
Vakmerő és végzetes by Bethany-Kris

izziede's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book so much, i loved the characters, the plot and the scene is set for the next one.

I would recommend reading the previous book first as this book follows on, in fact when it starts it runs parallel with events from Deathless and Divided (book 1). The attack at the restaurant etc.
This is the story of Alessa Trentini and Adriano Conti. After the events of the previous book they find themselves on opposite sides, there is a fight going on for power but they have been having a relationship for some time and really care for each other and want a future together.
Adriano is no saint but he is adorable with Alessa. She is going to used by her brother Joel to form alliances in the Mob, and will be married to Dean, he is just well really 'icky'. Adriano is a one woman man who would care for her and love her but Dean just isn't, the question is how they can be together when Joel and Riley (Adriano's father) are on opposite sides and are determined to use Adriano and Alessa to their own ends.

Bethany Kris has provided a map of the families at the back of the book, which is really good as there are alot of different family members mentioned so it helps keep track of who is who.

I found the plot excellent it answers questions from book one as to who is responsible for events regarding Dino (trying not to spoil book one by being non- specific). It was quite involved and hard to work out how they were going to be together as events get more and more complicated and hatred grows. There is also alot of history revealed about the families so we learn why Joel is so horrid.

There is also mention of Lilly and Damion from book one as well as Theo DeLuca & Evelina Conti and Tommas Rossi & Abriella Trentini, so in that way although they are not the main feature of this book, their story continues.

A good book and i am looking forward to the next one..

aishareadsbooks's review against another edition

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Oh Adriano and Alessa. What are we going to do with you? This is a series that needs to be read in the correct order but I guarantee it's worth it.

Reckless and Ruined follows on from the events of the previous book and gives up an up close look at all the shenanigans that every one is trying to discreetly pull off. A great thing about this series is that all of the couples are from different families so we always get to see different sides of the war. Sadly it is now a war and Adriano and Alessa are in the middle of the crossfire.

This book is wonderful for expanding the universe and really and truly showing us the difference between the older generation who are definitely getting a lot of things wrong, and the younger generation who all grew up together and, with the exception of Joel who is a complete asshole, genuinely respect and want the best for each other, especially within the female friendships.

I loved that everyone had to start watching their backs and who they associated with in this book - it was honestly so easy to see how and where the relationships between the families were breaking down and who was stoking the fire to allow it to continue. Despite being on opposite sides of the war Adriano and Alessa just loved each other and all the sneaking around honestly raised my heart rate a couple of times!

With two more books to go, it's clear that the War has only really just begun.

Recommend to: fans of crime, fans of New Adult with a twist
Rating: 3.5 stars

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valerej's review against another edition

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i'm surprised i ended up liking them more than damianlily since i was starting to lean towards the delucas. next one is theo's so we'll see ig!!!!

booksara's review against another edition

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☆ 4.5 stars ☆☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Re-Read November 2020

so i’m staring to notice these books are somehow better the second time I read them and I loved them the first time, so I can’t even explain how much more I loved them now. This was SO GOOD. THE WAR. THE SECRETS. THE ROMANCE. ALL OF IT, I LOVE IT.

She grows so much in this book. We really didn’t see her in the first, but here we know her and we watch her grow and become A WOMAN in the span of like two months. Usually it bothers me to not watch the main couple fall in love because I have trouble buying it, but here??? oh no, since the first chapters I was already there. I was rooting for them through and through. Alessa was a good heroine and I love her. She may not have a lot of back story, but like there’s literally a war, give her a break.

MY GUY. Sweetest boy. He adored Lissa. Loved seeing his side of things inside the mafia and watching him work. He knew what he wanted and just went for it, no apologies. Ugh that’s so hot and romantic. Not to say, the hot scenes? omfg. There’s A LOT of sex scenes here and I’m NOT complaining.


So, the books in this series are NOT meant to be read as stand-alones, the plot runs throughout the four books. With that said, this book is where the war explodes and the streets begin to run red. There are multiple conflicts throughout the book to keep you hooked while also delivering sweet, romantic moments. It’s so fcking good.

Other people
Abriella. I LOVE HER. She is one of my favorite people in this world just cause she is THAT bitch.

Riley. I’m not very fond of him, BUT I won’t deny he steps the fck up and it’s a good goddamn boss. I respect him in that aspect. He is not THE best boss, but he is good.

The 4 families. A MESS. BUT SO GOOD. I love this series cause it’s such an awesome dynamic. It has absolutely everything.

Why not 5 stars?
- The ONLY reason this isn’t 5 stars is because the end was a little bit anti-climatic and it also felt rushed. But other than that, loved this.

It’s so much fun re-reading this cause I can see the little hidden easter eggs and how a persons starts pulling the strings for what is yet to come. It’s so exciting!! Also, I don’t have the best memory and some things surprised me as I wasn’t expecting them. It’s really good that these books keep bringing out all these emotions out of me. I love it.


