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Quake by Jacob Chance

dpd's review

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A quick read

After reading a few darker stories, I was needing something lighter.. This was perfect.
Kyle and Janny meet and they both find each other attractive. However, things are never as simple as they may seem on the surface.
I really enjoyed how Jacob Chance described everything and brought it to life. I could easily envisage the characters, their settings and the surroundings. I love when I can get that level of imagery from a book.
Now it is time for Quiver.

nicspears's review

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** ARC Provided in exchange of an honest review **

When I finished this I was in two minds with it but you know for an debut novel Jacob Chance has done a bloody good job.

A bit of a slow start to begin with, but it does pick up and when it does, its full steam ahead!!! As soon as this couple have a 5 minute reprieve something comes along and shatters it and you are left hanging....

The premise is good, and not one that you see much of. It's different but good.

Overall it's a good debut by a promising author. An author which I look forward to future releases and one that I would definitely recommend people check out.

Congrats on your debut release Jacob!!
Now I hope you're cracking on writing the next instalment.

thebookishmedialite's review

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Ok, after my mini rant here we go.

Quake is Jacob Chance’s debut novel. To say I was surprise is an understatement. Not just we get some really steamy scenes but a story with a bit of suspense and a male character to die for. Kyle, do you want to be the father of my babies? LOL.

I absolutely enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting. With a compelling story line, Quake captured my attention from beginning to end. Even though Kyle and Janny have a little unusual start that did not determine their relationship. The chemistry between them, sexual and emotional, was so strong that you could feel it in the air.

Suspense, romance, and a bit of drama. Quake is a story that will have you on the edge of your seat with the twists the author manages to incorporate into the story.

It ends with a cliffhanger so be ready. Is it September, yet? I NEED the second book.

jlinhart's review

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So I am a little late to party but I just read Jacob Chance's debut novel and boy what a great debut. If someone hadn't told me it was his first I would have never known. He had fantastic character development, a really good story (like not just a surfacey let me pump out a book and see how it goes story but a really in depth, well thought out story), and he kept me engaged the whole time.

Why am I shocked? I don't really know but I guess I have read so many books this year that I thought weren't all there and that were fairly meh that when I new author can surprise me...I find that pretty exciting.

I wont hash out the storyline for can read the blurb, but I enjoyed the characters. There is a bit of suspense, somewhat of a twist and then a cliffhanger. Not a super fan of cliffhangers but the next book is out so no worries there. Speaking of the next book...Quiver, that one is next on my reading list. Lets see how this all plays out.