
Blood in the Water by Cynthia Rayne

mooncricketjp's review

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I love this author but have to say this couple seemed to be lacking chemistry. The story was still great and I hope to see more.

emilyhei's review

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Byron Beauregard is infatuated with his lawyer Jane Hunter, he gets pleasure from making her come to him when he knows it irritates her. When Jane's latest client, Oscar Valentine is acquitted of being a serial killer she doesn't realize that she just got a guilty man off and he is planning to have Jane as his.

Asking Byron for help is against everything Jane believes in, but she needs protection and it gives Byron the leverage he has been looking for to get closer to Jane. Byron accepts her and understands she is Autistic which many don't. As the noose tightens with Oscar Jane begins to wonder if she can build something with Byron, but will Byron's conscious get the better of him and let her go?

Great book, the end surprised me a bit though. I have really enjoyed this series so far it continues to get better. I liked Byron he is full of charm and his choice of words just make you melt. Jane is great, she is very matter of fact though s sometimes it has a negative effect. Wonderful story.