
Spaceman by Mike Massimino

darcyhendershott's review against another edition

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It was very good! I took a star off because I actually feel it could've used more/better visual descriptions. Also, I could've done without the weird religious parts, but it's his book so he can say whatever he wants I suppose. lol

spacetoread's review against another edition

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I’ve read a lot of astronaut memoirs and a lot of explanations of the overview effect. Massimino’s explanation gave me chills and made me cry. Overall, a wonderful book.

laughing_llama's review against another edition

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adventurous funny inspiring reflective medium-paced


jenmangler's review against another edition

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. As a huge space geek and an unabashed Hubble lover, reading about Massimino's two missions to rescue and repair that fabulous telescope were thrilling. His descriptions of the profound effect of seeing the earth from space was very moving. I expected that. What I didn't expect, and completely loved, was his emphasis on the importance of relationships. He gives us an inside look at NASA, and the best part of that is how everyone is a team, how supportive they are of each other, and how they make each other better. I didn't think I could love NASA more than I already did. I was wrong. Massimino tells his story as one of big dreams and perseverance, of friendship and teamwork, of the human as explorer. He tells the story of space. And it's a beautiful story.

sunnyp_2's review against another edition

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Got me off my phone and convinced me to finally do all that math homework!

threepines78's review against another edition

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hopeful inspiring reflective medium-paced


rsr143's review against another edition

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If you ever wondered what it takes to be an astronaut, this book will tell you. What's nice about the story is that Massiimino is not the most likely person to be flying into space. He is smart, but not genius level. He is afraid of heights. He isn't a top-gun flying ace. Yet, somehow he made it, not once, but twice! A fun and inspiring read.

beckdins's review

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adventurous emotional funny hopeful informative inspiring lighthearted reflective fast-paced


dharma130's review against another edition

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Great book. And he narrated it himself and did a wonderful job. It was very interesting and funny and not too technical and detailed where it might have bored me. And then I saw him on Big Bang Theory!

jasperburns's review against another edition

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