
The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter

msnomes86's review against another edition

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Ok let me just say... WOW! This book was amazing! It had it all: laughs, tears, love, hate, and everything in between. I cant wait for the next book. In the meantime, ANGELS OF THE DARK series (also by Gena Showalter) is on my to-read list.

lasiepedimore's review against another edition

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Vi avverto subito che Paris è il mio signore degli inferi prediletto... quindi in questa recensione sarò decisamente di parte!

Il romanzo ha inizio con la ricerca di Viola, la dea minore dell'Aldilà, che possiede un segreto preziosissimo per Paris: come fare per riuscire a vedere l'anima di Sienna?

Paris è disposto a tutto per ottenere l'informazione e poter finalmente iniziare la vera ricerca di Sienna: e, infatti, lo ritroviamo immerso nell'oscurità che ormai dominata quasi interamente le sue azioni. Un'oscurità che rischia di annientarlo.

Divenuto spietato e violento, Paris non ha nessuna remora nell'uccidere chiunque si frapponga tra lui e la sua Sienna. E questo sebbene i suoi sentimenti per lei siano ancora contrastanti: odio per quello che gli ha fatto, attrazione perché è l'unica donna con la quale potrebbe costruire una relazione.

Ma neanche Sienna sa esattamente quello che prova per Paris. Convinta di non essere bella abbastanza per lui, dovrà combattere contro la diffidenza che Paris prova nei suoi confronti e il suo passato ingombrante di migliaia e migliaia di conquiste.

E come sviluppare questo amore in fasce, sapendo che le loro strade dovranno dividersi? Sapendo che Paris potrebbe distruggere la luce di Sienna con la sua oscurità?

Purtroppo, però, Paris non è l'unico ad interessarsi alla dolce Sienna. Angeli, divinità dell'Oltretomba e del Cielo se la contendono: in qualche oscuro modo, Sienna sarà una pedina fondamentale della guerra tra Bene e Male che sta per scatenarsi. Vecchie e arcane profezie stanno per avverarsi...

E intanto la guerra tra Bene e Male si scatena, con un finale piuttosto sorprendente. D'altronde è la stessa Sienna ad ammettere, alla fine, rivolgendosi al suo Paris: «Ho sempre saputo che eri destinato a grandi cose.» E, dopo tutto quello che Paris e Sienna hanno passato, è impossibile non dichiararsi d'accordo.

honeysbookobsession's review against another edition

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pri_bibliophile's review against another edition

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It's Paris man! That's a reason enough to pick this book up! ;)

fictionmom's review against another edition

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I wanted Paris's story to be so much stronger then this. I expected tons of sex, and got that and then some, but where was the romance? Yeah I understand he killed and bribed to be able to even see her but we never got to fully understand the why's and how's of their love like the other lords. And two, I was so confused by the exchanges between sienna and chronus. We were told several different ways his story ends and then it turned out to end none of those ways. It was like showing me a road, telling me this is the only way to get to point b and then when i get there having someone else tell me i could have gotten there much quicker. Why did sienna take so much shit from chronus only to eventually remove his head herself? How many times was she left alone with him, and at one point had a fricken knife to his throat, but didn't kill him till there were hundreds of other people to do it?! Im more then alittle aggravated too that we got no explanation as to why all of a sudden paris can sleep with more then one woman. She laid it out so that it was almost like he could have bullied sex into letting him all along. I'm disappointed.

alexandra_92's review against another edition

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the best of the series!

allingoodtime's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

If you’re like me, you’ve been waiting anxiously for Sienna and Paris to meet again. They both really deserve their own HEA. After so many others found their “mine” before them, it’s finally their turn. Yay!

To be perfectly honest, this was another slow-starter for me. I just wanted Paris to find Sienna already. There was so much lead-up to their reunion in the other books in this series that I just wanted them to get on with it already. Don’t worry, Paris does eventually make it to Sienna and their story is well worth the wait.

Both Sienna and Paris carry guilt for the very brief time they knew each other in her “life”. That guilt prevents them each from realizing the other holds no grudge. They are beating themselves up so thoroughly, they assume the other thinks they deserve any mistrust aimed their way. It’s oddly sweet and touching.

While the Lords always find their way out of any predicament they find themselves in, I was hard pressed to figure out how they’d be able to satisfy Cronus and their own needs in this one. Gena Showalter really had a great one up her sleeve and actually provided a twist I never saw coming. And it somehow makes so much sense.

The connection Paris and Sienna have is swoon-worthy. I love their love. Therefore, I got irrationally irritated with the rest of the Lords when they did their usual “can we trust her” thing they do. I get they are trying to protect him and they’re going off Paris’ previous interactions with Sienna, but haven’t they learned anything through all the relationships that have developed recently? While it’s always an issue for me with this group, it annoyed me even more this time. It is just so amazing to see Paris and Sienna finally together, I didn’t want anyone trying to tear them apart.

There are so many added bonuses in this book. Ashlyn and Maddox grow their family. We get a lot more of Zacharel and he has me even more curious. Plus, Kane had me practically in tears. The discord between Kane and his demon just tore me up.

Be prepared to have some intense reading in the last chapters of this story. My heart was pounding and I could not put it down. Amazing!

This review can also be found at All In Good Time.

labibliophile_'s review against another edition

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now i just can't maybe later ....God it...hate .fckn suspense.......Gena this hate/love relation don't gonna end well...jesus

dedicatedreader's review against another edition

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man Oh man. ...who would have ever thought that would be my best book in this series?....Oh duh! me of course. I loved Paris from the very beginning and his story a complete wowza. all the adventure, the love. the determination man, I love this book.
he was an amazing guy he was...
Oh Cronus you deserved all you got.
Okay so now I Really need a Kane, torin and cameo book for me to get a good night sleep.
zacharel I'm heading to you.
this book was just amazing I say and will continue saying. wow. wow. wow.
I'm hooked. this is my own ambrosia.
five effing stars.
onto the next. ..

abbielairson117's review against another edition

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Pretty good overall. I loved how it kept switching perspectives like Kane and William, it kept it fresh and exciting!