple of the stories very touching, which I think is a major feat to pull off when writing humor.

Many of the stories in this book sounded familiar and I realized it was because I follow her on Facebook, where she often posts photos of food experiments and incidents from her life.

Read this if you love good humor and also if you are a fan of Jenny Lawson's memoirs. It's not yet not yet published, but this could also be a good readalike for Therese Oneill's [b:Unmentionable: The Victorian Lady's Guide to Sex, Marriage, and Manners|29467289|Unmentionable The Victorian Lady's Guide to Sex, Marriage, and Manners|Therese Oneill||49743784], which Laurie has recently endorsed.

Thanks to Edelweiss for a digital reading copy of this book.

heather01602to60660's review against another edition

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As with most collections of essays, some were definitely better than others, most of which I'd say are at least mildly amusing to a middle aged woman.

bethreadsandnaps's review against another edition

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Enjoyed enough although no laugh out loud moments. If you like Jen Lancaster, you'll probably like Laurie Notaro.

candicodeit's review against another edition

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I'd say 3.5 stars. Some parts were funny and some were eh. I guess since I've listened to How to Be A Woman, it doesn't quite measure up.

The 10lbs bit was funny.

mactammonty's review against another edition

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What does a person with a sore throat sound like while giggling and laughing. Well my dog thought she should bark at the strange sounds.

Laurie's stories about life are side splitting.

sassenak's review against another edition

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Je ne connaissais pas du tout cette chroniqueuse/journaliste/auteure car ses livres n’ont jamais été traduits en français mais j’en ai par hasard repéré un grâce à son titre accrocheur et dans lequel on reconnaît une phrase qu’on a tous et toutes dit au moins une fois (It looked different on the model ... eh oui, ça paraît toujours mieux sur le mannequin ou plus généralement sur la photo vu que ça peut concernet aussi bien un vêtement qu’un objet ou un plat en apparence appétissant). Finalement, c’est avec un titre plus récent que j’ai abordé l’œuvre de cette Américaine à la langue bien pendue et dans laquelle on peut se reconnaître à un moment ou à un autre. Chaque chapitre aborde un sujet différent, tous ancrés dans la vie quotidienne, que ce soit en rapport avec les choses matérielles ou avec les relations humaines. J’ai aimé le fait que l’auteure ne cherche pas forcément à paraître à son avantage et il y a des moments qui m’ont bien fait rire. Et comme elle est humaine avec ses qualités et ses défauts, c’est facile de s’attacher et de finir par la considérer presque comme une amie parfois un peu excentrique mais cool. Forcément, quand on aborde plein de thèmes différents, certains paraissent plus intéressants que d’autres mais comme, en plus, je suis presque de la même génération, il y a eu beaucoup de choses qui m’ont parlé (à part quand il s’agit de quelque chose de typiquement américain comme une certaine marque de gâteaux que je ne connaissais pas et qui ne sont plus commercialisés mais comme elle parle de la frustration de ne plus trouver en rayon une chose qu’elle appréciait, on peut quand même s’y retrouver en pensant à des marques françaises ayant disparu de la vente). C’est un recueil vite lu, qui m’a procuré un bon moment de détente et c’est sûr que je lirai d’autres titres de cette auteure car c’est le genre parfait pour les vacances !