
Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic - Mace Windu by Matt Owens

ashley0929's review

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I enjoyed this comic collection!

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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3 1/2 Stars.

Mace Windu is the latest release for the Star Wars graphic novel series. Unlike a lot of the other series coming out lately, this one is set at the early part of the Clone Wars. Obviously from the title you can tell that the focus is on Mace Windu and the adventures (or misadventures) he had. I personally would have liked to see Mace Windu at a younger age – sometime when he wasn’t quite so sure of himself (like the latest Bond movies, where he was an agent but he hadn’t gotten all the finesse and stealth down just yet).

I was really happy when I saw they were giving Mace Windu his own series. While this ended up being a lot less than I was hoping for, it was still an interesting read. Oddly enough, Mace Windu reminded me a lot of the movie Rosencrantz and Gildenstern Are Dead – mostly thanks to the set of circumstances (a small group getting set off on an odd mission) and the sense of humor and banter encountered (mostly from the droids, though there is some Jedi bantering and humor, which was fun to see).
In this volume, Mace Windu along with three other Jedi he handpicked, head out to a relatively isolated planet for a mission. I was actually really happy to see more of the other Jedi – it feels like so frequently they get overlooked, especially if they’re not on the Jedi Council. I wish there were more series that focused on them (even if I went into it knowing full well they didn’t survive the impending wars).
This story doesn’t really fit in with the context of any of the other Star Wars stories, except for the Clone Wars TV series. The result is that it feels like a one-shot story from the Clone Wars as opposed to a short living in the graphic novels. That was a bit disappointing to realize, especially since I had such high hopes for this series.
The droid humor was fantastic – if you enjoyed the weird banter and comments droids made during the Clone Wars series, then you’ll probably enjoy seeing them here. I actually read everything they said in that stereotypical droid voice the series has. It really helped to enhance the experience for me (perhaps I’m just a little odd in that sense).
All in all this was a decent read. Not great, but not awful either. I do wish it had lived up to my expectations, but considering they were rather high I guess that was unlikely to happen anyway. It’ll be interesting to see if they choose to continue this series, or if they pick up another character to try it with.

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks

padawan_clambake's review

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When I was little, I always had linked Mace Windu, but I think it was merely because I was a fan of Samuel L Jackson. I never really got to delve into his backstory outside of the movies, so this was a first for me (15+ years later). You really got a deep look into how Master Windu came to be who he is throughout this graphic novel. Not only that, but you really got to see how others thought of the Clone Wars, early into its existence, which was my favorite aspect of this story. It really felt relatable to the times now as not everyone agrees on how war/conflict should be handled. I really recommend picking up this and giving it a read. It isn't this must read, extremely amazing story, but it is worth the quick read to get some more insight on Master Windu and the early stages of the Clone Wars.

life_of_karrot's review

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Yes, this feels like a small Clone Wars TV show-esque story but the ideas and themes are clear - Windu and the Jedi are hesitant to join this conflict as it begins to engulf the galaxy. Loved the discussions had, and the art at times was awesome, especially lightsabers in the rain - however, at times faces were drawn really oddly. I loved how there were clear visual and dialogue references to Mace's actions in the prequel movies, but the average plot and forgettable villain gave this book an overall 3/5.

imamandajulius's review

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Like the other limited Star Wars series, this is fine. I liked the pieces of Mace Windu's backstory.

birdmanseven's review

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Mace Windu is a character that looks and feels cool, yet isn't given much to do in the films. I was hoping this graphic novel would rectify that, but I don't feel like I learned anything new about this character. It wasn't a bad story, but it feels like a missed opportunity. I appreciated the flashback sequence, but other than that it felt like you could have swapped in any other Jedi and the story wouldn't have changed.

We discussed this further on the latest installment of Comic Book Coffee Break:

ethancf's review

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Reads like a short arc of the Clone Wars tv show. Not particularly strong but not particularly weak either; the conflict between Mace and another Jedi is interesting, as is the flashback stuff. Probably the worst art in the new SW canon, though.

bookwalk's review against another edition

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Jedi der Republik – Mace Windu spielt ganz zu Beginn der Klonkriege also kurz nach dem Film Star Wars Episode II – Angriff der Klonkrieger und demnach vor dem Film Star Wars Episode III – Die Rache der Sith. Jedi-Meister Mace Windu kämpfte nicht nur während der Schlacht um Geonosis und sorgte an der Seite von Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala und Co. nicht nur dafür, dass die Droidenfabrik auf dem Planeten zerstört werden konnte, sondern wurde er samt seiner Jedi Mitstreiter gleichzeitig auch zum Kriegsgeneral ernannt, die die Armee der Republik anführen sollte.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt setzt das Comic an und erzählt von einem Einsatztrupp, den Mace Windu zusammenstellt, damit den Plänen der Separatisten auf dem Dschungelplaneten Hissrich im Äußeren Rand nachgegangen werden kann. Mace Windu stellt für dieses Abenteuer ein Team aus bekannten und neuen Jedi-Rittern zusammen und stürzt sich dabei in ein gewagtes Abenteuer, welches die Zweifel und die Zwitracht in den Reihen der Jedi offenbart.

Doch was anfangs nach einem vielversprechenden Abenteuer klingt, entpuppt sich leider allzu schnell in ein Comic, welches für Star Wars Fans sehr vertraut klingt. Es gibt einen neuen Planeten, neue Nebencharaktere und einen Konflikt innerhalb des Jedi-Ordens, der die Rolle der Jedi als Kriegsherren vs. die Rolle als Hüter des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit heruasstellt und die darin enthaltenen Konflikte aufzeigt. Das die Separatisten, der Anführer sieht dabei irgendwie aus wie Ultron aus den Marvel Avengers Filmen,auch vorkommen, ist eher eine Nebensache.

So bekommt der Leser leider ein Abenteuer präsentiert, welches man sowohl in den Filmen als auch in den TV Serien und in diversen Comics erlebt hat, noch einmal präsentiert, nur mit neuen Personen und neuen Orten. Sehr schade, da ich echt gespannt war, neues von einem meiner liebsten Jedi-Meister zu erfahren.

Darüber hinaus waren leider nicht einmal die Illustrationen für meinen Geschmack besonders interessant. Keine farblichen Highlights und oft ein grober Zeichenstil sorgten dafür, dass eine ohnehin schon dürfte Geschichte auch optisch nicht gerade eine Bereicherung gewesen ist.

Fazit zu Jedi der Republik – Mace Windu
Ein alles in allem durchwachsener Comic. Tolle Protagonisten und ein Abenteuer in der für mich spannendsten Zeit der Star Wars Saga. Allerdings ist der Zeichenstil nicht nach meinem Geschmack und die Story wirkt irgendwie vertraut und schon mehrere Male erzählt. Ich hatte mir etwas mehr erhofft.