
La tirannia del merito by Michael J. Sandel

shodank's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


wusat's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


jcoker10's review against another edition

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Stunning. One of those books that explains so many seemingly discordant threads and ties together why our society has broken down. Spectacular, concise, clear, persuasive, and important.

klimts15thchild's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


brownie3415's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


fieth's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


tomluca's review against another edition

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jgalt8's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced


Thought provoking analysis of merit in our modern life.

halthemonarch's review against another edition

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I don’t ever think I’m going to feel like writing a fully fleshed review of this book, but I will say these things:

Michael J Sandel writes about the workings of a partially aristocratic meritocracy from Mount Olympus. He himself is a white philosopher teaching at Harvard University, and therefore one of the first voices the public are liable to listen to in the effort to level the playing field, so to speak. Sandel argues for something that resembles social/luck-based egalitarianism and I can definitely agree with some of his philosophies.

The feeling of being unheard and dismissed, disrespected and condescended to was a symptom of a wounded America that led to the Trump election after Obama’s eight years. Such feelings shouldn’t be so easily written off as ignorant, ignoring the data or on the wrong side of history, simply for not having the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions. Somewhere on the other side of this argument, Sandel asks us the reader to think about those who aren’t born particularly talented, or those who don’t have talents of value to society, and their subsequent right to exist and participate within that society.He also repeatedly asks one of my favorite philosophical questions of all: what do we owe to each other?

wietse111's review against another edition

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De inhoud vijf sterren, het boek zelf alleen iets minder. Al met al toch een hele ruime 4 sterren.

Het is een heel interessant pleidooi tegen de meritocratie. Een positie die intuïtief niet echt heel logisch klinkt, maar waar Sandel overtuigend tegen tekeer gaat. Een meritocratie impliceert verliezers en winnaars, en daarbij de implicatie dat winnen (en dus ook verliezen) je eigen schuld is. Dat is niet een wenselijke maatschappij. Gelijkheid van kansen is goed, maar zou nooit het einddoel mogen zijn.

Heeft me aan het denken gezet, en kritischer gemaakt tegen sommige linkse/progressieve ideeën die eigenlijk nog niet de kern van problemen raken.

Wel een tikje ingewikkeld en repetitief geschreven, maar voor deze 227 pagina's kwam ik er nog prima doorheen