jperlmutter's review against another edition

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challenging informative slow-paced


asscanio's review against another edition

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challenging funny informative slow-paced


jmm11's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


unladylike's review against another edition

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This was a LOT of interesting stuff. The voice with which it is presented was highly listenable and engaging. One major caveat comes from the currently top listed review on Goodreads, by someone named Matt, pointing out that numerous studies he cites and uses to justify rather large claims have not been successfully reproduced in subsequent attempts, which should be a huge red flag for anyone teaching science. Behave came out in 2017, so I'd like to see an updated, revised edition or at least find some responses from the author to any criticisms. It also suffers from typical Western Cis-Het White Male Lens Syndrome, but I let some things slide because there's just so damn much content in it. I really wish I had awesome recall skills to be able to discuss, on the fly, various subjects brought up in the books I read, rather than just the general feeling I had from it.

eferguson's review against another edition

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Concluding quotes that resonated with me:
"Neither the capacity for fancy, rarefied moral reasoning nor for feeling great empathy necessarily translates into actually doing something difficult, brave, and compassionate"
"Individuals no more exceptional than the rest of us provide stunning examples of our finest moments as humans."
"You don't have to choose between being scientific and being compassionate"

bigbookslilreads's review against another edition

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Makes me want to see more from this author.

mstormer's review against another edition

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challenging informative slow-paced

mahir007's review against another edition

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عندما كنت طفلاً ، رأيت النسخة الأصلية لعام 1968 من Planet of the Apes. بصفتي عالم رئيسيات في المستقبل ، كنت مفتونًا ، ورأيته مرارًا وتكرارًا وأحببت أزياء القردة.
بعد سنوات ، اكتشفت حكاية رائعة حول تصوير الفيلم ، رواها كل من تشارلتون هيستون وكيم هانتر ، ونجومه: في وقت الغداء ، كان الأشخاص الذين يلعبون أدوار الشمبانزي وأولئك الذين يلعبون أدوار الغوريلا يأكلون في مجموعات منفصلة!!
الشمبانزي مع الشمبانزي ، والغوريلا مع الغوريلا ، بالرغم من أن بعض الممثلين من الطرفين كانوا أصدقاء سابقين ، ولكن بمجرد أنهم وجدوا مجموعة من الأشخاص يشبهونهم بالأزياء ، فقد انحازوا لهم و تخلوا عن أصدقائهم!!
ما سحرني بالقصة هي تلك السهولة التي ننحاز بها نحن البشر إلى من يشبهوننا ، ومن يفكرون مثلنا ، أو ربما ينتمون إلى ذات الثقافة التي ننتمي لها ...
Robert Sapolsky
Translated By #Maher_Razouk

grumpkin's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


badgersaurus's review against another edition

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Least misogynistic behavioural scientist