Original rating Sep 2019: 4 stars!!

r0reads's review against another edition

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3.7 stars to Adriano & Alessa, they were a couple I didn’t really focus on or anticipate a lot in Deathless&Divided. Their story was Childhood friends to lovers and also served some star cross arc in their book.
BK plot and story telling was great, I loved it and frankly I am a fidgety reader and I tend to get impatient with any angle but the couples but she kept my hands tied and I read well most of the details of the war.
Their romance was just cute, loved Adriano and his commitment to their “no label” relationship. He was so sweet and he would do anything to protect what belongs to him. He was only on his side, young but amazing and Alesso played a perfect role. She was smart and held on to the belief that she would come out of it alive. Loved them tbh but I cannot wait for theo and evaline pls they’ll serve ik

zehelleroth's review against another edition

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3.5 -Amor prohibido -estrellas


Alessa Trentini siempre ha seguido las reglas de su abuelo, o al menos es lo que parece, porque en realidad ha hecho más de lo que debería con Adriano Conti. Cuando la guerra estalló dentro del Outfit y mataron a su abuelo, sus garantías y su vida completa queda en manos de su hermano, Joel, el cual no dudará en utilizarla para obtener la corona.

Desafortunadamente para Joel, Adriano no está dispuesto a dejar a Alessa, ella es lo punico que le importa, ni siquiera los problemas que podría causarle a su padre, es suficiente razón para dejarla.

Pero cuando las familias pelean, los límites en su relación comienzan a dibujarse, sobre todo cuando Joel promete a su hermana a Dean. Adriano lleno de rabia y celos podría sacrificar mucho más de lo que jamás pensó, después de todo, Alessa es suya y no permitirá que nadie se la arrebate.

El título pasado de esta serie a pesar de gustarme, no me emocionó como la primera serie que leí de la autora, Filthy Marcellos, sin embargo, me gustó lo suficiente como para querere saber más de estas nuevas familias.

Tal y como creí en un inicio, Deathless & Divided, es una introducción a lo que será el resto de la historia y la relación que cada personaje tiene con el otro.

Cuando comencé Recless & Ruined, fue lentamente, un capítulo a la vez, sobre todo debido a los muchos personajes, tuve que parar y hacer un recuento, y revisar constantmente la guía que hice con el libro anterior, y de no haberlo tenido creo que todo hubiera sido mucho más lento.

La historia es muy buena, no obstante, a veces encontré trabas, ya que perdía un poco el ritmo, sobre todo con el tira y afloja que existe en un inicio. Luego de que estaba más familiarizada, todo mejoró. En realidad fui introducida al mundo de mentiras y traiciones que la autora plantea.

Sin duda, son títulos un poco más oscuros que los tratados con los Marcellos, o mejor dicho, la manera en la que se presenta todo es menos abierta (algo que mencioné en mi review de los hermanos Marcello), lo cual está presente en la mayoría de series que hablan acerca de la mafia.

La cantidad de secretos y conspiraciones que se trataron en este libro me tuvo ansiosa en cada página, en todo momento se revelaba un detalle que sería importante, la historia se teje con esa naturalidad y es lo que hace sencillo seguir.

Ahora, cuando se trata de personajes, pude ver la diferencia entre Damian y Adriano, son bastante opuestos de hecho y siempre es agradable leer algo más que una copia de personajes ya utilizados. Tal y como se menciona en más de una ocasión, Adriano es demasiado bueno para ese mundo, aunque también se habla de sus atroces acciones, lo cierto es que Adriano se lee como un buen hombre dentro de lo que cabe en su mundo.

Y Alessa es una mujer que no quiere ser dominada por las reglas de su mundo y está tratadno de ser feliz de la única manera en la que sabe. Su relación con su familia es un desastre y sus padres no sirven para nada, dejándola a ella y a su hermana a manos de Joel, por lo que es fácil ver porqué su consuelo es Adriano.

Literalmente, son lo único, además de sus hermanos, que tienen en su horrible realidad y se aferran el uno al otro por esa misma razón.

El factor prohibido está presente en cada oración, lo que hace de todo mucho más interesante y no hay un momento en el que ellos estén solos que uno no esté pensando: los van a atrapar. Alguien los va a ver. Y constantmente hay escenas en donde la tensión es demasiada, como cuando Dean le quita su celular a Alessa.

A decir verdad, pensé que al final iban a matar a Joel porque así se solucionaban muchos problemas, pero el embarazo de Alessa es utilizado a su favor y no muere, aunque creo que es porque tendrá ptro uso en el siguiente libro, como un chivo expiatorio.

Así, todavía hay muchos secretos e intriga que continúan, pero es algo bueno, me mantendrá alerta en la siguiente entrega, y aunqeu no forma parte de mis favoritos, en definitiva es una de esas series que siempre se va a quedar conmigo de alguna manera.

thoughtsfullofbooks's review against another edition

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i got bored at first but once it hit 50% marks it was getting interesting. also in this one the steamy scenes might be hotter than the first one

gxldenrune's review against another edition

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not gonna lie, I didnt finish the book.
it was so bored I couldn't do it, I got until 78%, and I barely made it to that point.
I liked the ones before, I don't know why I lost interest, but I started reading it early in January and I just–decided I wasn't going to finishing.

maybe one day, idk.

arireavis's review against another edition

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So much blood and violence....... I loved it!!! Adriano was the best. He was loyal, honest, and possessive. What more could a girl ask for? Alessa, while appearing meek and timid, took her brother apart from the inside out and I admired her plotting ways. Alessa's brother and fake fiance were total a**holes. Her brother, Joel, did despicable things in order to get a seat he clearly wasn't man enough for. There was one death that was really sad, however. Even though I knew it was comig, I was still shocked. But the sex....oh the sex was so freaking hot. And in such sexy locations, there was even phone sex and it was.... juicy *wink wink* lol. Hurrying to read book 3.