
Öffne mir dein Herz by Marie Force

taisie22's review against another edition

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While I love this series, the last few books/novellas didn't quite do it for me. Charley is one of my least favorite of the Abbotts so I was afraid this was going to be the same, but I'm very happy to say that I really enjoyed this book.
Part of it is Tyler Wescott. He's the perfect package while not being sickly sweet. And Charley's prickly personality was toned down in this book which made her pairing with Tyler perfect. Every time I thought the story was going to go off with some challenge that would wreck the story, Charley sailed right through with Tyler's help. I liked it a lot that this was a story of Charley's growth.
Looking forward to the next book in the series.

labalkana's review

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Charley sagt immer was sie denkt. Ihre unverblümte, direkte Art und ihre Verschlossenheit waren zeitweise frustrierend und anstrengend aber sie ist so authentisch und nachvollziehbar, dass man sie einfach gern haben muss.
Sie weiß, dass Tyler sie mag, hat aber kein Interesse an ihm. Dafür erscheint er viel zu glatt und zu gut um wahr zu sein. Er ist wirklich - wie alle anderen Männer in Butler - perfekt.

Nach einem Unfall kümmert er sich um sie und ganz langsam erkennt er den weichen Kern unter ihrer harten Schale. Wie sie sich langsam öffnet und Gefühle zulässt, die gesamte Entwicklung zwischen ihnen ist total authentisch. Ich finde es toll, dass es keinen großen Wendepunkt gibt sondern nach und nach zusammenkommt, weil es bei den beiden einfach passt.

Und dazu gehen die Geschichten aus den vorigen Büchern weiter, man bekommt viel mit von der ganzen Familie. Was die Frage aufwirft, warum Max kein eigenes Buch hat?? Seine Geschichte ist spannend und ich hoffe er taucht im nächsten Buch auf und wir erfahren, wie es mit ihm weitergeht.
Und die Andeutung auf Grayson und Emma macht sowieso gespannt auf ihre Geschichte. Vor allem nach ihrem krassen Geständnis.

Wie immer spielt die Geschichte wieder sehr zeitnah zu den vorherigen. Wäre irgendwie toll wenn mehr Zeit dazwischen liegen würde, so finde ich es jedes Mal seltsam, dass da alle die große Liebe finden in so kurzer Zeit.

Trotzdem, auch wenn die Stories sich etwas ähneln und ziemlich vorhersehbar sind, wird es nie langweilig.

Marie Force hat es einfach drauf. Die Geschichte war wieder sehr unterhaltsam und sehr heiß. Dynamisch und süß, gut geschrieben - viel besser kann man Romance gar nicht machen.
Dazu hat sie ein Setting erschaffen, in das man immer wieder gerne zurückkommt, eine Familie mit er man wahnsinnig gerne Zeit verbringt, authentische Figuren und absolute Traummänner.

tfail24's review against another edition

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Loved Charlie and Tyler's journey to happiness.

Tyler has known for a while that Charlie was the woman for him, but you know it took a lot longer to convince, tough and nails, Charlie that he was there for the long hall.

kat_vaudee's review

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jaimereadsromance's review against another edition

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This is my first time reading a book from this author and so I came right into the middle of this series. At times I found myself a little confused because characters from previous stories showed up and I didn't know their full stories, but not so much that it messed up Tyler and Charley's story for me.

Tyler has been after Charley for a while but when an accident lands her in the hospital and in need of someone to take care of her, he uses it to his advantage to try to win her over. Charley has some baggage that has left her bitter and jaded against love and she uses her temper and stubbornness to keep guys at arms length. When Tyler steps up and pushes his way into her bubble, it's only a matter of time before he has her breaking down that wall.

This story was easy and sweet with zero angst or conflict to it. Sure there was a bit of a mountain to climb for Tyler to get Charley to open up but there weren't any misunderstandings or miscommunications to upset their path to their HEA. It was actually really a unique story in that way.

