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94 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781570033216
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: University of South Carolina Press
Publication date: 31 March 2000
Hours of the Cardinal by Richard Lyons is a profound and deeply personal collection of poems that will resonate with readers who appreciate introspective and emotionally charged explorations of grief, identity, and the human experience, particularly those who are drawn to themes of mortality, self-discovery, and the intersection of personal and historical trauma.
In Hours of the Cardinal, a mother's death triggers poems that journey through grief into the unnamable origins of consciousness--before thought, talk, even printed words. These elegies weave stories and anecdotes from literature and the visual a...
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94 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781570033216
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: University of South Carolina Press
Publication date: 31 March 2000
Hours of the Cardinal by Richard Lyons is a profound and deeply personal collection of poems that will resonate with readers who appreciate introspective and emotionally charged explorations of grief, identity, and the human experience, particularly those who are drawn to themes of mortality, self-discovery, and the intersection of personal and historical trauma.
In Hours of the Cardinal, a mother's death triggers poems that journey through grief into the unnamable origins of consciousness--before thought, talk, even printed words. These elegies weave stories and anecdotes from literature and the visual a...
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