
Julia's House for Lost Creatures by Ben Hatke

katrinrosf's review

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really cute pictures

barbarianlibarian's review

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adorable pictures, imaginative, fun. strong female character. my preschool friend loved it

beths0103's review

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A wonderful picture book with panels as an eventual ladder to graphic novels. I loved Julia and her home for lost creatures. My one wish is that the story was a few pages longer because it felt like it ended in an awkward spot.

ali_brarian's review

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This book was too cute. Julia opens up a home for lost creatures, but then when they seem lost within her house, she devises a plan to get them working. It reminded me of the animals in "Snow White" who help her with her house work and begin to work together. The old house has many creaks and leaking water, even with all of the animals' help. Who will she enlist next to help her with this problem? I can't wait to share this with all of the young people in my life!

danicamidlil's review

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I want to live at Julia's house.

bfordham's review

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Sweet and fun. N loves it, and loves taking about the details in the pictures. All the kids think it's a fun story.

joshgauthier's review

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Hatke's work is always a delight, art and writing, both.

misscalije's review

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Yet again, amazing illustrations from Hatke. I love the themes of working together, and I like seeing a characters open up their home, realize that there are struggles that come with that, but work past them to create a teamwork-inclined living situation. How positive!

lady_mair's review

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3 1/2 STARS

Loved the illustrations in this one and the story was cute. Looking forward to digging into one of Hatke's graphic novels soon.

drcbooks's review

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The rise and fall of a punk house