I can't say that I fell in love with this book but I enjoyed it and I would absolutely pick up more books in this series or from the author.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

ssejig's review against another edition

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This book has my least favorite trope (man KNOWS that woman loves him but she's just being stubborn so he's going to keep pursuing her until she succumbs.) I mean, really. Maybe heroine actually knows her mind and man shouldn't be a weirdo stalker. And to have her family be all, "Well, he's handsome and he's charming so you should totally go be in his house while your knee is out and you're unable to run" is just super creepy. Because THEY all know better than the heroine as well. Maybe there's a damn good reason that she is avoiding him?
When I don't love a story, when I get to a good stopping place around page 50, I'll flip to the back and check out the last 30-50 pages, just to see if the ending will make it worth it. And what do I read?
Spoiler Tyler slipping his finger into Charlotte's anus with absolutely NO discussion. What is this? Stalker dude, nonconsensual sex -- starting to read like 50 shades

I gave this book a chance because I've been enjoying the Green Mountain series but this was a big NOPE for me. I am still looking forward to Gray and Emma's story.

bellabirdley's review against another edition

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I was looking forward to Charley's story as she seems to have such a strong personality and just speaks her mind quite freely. I love her directness and that she seems like a tough character with a good heart. Tyler on the other hand was a rather unknown character before his appearance in this book, so I wasn't certain what to expect of him. He did surprise me positively though and I do must congratulate him on his determination of winning over Charley after so many rejections beforehand.

The circumstances of their coming together or rather how Charley ended up injured and living at his place where a bit over the top for me but I could get behind that. What really disappoint me though was that I wanted Charley to have her guard more up and fight this 'thing' with Tyler much more. That's just what I had expected from her personality that they would have way more bickering going on and that it would be way harder for her to let someone get close to her in anyway, especially someone she was so determined fighting for years and declared to not want anywhere near her.

For me it made it harder to get Charley as a character as I felt she was constantly contradicting herself and I wasn't really sure what to make of her anymore. Some of her decisions like why she went after the hospital with Tyler, instead of living with any of her family members, just wasn't quite clear to me. If I'm in pain, I do prefer to be surrounded by family and be at my own place or at least a familiar one to be comfortable when I'm feeling the worst. And I do get that everyone was rather busy themselves but she has a huge family I'm sure they could have figured it out one way or another. It wasn't so much that she went with him what irritated me than the reason behind it and that she just kind of said okay I'll go with you without really giving it a second thought.

We have also again the motive of a for years going on unrequited love from Tyler towards Charley and even though she was supposed to be closed up they seem to get close very fast and I don't mean just in the physical sense. As it also appears that we have again a lot of sex scenes which under the circumstances that Charley said that that's all she wanted I was kind of fine with it, although it was still a lot considering that the stories aren't that long and that she was in recovery. I also just want to say that I don't mind reading sex scenes, I just kind of get bored with them after a while when it seems that they keep happening constantly without much else to it.

Otherwise I did like Tyler a lot even though he was extremely devoted that sometimes I felt actually sorry for him. They do make for an interesting couple as they seem to have rather different personalities but somehow they seem to make it work.

bookbriefs's review against another edition

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**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs:**

Ain't She Sweet is the 6th book in adult contemporary romance series, called the Green Mountain series by Marie Force. While, I have not read any of the previous books in the series, I now have to go back and get my hands on every single one of the first five because this is exactly the kind of series I have been loving lately. The Green Mountain series is about a big family with a ton of siblings. Throw in a meddling father and grandfather who like to do some covert match-making, and you have a great time. I love big family books where each of the installments is focused on a different family member.

Aint' She Sweet is the story of Charley (she's the family member) and Tyler. Tyler has had a crush on Charley for forever, and she is constantly shooting him down. But Tyler is crazy persistent and he never gives up. I actually really admired that about him, because I sure as heck wouldn't keep going back for rejection after rejection. But, strangely enough, it is an injury kind of caused by Tyler - at least in his mind- that ends up bringing him and Charley together.

I flippin' loved Tyler. The book should have been called Ain't he sweet because he is seriously one of the most thoughtful guys ever. He is so good to Charley. You can't help but like him. Charley never stood a chance. I really enjoyed watching the two of them together, and as soon as Charley saw that she was being ridiculous for turning down Tyler, they had undeniable chemistry. I also loved getting to see all of the other members of her overly large and very close family. I can't wait to read each and every one of their stories.

Bottom line: Ain't She Sweet is the very definition of a feel good romance. Read this book when you are looking to be cheered up, whether it is in bed on a rainy day or poolside on a perfect summer day, Ain't She Sweet is the perfect read. And can someone please hand over books 1-5 in the series, so I can binge read them?

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs